Book Two units23-24 学案 (自编)

发布时间:2016-9-9 编辑:互联网 手机版

Book II Units 23-24

0539- 6192486


一、 用所给单词或词组的适当形式填空。

Congratulate repay strengthen bargain interrupt in other words wind up get together due to help out

1.I soon found that the work I was doing had already been done by someone else. ,

I was wasting my time.

  2.I sent him a telephone, him on his success.

3.I often Bob when he's been in difficulties.

4.If Argentina is known by so many people , it is largely Maradona.

5.You paid¥100 for such a good coat .I dare say ,you've got a good .

6.The bell has rung for the class .It's time for us to our discussion about this math problem.

7.My classmates all agreed that we should make it a rule once a year after graduation.

8.His speech was so welcome that it was constantly by applause.

9.Mr smith helped me a lot in the past when I was in trouble ,so one day I would

his kindness.

10.Maybe some students hate sports because it burns up and results in tiredness.


1.He isn't here right now .Can I (捎信)for you?

2.I (打电话问)you if you'd like to come to a lecture.

3.I'm sorry.I think (拔错了号码).

4.I'll have to (挂断)now.Someone wants to use the phone.

5.Tom graduated from college at a very young age.

He (一定是) an excellent student.

6. would you rather (让谁打扫) the office?

7.I've enjoyed my two years in China.I 've had a wonderful time.

I (祝你成功)in the future.

8.Wish you many happy returns of the day.

Thank you,and (同样祝福您).



1. remind

1)Please remind me posting the letter.(改正病句后进行句型转换)

Please remind me post the letter.

2)He reminded me that I to mother(用not write正确形式填空).

3)The film reminded me those years when I was in the countryside(改错).

4)What he said just now me of that American professor.

A.mentioned B.informed C.reminded D.memorized

5)When I see this picture ,I remind the happy days we spent together(改错).

6)Ican't recall (曾见过他) before.

7)This put me in mind of the days when I was in the country.(句型转换)

This me the days I spent in the country.

归纳:1)当remind 意思是cause think of sth.时,常用句式为 ;当remind意思是 remember时,常用句式为 .

2)以人作主语,表示“想起某事”不能用 而要用 ;

recall反映把忘记的东西经过一番思索回忆起来,指有意识的努力常与can,could 连用;表示“使某人想起某事”除了remind sb.of sth. 外还可用 .

2.1)Best wishes Teacher's Day/ you.

2)All the best your family.

3)Remember me your family.

4)Send best wishes him.(以上请用适当的介词填空)

5We (祝愿)you greater progress.

6) (我希望) you 'll enjoy being with us.


1) 2)

3) 4)


3. Owe

1)We still over 1.000 yuan Lao Wang(我们还欠老王1.000多元钱。).

2)She still the tailor the clothes she had last week(她仍欠裁缝上周做衣服的钱。).

3)She her progress her , and (她的进步是靠她的勇气、记心和毅力取得的。).

4)I have improved in English.I owe my progress to my teacher.(合并成一句)

I owe it to my teacher that in English .

5) (由于)the rain,the match was cancelled.

6)I have paid all that was (未付的钱).

归纳:1)表示“欠钱、欠债”,用于 句式结构。


3)Owe形容词是 意思是 ; Owing to复合介词意思是“ ”与以前学过的短语 同义。


1)①The engineer insisted to have his plan adopted.(误)

②I insisted her to go with you.(误)

③I insisted that she (帮助)me with my English.

④Madame curie insisted that (存在)something in nature that gave out radiation.

归纳:insist作及物动词时后面只能接 引导的宾语从句,不能接 ;接从句时,若指尚未发生的动作,从句谓语常用 ,若表示一个已发生的动作时,从句谓语用 。

2)①The porter insisted helping us with our baggage.(改错)

②He insisted on the bill(他坚持要我付帐。).

He insisted the bill.(同义句)

归纳:insist作不及物动词时,后面需要加介词 ,然后加 或 宾语。

3)Jack always his promise.

A.insists on B. sticks to

归纳: 多用于“坚持”意见、看法、主张,而 多用于“坚持”原则、计划、决定、语言等。

4)①The teacher desired that she(should) not give up her idea.

②It's suggested that the job be done in abother way.

③It's necessary that you should be present at the discussion.

④The boss gave orders that the work be started at once.

归纳:常用“should+动词原形” 的几个句型。

①动词+宾语从句中,这类动词是:一个坚持 ,一个命令 ,两个建议


④Suggesrion , order , request , idea等名词后的 从句和 从句中。

5. tear

1)She was so excited at the news that tears her eyes.

A.came ouf of B.came to

2)They found her (流着泪).

3)She turned her (含泪的)eyes on me and seemed to beg for pity from me.

4)She tore up the letter the moment she had read it.

5)The first pages of this book were torn out by someone.

6)Many trees were torn out by the strong wind.

7)The captain ran to him and tore open the boy's shirt.

8)The workmen tore down the old house and built a new one in its place.

9)The baby likes tearing paper into pieces.

归纳:1)tear作为名词,常用作   形式 ,形容词形式是   ,意思是   2)tear作为动词,过去式是  过去分词是  3)tear常见搭配短语有tear up ,tearout ,tear open , tear down tear…into pieces .


1)The plants died (因缺水).

2)They have money(他们不缺钱).

3)She (经验不足)to get the job.

4)I lack words with which to express my thanks.(英译汉)

5)Nowadays we nothing but knowledge.(现在除了知识,我们什么也不缺。)

6)He lacks courage.(句型转换)

He in courage.

7)Money was still lacking of the project.(改错)

归纳:1)lack用作名词,意思是     ,常与介词   连用。

2)lack既可用作及物动词也可用作不及物动词(常与介词   连用)。

3)常用句式sth .be lacking意思是          ;sb .be lacking in sth .意思是         。


1)The leader expected us inishing the research task as soon as possible.(改错后句型转换)

The leader expected that the research task as soon as possible.

归纳:表示“期待某人做某事”expeet”后接    或    不能接     。

2)①Don't expeet him too much.(误)

②Don't expeet too much from / of him.(正)

归纳:表示“对某人指望……”是 不能用 。

3)①they ane busy with preparations , the foreign guests.

②Holding the little flags ,the children are the foreign guests .

A.waiting for B.expecting

归纳:expcct和wait for都可作 解,但是expect 主指 (a state of mird)有期盼之间,而wait for是指 (a sort of activing),特别指别的事情不干而专门等待。

4)He to get some cards for his birthday , but none arrived.

A.promised B.expected C.think D.supposed

5)You (应该)do your duty.

6)Things didn't go as smoothly as we (预期).

8 . 改错

1)The president announced the workers the sad news .

2)He introduced the new comer everyone here .

3)No one declared us we could not smoke here .

4)The teacher explained his students how to use the computer .

归纳:announce /explain /introduce/decare后面不接 ,若以人作宾语常置于介词 后。



1.He has lost all in the big fire.You'd better him the debt.

A.give up B.throw away C.fcrgive D.put off

2.The young lady the beutiful dress on sunday.

A.wears;has got something on B.wearig;has something on

C.having on ;has got something on D.has on ;has something to

3)He me fifty yuan for it,but at first he said to me the work should be done .

A.demanded;out of the charge B.asked;free of charge

C.took;chargcd for nothing D.charged;free of charge

4.She went into the room quietly so as not to her roommates .

A.disturb B.interrupt C.destroy D.please

5.He the person referred to be put in prison .

A.said B.demanded C.agreed D.thought

6.-I'm taking my driving test tomorrow.

- !

A.Cheers B.Good luck C.Come on D.Congratulations

7.I hope he'll well soon.

A.recover B.recover from C.get D.get from

8.He wants to work in Tibet after graduation.The idea grows the days passing on.

A.with C.while D.during

9.The goverment the citizens that they should pay their income in time.

A.announced;pay B.announced to ; pay

C.are announcing ;tax D.announced to ; tax

10.The old man said the accident careless driving ,so a lot of money be paid by the driver.

A.was due to;was due to B.dued to;was due to due to ;was due to due to;was due.

11.People always Tibet grassland and sheep.

A.join;to B.connect;with C.connect;to D.join;with

12.I'm going to study engineering in Tsinghua university. !

A. All the best in your study. B.Work hard

C.Congratulation. D.Lucky journey.

13.He me to listen attentively in class and take notes of everything my teachers taught.

A.hoped B.insisted C.demanded D.advised

14.All the leading newspapers the trade between China and the united states. A.reported B.printed C.announced D.published

15.A needle was given her but she couldn't the button on.

A.and a thread ;sow B.and the thread;sew

C.and thread;sew D.or a thread;sew


1.The teacher is talking with the student who quarrelled with his classmate yesterday.

The teacher is with the students Who with his classmate yesterday.

2.The speaker's supposed to be excellent.

that the speaker is excellent.

3.Nobody noticed him when he stole into the classroom.

Nobody him when he stole into the classroom.

4.Mr Brown has worked in this factory since 1980.

Mr Brown has this factory since 1980 .

三、单句改错并注意 very一词的用法。

1.I'm very afraid he's out.

2.The situation seems to be very improved.

3.I'm very tired that I can't walk a bit farther.

4.It was very impossible for her to catch the 9 o'clock train.

5.The book is very worth reading.

6.He is very anxious to leave.



British students are more pessimistic(悲观的)about their job prospects(前景)than 1 in the past ten years , according to the 2003 UK Graduate Career Survey .

The annual survey of career prospects , released recently , 2 that the number of students expecting to get a job right after 3 had dropped from 39 to 37 percent-the fifth fall in a 4 .The survey was based on interviews 5 15 , 474 final-year students .

"These students 6 that there are nearly a quarter fewer students 7 to find employment than in 1998",the survey said . It added that only 10 percent of the graduates thought there would be 8 jobs .

In addition , the number choosing postgraduate studies is at its 9 level -24 percent .

"This is the first time that more people expect to undertake further studies than those who want a 10 after graduation,"it said .

The survey 11 provides a list of 10 career options . Teaching is one of the 12 nost popular choices for British graduates , 13 from place last year . Investment banking 14 from fourth to seventh . Media and marketing jobs remained the two favorite career options . Graduate 15 expectations this year were lower too . The 16 annual figure dropped from 18 , 700 pounds to 18 , 500 pounds .

The survey also shows the British students have almost 17 their debt in the past two years . It is an average of 10100 pounds this year 18 5700 pounds in 2001 .

Dsepite their debt , 19 one in five students take off or go travelling after graduation . Eight per cent 20 to take a temporary job of choose voluntary work . any other time any other times any time D.for any time

2.A.announced B.said C.showed D.discovered

3.A.graduation B.examination C.interview D.survey

4.A.line B.row C. year D.field

5.A.of B.for D.with

6.A.remained B.offered C.are D.suggest

7.A.expecting B.expect C.wanting D.apply

8.A.satisfactory B.enough C.good D.bad

9.A.usual B.different C.highest D.lowest

10.A.job D.diploma(文凭)

11.A.still B.even C.usually D.also

12.A.five B. three C.six

13.A.far B.near C.down D.up

14.A.advanced B.rose C.slid D.reduced

15.A.students B.salary C.employment D.number

16.A.expecting B.average C.most D.opssible

17.A.doubled B.reduced C.paid off

18.A.added to B.mixed with C.comparing to D.compared with

19.A.nearly B.only C.also D.sometimes

20.A.are waiting B.are allowed

C.are expecting D.are expected



Violin prodigies (神童) ,I learned ,have come in distinct waves form distinct regions . Most of the great performers in the late 19th and early 20th centuries were born and brought up in Russia and Easten Europe. I asked Isaac Stern , one of the world's greatest violinists ,the reason for this phenomenon(现象), "It is very clear, "he told me."They were all Jews (犹太人) and Jews at the time were severely oppressed and ill-treated in that part of the world .They were not allowed into the professional fields , but they were allowed to achieve excellence on a concert stage. "As a result ,every Jewish parent's dream was to have a child in the music school because it was a passport to the West .

Another element in the emergence of prodigies , I found ,is a society that values excellence in a certain field and is able to nurture(培育)talent.Nowadays,the most nurturing societies seem to be in the Far East . "In Japan , a most competitive society , with stronger discipline than ours." Says Isaac Stem,"children are ready to test their lmits every day in many fields , including music .When Westrn music came to Japan after World War II , that music not only became part of their daily lives , but it became a discipline as well . The Koreans and Chinese as we know ,are just as highly motivated as the Japanese ."

That's a good thing , because even prodigies must work hard . Next to hard work ,biological inheritance plays an important role in the making of a prodigy . J.S.Bach ,for example,was the top of several generations of musicians,and four of his sons had significent careers in music .

1.Jewish parents in Eastern Europe longed for their children to attend music school because would allow them access to a better life in the West

B.Jewish children are born with excellent musical talent

C.they wanted their children to enter into the professional field would enable the family to get better treatment in their own country

2.Nuturing societies as mentioned in the passage refer to societies that

A. enforce strong discipline (纪律)on students who want to achieve excellence

B. treasure talent and provide opportunities for its full development

C. encourage people to compete with each other

D. promise talented children high positions

3.Japan is described in the passage as a country that fasten importance to

A. all-round development

B. the learning of Western music

C. strict training of children

D. variety in academic studies

4. Which of the following contributes to the emergence(出现)of musical

prodigies according to the passage ?

A. A natural gift .

B. Extensive knowledge of music .

C. Very early training

D. A prejudice -free society .

5.Which of the following titles best sums up the main idea of the passage ?

A.Jewish Contribution to Music .

B. Training of Musicians in the World .

C. Music and Society .

D. The Making of Prodigies .


Data from the Pioneer spacecraft of the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA ) clearly prove the theory that the searing (炎热的)900-degree Fahrenheit surface temperature of Venus is due to an atmospheric greenhouse effect caused mainly by a blanket of carbon dioxide .Such a greenhouse effect is created when energy in the form of sunlight easily passes through a planet's atmosphere , warms its surface ,and is converted (改变)to heat radiation that is then held in by the atmosphere . The orbiting spacecraft sampled Venus' atmosphere from top to bottom , enabling NASA's scientists to establish the exact amount of sunlight absorbed at various places in the planet's atmosphere and on its surface . Measurements of atmosphere composition .temperature profiles(变化曲线),and radiative heating predicted Venus' surface temperatures very accurately . The planet is closer to the Sun than is the Earth , and it has a relatively thin atmosphere like Earth's , but Venus' atmosphere consists of more than ninety percent carbon dioxide , compared to less than four percent in that of Earth .Because of its higher percentage of carbon dioxide , Venus' atmosphere traps much more heat radiation than does the Earth's . Thus ,the Venus studies are believed to be important to the understanding of possible adverse(不利的)effects on Earth's agriculture and sea levels that could result from the long-term use of fossil fuels(矿物燃料). which add carbon dioxide to the atmosphere .

6.Which of the following would be the best title for the passage ?

A. A New Theory

B. Measuring Planetary Temperatures

C. The Voyage of Pioneer Spacecraft

D. The Greenhouse Effect on Venus

7.According to the passage,what happens to heat radiation on venus.

A. It is neutralized(中和)at the planet's surface .

B. It is trapped by the atmosphere .

C.It creates energy .

D. It circulates evenly(均匀地).

8.According to the passage , how does the atmosphere of Venus differ from that

of Earth ?

A. It contains much more carbon dioxide .

B. It clearly holds less moisture .

C. It is four percent thinner .

D. It traps less heat radiations .

9.From the passage , it can be inferred that the burning of fossil fuels on Earth may cause .

A. more carbon dioxide to enter sea water

B. more sunlight to reach the Earth's surface .

C. the atmosphere to become thinner .

D. the planet's temperature to change .



一、1、In other words 2.congratularing 3.have ; helped ; out 4. due to 5. bargain 6. wind up 7. to get together 8. interrupted 9. repay

10. strength

二、1. take a message 2. called / telephoned to ask 3. I dialed the wrong number 4. ring off 5. must have been 6. Who ; have / let / make clean

7. wish you success 8.the same to you


1.1)posting改为 to post ; that I must 2) hadn't written 3) me后加 of

4) C 5) remind 改为 remember 6) having met him 7) remind ; of ; that / which归纳: 1) sth. remind sb of sth / sb ; (sb) remind sb to do sth / sb remind sb that-clause 2) remind ; remember ; put sb in mind of sth .

2. 1)fou ; to 2)with 3)to 4)to 5) wish 6)I hope that

归纳: 1)名词短语(+to you)2) All the best 3)  主+wish+sb+名词/形容词 4)I hope+that+从句  5)部分祈使句也可表祝愿。

3.1) owe ; to 2) owes ; for 3) owes ; to ; courage ; determination ; perseverance 4) I have improved / I have made progress 5) owing to 6) owing

归纳: 1)owe sb sth ; owe sth to sb 2) 欠情,感恩,感激,归功于 3)owing ; 欠着的,未付的;由于,因为;be cause of / due to / on accoant of

4.1)③ (should) help ④ there was 归纳:that ; 动词不定式;虚拟语气;陈述语气2)①insisted后面加on②my paying ; that I (should)pay 归纳:on/ upon ; 名词;动名词3)B;insist on ; stick to 4)①insist/order/suggest , advise/ desire , demand ; require ②it is / was+上述动词的过去分词+that 从句中③it is/was +important/necessary strange/a pity+that主语从句中 ④表语从句,同位语从句

5.1) B 2) in tears 3) tearful 归纳:1)复数;tearful, 眼泪汪汪的,含泪的  2) tore ; torn 3)撕碎;撕下,拔起;撕开;拆毁,撕下;撕成碎片。

6. 1)for lack of 2)no lack of 3) lacked the experience

4) 我无法用语言来表达我的感激之情。 5)Lack for

6)is lackig 7)of 改为 for

归纳: 1)缺少、不足; of 2) for 3) (某物)欠缺,不具备条件; 某人缺乏(某物)

7 1)finishing 改为 to finish ; that we should finish 归纳:不定式,that从句;)动名词 2)expeet…from/of sb ; expeet sb… 3)①B②A归纳:等待;心理状态;一种行动。 4)B 5) are expected to 6)had expected

8 . 1)announced 后加to 2)comer 后加 to

3)declared 后加to 4)explained 后加to 归纳:双宾语,to


一、1.C 2.B 3.C 4.A 5.B 6.B 7.C 8.A 9.D 10.A 11.B 12.A 13.D 14.A 15.C

二、1.having a word ; have words 2. people ; suppose 3.took note of 4.been connected with

三、1. very后加much 2.very 后加much 3.very改为so 4.very 改为quite 5.very改为well 6.very改为too


一、1.C 2.C 3.A 4.B 5.D 6.D 7.A 8.B 9.C 10.A 11.D 12.B 13.D 14.C 15.B 16.B 17.A 18.D 19.A 20.D

二、1.A 2.B 3.C 4.A 5.D 6.D 7.B 8.A 9.D