人教版 高三复习Book 2 Unit 3-4

发布时间:2016-6-24 编辑:互联网 手机版

高三复习Book 2 Unit 3-4

I. 重点词组

Look around/go against/modern-looking/in a hurry/take a glance at/take examples/act as/ fill up with/join…to…/set aside/such as/be covered with(by)/prefer…to…/remind sb of sth/compare…with…/be similar to/be different from/on the other hand/in the choice of/think of /focus on/succeed in/ turn into/make clear/more than/act as/other than/bring together/call up/stand out/belong to/contribute to/a great number of/lead to/comparison with/the late 1930s/light up/translate into/get through/express oneself/come into being/send for/change to/in the beginning/start with/be well worth+n/by the light/recommend sth to sb

II. 重点难点整合

1. concern

1) to have to do with or relate to涉及;与…有关或相关

an article that concerns homeless people一篇关于无家可归者的文章

2)to be of interest or importance to影响;对…有重要性

This problem concerns all of us.这个问题关系到我们全部人。

Be concerned about 为…担心、挂心

She is concerned about her son’s future.她为儿子的将来担扰。

2. make oneself known to sb=introduce oneself to sb向某人作自我介绍

make oneself understood/heard/seen使自己被理解/听到/看到

eg. ①On the first day to his new school, he made himself known to his new classmates.


② I succeeded in making myself understood by the stranger.


③Speak aloud or you can’t make yourself heard.


典题The speaker raised his voice but still couldn’t make himself___.

A. hear B. to hear C. hearing D. heard

3.point out 后接名词或宾语从句

point at指着(某人或某物)

point to指向(强调方向并不是一定指该物体)

make a point证明论点正确

to the point正中要害,恰到好处

eg. The answer is short and to the point.

典题 There are some mistakes in your pronunciation. Would you mind my____?

A. pointing them out B. pointing out them

C. knocking them D. knocking out them

4.feed sb sth喂食

feed sb with/ on sth用…喂养

feed sth to sb喂…给…吃

(animals)feed on sth以…为食

(people)live on以…为食

eg. She fed her baby with /on milk.=She fed milk to her baby.

Cattle mainly feed on grass.

The people in the south live on rice.

典题There they got married and____ their young.

A. brought B. fed C. raised D. rose

5.feel one’s way摸索着走

fight one’s way奋勇前进

lose one’s way 迷路

make one’s way 去…途中

force one’s way 挤着向前走

wind one’s way 曲折前进

典题The car slowly____ its way up the mountain road.

A. wound B. turned C. bent D. took

6. carry out an experiment进行实验

carry out the test进行考试

carry out a promise实现诺言

carry out a plan完成计划

carry out an order执行命令

carry out an instruction遵照指示

carry out a suggestion执行建议

carry on做;继续干(含有不舍弃或不中断之意)

典题If you____your promise, the results will be sure to satisfy you.

A. carry out B. carry on C. keep up D. make up

7.set up建立,创立,开办(着重于“开始”的意思,多接抽象名词,也可接具体事物。)


found 建立,成立(着重于“打下基础”或“开办”的意思)

put up 建造(与build近义)

eg. The school has set up a special class to help poor readers.


This city was founded five hundred years ago.


典题 The southern states wanted to____ a country of their own,____ they could be free to keep Negroes as slaves.

A. set up, which B. found, that

C. put up, where D. set up, where

8.sb feel like sth/doing sth愿意,想要(做某事)

 sth feels like + n摸起来像…似的

eg.---I feel like going to the movie.

---Let’s take a walk instead.

This cloth feels like wool.

典题I was so angry that I___ throwing something at him.

A. felt B. felt like C. wanted D. would like

9.support oneself/one’s family/one’s suggestion/one’s opinion


A beam supporting a roof支撑屋顶的横梁

A theory that is not supported by the facts缺乏事实的理论

典题He was drunk and had to be____home.

A. brought up B. raised C. supported D. made

10.to one’s surprise=to the surprise of使某人感到惊奇的是

to one’s delight=to the delight of使…高兴的是

to one’s joy=to the joy of使…高兴的是

to one’s sorrow=to the sorrow of使…悲伤的是

典题____of his friends , he has recovered.

A. To their much delight B. To the much delight

C. To much their delight D. Much to their delight

11.be angry with sb/at (about)sth/to do sth/ that


to one’s anger (n.)使某人生气的是

full of anger (n.)充满怨气

eg.He is angry with me about my work.

典题 Some songs were full of anger as their writers were angry to society.(改错题)

12.think(well/highly/much)of sb/sth对某事(人)评介高

think badly(little/ill)of sb/sth评价低(印象不好)

think of A as B 把A当作B

sb be thought to be…某人被认为是…

eg.Our English teacher loves us very much and he _____.

A. thinks well of B. is thought well

C. is well thought of D. is well thinking

13.so far到目前为止,与完成时连用

as/so far as…就…而言

by far …得多

far from远离,绝非

far and wide到处,长足各地

far into the night深夜

eg.The show is far from being a failure; it was a great success.

典题The weather has been cold____this spring.

A. by far B. so far C. the other day D. at one time