
发布时间:2016-10-1 编辑:互联网 手机版

  1.lose heart:be discouraged丧失勇气(信心),灰心

  lose one's heart to sb./sth. : fall in love with... ;become very fond of...倾心于某人,十分喜爱某人或某物

  lose one's heart"因……而心碎"

  ①Disney did not lose heart.迪斯尼并没有灰心.

  ②Mike has lost his heart to Kate.迈克已经爱上凯特.

  ③The young man almost lost his heart when he heard that his girlfriend died in the accident.当听说他的女友死于那起事故时,那个小伙子的心都碎了.

  2.be anxious about对某事感到不安,为某事担心

  be anxious for渴望得到某物

  ①All of us are anxious about the examination results.我们都为考试结果担心.

  ②Mathilde was anxious for a diamond necklace.玛蒂尔德渴望得到一条钻石项链.

  3.cut down砍倒;(疾病等)夺去生命

  cut up切割开来,切碎;使难过

  cut in插嘴;插入

  ①I am going to cut this tree down.我要把这棵树砍倒.

  ②I am cutting this tree up.我正在砍碎这棵树.

  ③Cut in with a few remarks.插嘴讲几句.

  4.bring in获利;把某物拿进来;吸收bring up呕吐出;培养,培育bring about带来,造成

  bring around(round)使改变思想;使恢复知觉

  ①They also brought in some words from their own languages.他们也从自己的语言中吸收一些词语.

  ②He was brought up in the country.他在乡村中长大.

  ③What brought about your brother's illness?你弟弟怎么得病的?

  ④She opened all the windows in the hope of bringing him around.她把所有窗子都打开,希望他能苏醒过来.

  5.not a little不是一点儿,很

  not a bit一点儿也不

  ①Are you tired?No,not a bit.你累吗?一点儿也不累.

  ②I feel not a little cold.我感到很冷.

  6.pick sb. (sth.) out挑选出某物或某人

  pick up用较少的钱买到,偶然买到

  ①He picked out the ripest peaches.他把熟透的桃子挑出来.

  ②You can often pick up packs of used stamps very cheaply.你可以买到许多便宜的用过的邮票.

  7.out of question毫无疑问

  out of the question一点儿也不,不可能

  ①New York,out of question,is one of the biggest cities in the world.毫无疑问,纽约是世界上最大的城市之一.

  ②The girl had no talent,so it was out of the question for her to be chosen as a film star.这个女孩没有天赋,不可能成为电影明星.

  8.day after day日复一日(表示没有变化)

  day by day一天天地(表示有变化)

  The poor girl has been expecting her lover back from abroad day after day,so she is getting thinner and thinner day by day.这个可怜的女孩日复一日地等待情人从国外回来,因此她一天天地瘦下去.

  9.have a word with sb.对某人说某事

  have words with sb.与某人争吵

  ①Could I have a word with you before the meeting?开会前我可以和你谈一下吗?

  ②He had words with his brother last night.昨晚他和他哥哥吵起来了.



  ①Let's compare this article with that one.让我们把这篇文章和那篇文章作一下比较.

  ②The heart is often compared to a pump.心脏常被比作水泵.

  compare的过去分词短语形式用作状语时,不管同类还是异类,compared with和compared to都可以用.例:

  Compared with/to western countries,China uses materials very carefully.和西方相比,中国使用物资很节省.

  In the 16-19 age group,32% of women smoke,compared to/with 28% of men.在16-19岁年龄组中,与28%的男人相比,有32%的女人抽烟.

  11.at least至少,至少应当(可以)

  in the least一点,丝毫

  ①We are not going to Japan,at least for the present.我们不打算去日本,至少是目前不去.

  ②I don't understand in the least what the author is trying to say.我毫不明白这位作者在说些什么.