
发布时间:2016-12-5 编辑:互联网 手机版


1. Hot chocolate costs about $3.50. 热巧克力饮料要花3.50美元。

cost表示"花费"时只能用物或事作主语,而不可用人作主语,常用于sth. costs sb. some money或sth. costs some money结构中。如:

The dictionary costs 30 yuan. 这本词典值三十元钱。

This sweater costs her 20 dollars. 这件毛衣花了她二十美元。

2. Can you tell me the way to the cinema? 请你告诉我去电影院的路,好吗?


(1) Can you tell / show me the way to the church? 你能告诉我去教堂的路吗?

(2) Which is the way to North Street Hospital? 请问去北街医院怎么走?

(3) Where's the ladies' room? 女洗手间在哪?

(4) How can I get to the café? 请问去咖啡厅怎么走?

(5) Is there a video store near here? 附近有影碟店吗?

3. Go down this street. Turn right at the second crossing. 沿着这条街往下走。在第二个十字路口向右拐。


(1) Go / Walk along / down this road and ... 沿着这条路走......

(2) Turn left at the second crossing. 在第二个十字路口处往左拐。

(3) Go across the bridge. 穿过这座桥。

(4) Take the second turning on the left. 在第二个转弯处左拐。