
发布时间:2016-11-6 编辑:互联网 手机版

Part 2 Travel

The journey begins when you get on the plane and take off from China. The trip from China to the U.S.A. is only the first step of your Long March. You may travel to many places in the U.S., and even around the world by air, water or land. The dialogues in this part would help you move around.

Topic 14 Buying Air Tickets

Dialogue 1

Amy: Brian, my sister is coming to the U.S. for a trade show.

Brian: Cool! Can she come here?

Amy: No, she will be in San Francisco.

Brian: Are you going to see her?

Amy: Yes. I want to go. How could I get my tickets?

Brian: You can call the airlines, or you can buy it on the net.

Amy: Which way is better?

Brian: Well, calling the airlines will get you personal attention. But

searching the net may get you a better price.

Amy: The web is convenient. I will search on the net first, and then call

the airlines.

Brian: Good idea.

Dialogue 2 (Telephone conversation)

Airline Clerk: Hello, Northwest Airlines, this is Linda, how can I help


Amy: Hi, Linda, this is Amy. I want to book a ticket from New

York to San Francisco.

Airline Clerk: When do you want to go?

Amy: The 15th of next month. I checked on the web, and the

price is $158 for around trip if I leave early in the morning.

Airline Clerk: When do you want to come back?

Amy: The 21st of next month.

Airline Clerk: Yes, you can get that price if you leave at 7:00 a.m., and

come back at 9:00 p.m..

Amy: It would be next morning by the time I get back to New


Airline Clerk: Right, three-hour time difference plus five-hour flight.

You will get back to New York at 5:00 a.m.. That is why the price is low.

Amy: That is fine. My frequent flyer number is 626 866 888.

Airline Clerk: I got it.

Amy: Can I have electronic tickets?

Airline Clerk: Yes. Are you going to pay by credit card?

Amy: Yes. Mastercard.

Airline Clerk: What is your card number?

Amy: 5400 3300 5291 5782.

Airline Clerk: Expiration date?

Amy: 04/04.

Airline Clerk: You are all set. Give me your e-mail address, and I’ll send

you your itinerary.

Amy: amy@yahoo.com

Airline Clerk: Okay. I’ll send it right away. Thanks for choosing

Northwest Airlines.

New Words and Expressions:

trade show: 展览

personal attention: 亲自

convenient: 方便

book a ticket: 定票

frequent flyer: 里程累计会员

electronic ticket: 电子票

expiration date: 有效期


美国的机票价钱相差很大,从纽约到旧金山的票价可以是100美元到1200美元。双程比单程便宜,星期六晚上不回来要便宜些, 提前三周定票也会省好多钱。有很多不同的省钱的办法,在网上找便宜票是其中之一。要是回中国,到中国人开的旅行社买票是最好的选择。

Additional Expressions:

Would you care for a cup of tea?喝杯茶好吗? Like some ice-cream?来点冰淇淋,怎么样? Thanks, that would be terrific.谢谢,那太好了。 May I make an appointment with Dr. Yang this afternoon?我能不能和阳教授今天下午约个时间? I wander if you are free tomorrow afternoon. I’d like to have a talk with you.不知你明天下午有没有空,我想和你聊聊。 I am afraid I can’t keep my appointment with you this Sunday.这个星期天和你的约会我恐怕来不了。 Can we change our appointment to next Monday?我们把约会改到下周一好吗? What time is good for you? 你说什么时间好? How about Sunday morning? 星期天上午怎么样?

Topic 15 Checking in at the Airport

Dialogue 1

Amy: Excuse me. Where can I check in?

Clerk: Where are you going, Miss?

Amy: I’m going to England by Flight B.E. 987.

Clerk: We are checking in here. May I have your ticket? And your

health certificate, and your baggage, please.

Amy: Here you are.

Clerk: This is your baggage check, which you must show when you

disembark at your destination, and here is your boarding pass and your ticket.

Amy: Thanks.

Clerk: Now could you wait until your flight is called? There about

twenty-five minutes to go.

Amy: I’m a little nervous. I have never flown before.

Clerk: There is nothing at all to worry about. Once you’re up in the

air, it’s just like sitting in your own living room. It’s going to be a very pleasant flight.

Amy: All right, good-bye.

Dialogue 2

Clerk: Hello, how can I help you?

Amy: Hi, I’ve got an electronic ticket.

Clerk: May I see your ID?

Amy: Sure.

Clerk: You are heading for San Francisco today?

Amy: Yes.

Clerk: Are you checking any bags in?

Amy: One.

Clerk: Have your bags been with you since you packed them?

Amy: Yes.

Clerk: Did anybody ask you to take anything for them?

Amy: No.

Clerk: You are all set. Here is your boarding pass. Gate A26.

Amy: Could you make sure my frequent flyer number is there?

Clerk: Yes, it is on your boarding pass.

Amy: Thanks.

Clerk: Have a nice trip!

New Words and Expressions:

certificate: 证明

disembark: 登陆

destination: 目的地

boarding pass: 登机牌

nervous: 紧张

ID: identification card 身份证


9.11 事件以后,在机场办理登机手续要花很长的时间。美国国内航班要提前二小时到机场,国际航线要三个小时。和机场人员打交道要耐心,记住安全第一。

Additional Expressions:

What are you interested in?你对什么感兴趣? Are you interested in foreign languages?你对外语感兴趣吗? Gambling is not my cup of tea.我对赌博不感兴趣。 I think football is boring. Football just isn’t my thing.我认为足球没意思,我对足球没兴趣。 I’d rather stay at home than go out.我宁愿呆在家里也不要出去。 I prefer doing something useful outside to staying at home reading. 我宁可到外面做点有益的事,也比呆在家里看小说好。 Excuse me. I was wondering if you’d be willing to switch seats with me?对不起,不知你是否愿意和我换换座位? I’d be happy to. 好啊,(非常愿意)。 I’d really appreciate it. 我非常感激。

Topic 16 Picking Up Baggage

Dialogue 1

Amy: Excuse me. Where do I pick up my bags?

Clerk: Follow the signs to Baggage Claim. There will be monitors to

show your flight number and your bags will come out of there.

Amy: What if I can not find my baggage?

Clerk: There is a Northwest counter at the Baggage Claim area. You

can talk to them.

Amy: What do I need to show them?

Clerk: Give them your baggage ticket and leave your address and phone number with them.

Amy: Thanks.

Clerk; You are welcome.

Dialogue 2

Amy: Excuse me. Is this for flight 898?

Clerk: Yes.

Amy: Have all the bags come out already?

Clerk: Not yet. Wait for a while. If you can’t find your bags, let me know.

Amy: Thanks.

New Words and Expressions:

Baggage Claim: 领行李的地方

monitor: 显示屏

counter: 服务台



Additional Expressions:

Personally, I entirely approve of the plan.就我个人来说,我完全赞成这个计划。 That’s fine with me.正合我意。 Absolutely yes.当然赞成。 Definitely not! I don’t even approve of adults smoking!绝对不赞成!我甚至不赞成大人抽烟。 In all honesty,…说实话,…… I’m really satisfied with your work.我对你的工作很满意。 I have no doubt about it.我完全相信。 I take your word for it.我相信你的话。Tell me another.我才不信呢。 I doubt it.我表示怀疑。 You’re kidding!你开玩笑吧! I’m not so sure I believe that!我可不太相信。

Topic 17 Aboard a Train

Dialogue 1

Brian: I’d like to have a Pullman ticket to New York.

Clerk: Which train do you want to take?

Brian: The 18:05 train.

Clerk: Sorry. There aren’t any tickets available for the 18:05 train.

Brian: When is the next train to New York?

Clerk: The next train will leave at 20:20, and get in New York in the small hours of the morning.

Brian: Is there an express before then?

Clerk: Yes, there is one that leaves at 19:07, but you’ll have to make a connection at Albany.

Brian: Well, I guess I’ll just hang around for a while and see if there’s any minute cancellation for 20:05 Pullman.

Clerk: That’s a good idea. Take a chance.

Dialogue 2

Brian: Excuse me. Is this the right train for New York?

Passenger: No. It is going in the opposite direction.

Brain: Oh, no! I’ve got on the wrong train. I have an important meeting to attend at 9 o’clock. What shall I do?

Passenger: You can get off at the next stop and wait for a train bound for New York.

Brian: I see. How soon will the train come, do you know?

Passenger: Sorry, I don’t know. But I think you can ask the clerk there after you get off.

Brian: That’s the only thing I can do now. Thank you for telling me.

Passenger: You are welcome.

New Words and Expressions:

Pullman: 卧铺车

available: 现成的

hang around: 转一转

minute cancellation: 临时退票

Additional Expressions:

I’m determined to teach him a lesson. 我下决心要教训他一顿。 I have make up my mind to improve my poor English.我下决心要提高我那蹩脚英语了。 I’ll come to a final decision.我将作最终决定。 I’ve made a decision.我已作了决定。 I’ve decided it’s time to do it.我决定就现在做。 I think we are obliged to. 我认为我们不得不这样。 I’m still hesitating about it.我仍在犹豫不决。 I’m not sure. I’ll have to think it over.我还不肯定,我得好好考虑考虑。 Let me think for a minute. Well, I guess so.让我想想,好吧,我想可以。

Topic 18 Seaport

Dialogue 1

Amy: Thank you so much for coming to see me off.

Joe: Don’t mention it. And at what pier is the steamer?

Amy: Pier No.2.

Joe: When will the ship sail?

Amy: The ship sails in ten minutes.

Joe: Then you should get on board immediately. I hope you’ll have a pleasant voyage.

Amy: Thank you. I must go now.

Joe: Remember to write to me. Good-bye.

Amy: Good-bye.

Dialogue 2

Brian: The channel boats are quite fast, aren’t they?

Amy: Yes, very. They make the trip in about an hour.

Brian: I hope we shan’t have a rough passage.

Amy: No, I hope not. I want to have a deck chair and enjoy the crossing.

Brain: That’s a good idea.

Amy: The sea seems quite calm, so there will be no fear of seasickness. Are you much given to mal der mer?

Brian: Yes, unfortunately. I’m very much subject to it.

Amy: I’m not a very good sailor, either. My mother is a dreadfully poor sailor. In fact, she never takes a voyage unless she has to. I am better than that, but even on the Pacific, after ten days of it, I can still find my sea legs. Well, happily we shall have a smooth passage today.

Brain: Yes, this little boat gets up a fine speed and I think we’ll soon get to the land.

Amy: Yeah, I am of the opinion.

New Words and Expressions:

voyage: 航行

get on board: 登(船)。

pier: 码头

steamer: 船

mal der mer: (法语) 晕船

be subject to: 容易(受到)

I am of the same opinion: 我也这


Additional Expressions:

I’m hopping to have a day off.我希望能放一天假。 I hope you’re not upset with me.我希望不感到我烦。 I really don’t care.我真的不在乎 I don’t care one way or the other.我都无所谓。 I’m pleased to hear that.听到这个消息我非常高兴。 I can’t say how pleased I was when I was accepted by Stamford University.我无法表达我被斯坦福大学录取的喜悦心情。 Wow! That’s fantastic! 哇!太棒了。 I’m very excited by the news that Stone broke the world record.听到石头打破了世界记录,我真的太激动了。 How exciting!太令人兴奋了!

Topic 19 Taxi and Car Renting

Dialogue 1

Amy: Hi! Taxi!

Driver: Where to, miss?

Amy: Can you take me downtown?

Driver: Sure. Please hop in.

Amy: OK.

Driver: Now off we go!

Amy: Excuse me, is it a long ride to go downtown?

Driver: It’ll will be half an hour because the streets are heavy with traffic now.

Amy: Is it rush hour now?

Driver: Yes, it is. Are you in a hurry?

Amy: No, I’m not. So please drive slowly.

Driver: All right.

Amy: At least, how much should I pay you?

Driver: Well, the fare is shown on the meter, miss.

Amy: I see, 28 dollars. Here is 30 dollars. Keep the change please.

Driver: Thank you very much. Good-bye!

Amy: Good-bye!

Dialogue 2

Clerk: Hello, how are you doing today?

Amy: Pretty good. I’m picking up my car.

Clerk: May I have your driver’s license and a major card?

Amy: Sure.

Clerk: We have a compact car for you. Do you want to upgrade to a full size for only $5 per day?

Amy: Okay. What cars do you have?

Clerk: You can pick from a Ford Taurus, a Toyota Camry and a Nissan Altima.

Amy: I would like the Toyota Camry.

Clerk: Would you like to have comprehensive and collision insurance?

Amy: No, thank you.

Clerk: Then sign here to show you refused the insurance, please.

Amy: Okay.

Clerk: Would you like to buy a full tank of gas for $25? It works out to $1.25per gallon.

Amy: No. I’m not sure how much I will drive.

Clerk: Then you need to fill the gas when you return the car. Or the charge would be $2.00 per gallon.

Amy: Okay.

Clerk: The total is $230 for 6 days. Please sign here. If you need an extension, give us a call.

Amy: Okay.

Clerk: Your car is a blue one, number 26 in the parking lot. Here is the key. Have fun!

Amy: Thanks.

New Words and Expressions:

Hop in: 上车

Now off we go! 坐好,走了。

meter: 计程器

change: 零钱

pick up a car: 定车

compact car: 小型车

upgrade: 提高等级

license: 驾照。

major credit card: (主)信用卡

comprehensive and collision

insurance: 综合和撞车保险

charge: 收费

sign: 签字

extension: 延长



Additional Expressions:

I’m dying to have my own car.我真渴望有一辆属于自己的车。 I’m really longing for a pay raise.我真盼望加工资呀! It’s a shame we can’t get together.太可惜了,我们不能聚在一起。 I’m very disappointed in her for failing the exam.她考试不及格让我感到非常失望。 How disappointing!多么令人失望呀!

Topic 20 Hotel and Motel

Dialogue 1

Amy: Hey, Brian. Where are we going to stay tonight?

Brain: We can stay in a motel or a hotel.

Amy: What’s the difference?

Brain: A motel is cheaper and offers free parking.

Amy: So a hotel charges for parking?

Brain: Most of them do. Hotels are better and more expensive.

Amy: Let’s stay in a motel. I’m cheap.

Dialogue 2

Amy: Look! There is a motel 5 mile a head.

Brian: Oh, the Super 8.

Amy: Why is it called Super 8?

Brian: It was 8 bucks per day when first started.

Amy: I hope it’s still $8 now.

Brian: In your dreams.

New Words and Expressions:

motel: 汽车旅馆

free parking: 免费停车

cheap: 想省钱,吝啬。

In your dreams: 净做白日梦。



Additional Expressions:

I’m so curious about it.我很想看看是什么样子的。 Are you serious? That sounds crazy.当真?简直不可思议。 I have to say your statement surprises me.我不得不说,你的话使我感到很惊讶。 How amazing!太令人吃惊了。 I can’t believe that. 简直让人难以置信。 I have complete confidence in our success.我对胜利充满信心。 There is nothing to worry about.没什么可担心的。 I’m not too sure. I’m not too hopeful.我没把握,没什么希望了。

Topic 21 Checking In Hotel or Motel

Dialogue 1

Clerk: Good afternoon, sir! What can I do for you?

Brian: We are Amy and Brian. We sent you a cable, asking you to reserve two single rooms.

Clerk: Right. That’s your telegram. We have reserved rooms number 415 and 416, two single room. Now please fill in these registration forms.

Brain: All right. By the way, what’s the check-out time?

Clerk: The check-out time is twelve noon. But there is no extra charge if you vacate your room before 1:00 p.m.

Brian: I’ll remember that. Please have my baggage brought up.

Clerk: Yes, of course.

Dialogue 2

Clerk: Can I help you?

Amy: I need a room.

Clerk: Have you made a reservation?

Amy: No. Do you have a room available?

Clerk: Yes.

Amy: How much is it?

Clerk: For how many people?

Amy: One.

Clerk: Smoking or non?

Amy: Non.

Clerk: For how many nights?

Amy: One.

Clerk: $45.

Amy: OK.

Clerk: How would you like to settle your bill?

Amy: By credit card.

Clerk: May I see your credit card?

Amy: Sure.

Clerk: Could you please initial here at the rate?

Amy: Sure.

Clerk: Here is the key to your room, 216. You can take the stairs on the right, and your room is the 2nd floor. Checkout time is 12:00 noon.

Amy: Thanks.

Clerk: We have free breakfast in the lobby from 6 to 10 in the morning.

Amy: Thank you. Could you wake me up at 7:00 in the morning?

Clerk: Sure. Have a good night.

Amy: Thanks.

New Words and Expressions:

reservation: 预定

settle bill: 付账

check in: 入住

checkout: 退房,结账。



Additional Expressions:

I have a feeling that we are doomed to lose the game.我有一种感觉,我们注定会输掉这场赛。 I’m scared of snakes. 我怕蛇。 I’m worried about getting lost.我真担心会迷路。 I’m very concerned that I’m going to fail my English exam. 我很担心我的英语考试会不及格。 Thank goodness you found it.谢天谢地,找到了。 Oh, that’s a relief.哦,那就好办了。 In fact, he is very easygoing.实际上,她很好相处。

Topic 22 Checking Out of Hotel or Motel

Dialogue 1 (Amy wants to leave the hotel at noon. She makes a telephone call to the reception desk)

Clerk: Hello, reception desk.

Amy: Hello. This is room 216. I’m checking out at noon. May I have my bill up to my room now?

Clerk: Yes, right away.

Amy: One more thing. Could you have a taxi ready for me by then?

Clerk: No problem. Would you have someone to take down your baggage?

Amy: Don’t bother. Thanks.

Dialogue 2

Clerk: Checking out?

Amy: Yes. Here is the key.

Clerk: Room number?

Amy: 216.

Clerk: $45 for the room, $2.5 for telephone calls, and $5 for the movie. The total is $56.79 including tax.

Amy: OK.

Clerk: Do you want to leave it on your credit card?

Amy: Yes.

Clerk: Can I see your credit card again?

Amy: Sure.

Clerk: Could you sign here?

Amy: Sure.

Clerk: Here’s your receipt. You are all set. Thanks for staying with us.

Amy: Thank you for everything.

New Words and Expressions:

reception desk: 前(服务)台

bill: 账单

receipt: 收据, 发票。



Additional Expressions:

I regret that I have to break up with my friend. 我很遗憾我不得不和朋友分道扬镖。 Very sorry to hear that.听到这个消息我很难过。 Oh, how terrible for Tom. I’m so sorry. 噢,汤姆太苦了,我真难过。 That’s really tough.真是不幸。 I am really tired of her gossip. 她的多最多舌真让我受不了。 I am fed up with typing eight hours a day.每天打字八小时,我烦透了。 His behavior made me sick.他的行为令我作呕。 I can’t stand it when people throw litter all over the park.我无法容忍人们在公园里乱扔垃圾。 Throwing litter all over the park is very annoying.在公园里乱扔垃圾真讨厌。

Topic 23 Asking for Directions

Dialogue 1

Amy: Excuse me, sir.

Policeman: What can I do for you?

Amy: Can you tell me which subway goes to the Metropolitan Art Museum?

Policeman: Yes, cross the street here, then go straight for one block. Turn right and walk for one more block, then make a left. You’ll find a subway entrance right on the corner.

Amy: It sounds complicated.

Policeman: Isn’t clear?

Amy: Yes, I follow you.

Policeman: You can’t miss it.

Dialogue 2

Amy: Excuse me? I forgot to ask you how to get to the Holiday Inn.

Clerk: Oh, sure. Here is a map. Are you going to the downtown Holiday Inn?

Amy: Yes.

Clerk: Get out of the parking lot. Turn left to get on Airport Drive. Go straight to for half mile. Turn right to get on Route 2 north. Go about 15 miles on Route 2. Get off at Exit 12. Turn right to get on to Broadway. Go on for another mile and the Holiday Inn is on the right hand side.

Amy: Are there any major landmarks before the Holiday Inn?

Clerk: There is a Mobile gas station right before Holiday Inn. If you see that gas station, you are close to the hotel.

Amy: Thanks.

Clerk: Here is the number of the hotel. If you get lost, give them a call.

Amy: Thank you very much!

Clerk: Have a nice day!

Amy: You too!

New Words and Expressions:

subway: 地铁

entrance: 入口

complicated: 复杂

downtown: 市中心

go straight: 直走

right hand side: 右手边



Additional Expressions:

I suppose there’s nothing we can do about it.我们又有什么办法呢? Well, that’s life. 唉,这就是生活。 What a day! I’m about to drop. 真累!我快要倒了。 I’m just so tired at the end of the day. 一天下来我累得不行了。 You ‘d better get out of the way! The train is coming.你最好躲开!火车来了! You’d better not walk over there!你最好不要在那里走! You might slip!会滑倒的! Behave yourself. Don’t be so childish. 规矩点!别这么小孩子气。 You ought to be ashamed of what you’ve done. 你该为自己的行为感到羞耻。 It’s so impolite. You’re an idiot! 太没礼貌了,你简直是个白痴!

Topic 24 Sightseeing

Dialogue 1

Brian: You’re already back from New York City. How was it?

Amy: It was just great.

Brian: Wasn’t t too crowded, busy and never-racking?

Amy: Well, there were many people in the streets, even at night and in the midtown everyone seemed to be rushing somewhere.

Brain: What did you see?

Amy: We visited the Stature of Liberty, the South Seaport Museum, the Metropolitan Museum of Art and the Cloisters…

Brian: Did you go up the Empire State Building?

Amy: No, but we planed to, but we couldn’t get around to doing that.

Brian: What did you like best?

Amy: Everything was wonderful but the best was Washington Square.

Brain: Well, you really had a wonderful trip.

Dialogue 2

Lily: Amy, I have always wanted to go to DC. What does it look like?

Amy: It reminds me of Beijing. The streets are wide, the buildings are huge and there are tourists everywhere.

Lily: Where did you go in DC?

Amy: We went to the top of the Washington Monument. We waited in the line to get up there.

Lily: Was it good?

Amy: Yes. You can see the White House, the Capitol Hill, the Lincoln Memorial and the Jefferson Memorial on the four sides of the Monument. What great views!

Lily: Did you go to the White House?

Amy: Yes, we did. You need to get up early in the morning to wait in line to get the tickets. They give just a limited number of tickets each day.

Lily: How about the Capitol Hill?

Amy: It is such a glorious building on the hill up there. There are a lot of paintings inside of historical events and the leaders of the past.

Lily: Did you go anywhere else?

Amy: I also went to New York.

Lily: What is there that is of interest?

Amy: We went up to the top of Empire State Building. It was scary. The cars down the streets look like little bugs from up there.

Lily: Did you see the Statue of Liberty?

Amy: Sure. We took a boat to the island and took a picture with the Statue.

Lily: Did you climb up the Statue?

Amy: No, I didn’t want to do that. Some friends did. They were crazy.

Lily: Which is your favorite tourist spot in the U.S.?

Amy: I like Hawaii the most. Such good weather year around, such blue sea water with sand beaches and such beautiful palm trees and all the dancing girls around you.

Lily: Sounds like heaven. Which is your 2nd favorite?

Amy: Niagara Falls, the largest falls in the world. You can hear the roaring water even before you reach them. Such a breath-taking view of the falls.

Lily: I heard the view is even better at night.

Amy: Yes, they cast colorful beams on the Falls which are beautiful.

New Words and Expressions:

crowded: 拥挤

DC: District of Columbia的缩



remind: 使人想起

palm tree: 棕榈树

falls: 瀑布

breath-taking view: 叹为观止的


crazy: 疯了



Additional Expressions:

Get lost, or I’ll call the police to arrest you. 滚开!否则我就叫警察抓你。 Don’t you dare!你敢! Please stop talking, or I’ll kick you out.不要讲话了!否则我把你们踢出去。 Don’t worry. Everything will turn out all right.不要担心,一切都会好的。 Come on! It’s not the end of the world. It could happen to anyone.好啦!又不是世界末日,这种事人人都可能会遇到的。 I promise it’ll be ready by five.我保证五点前就会弄好。 I’m counting on you to take care of my car.我还指望(依靠)你照顾我的车呢。 I won’t let you down.我不会让你失望的。

Topic 25 Museums


Lily: Amy, I like museum a lot. Have you been to any?

Amy: Yes. I’ve been to Art Museum and the Aerospace Museum in DC, the Art Museum and the Children’s Museum in Ottawa and the Historical Museum in Worcester.

Lily: Wow, quite a few. I noticed you have been to most of the museums in the capital of the U.S. and Canada. Why is that?

Amy: Simple. The museums in the capitals are free.

Lily: Really? I can’t wait to go. What is good in these museums?

Amy: I was impressed by the Children’s Museum in Ottawa. They let kids play and learn at the same time. It is like studying and having fun at the same time.

Lily: What a great idea. How about in DC?

Amy: I like the Aerospace Museum the best. They have various air planes starting with Wright Brothers’. They also have a movie theater which makes you feel like you are up in the sky.

Lily: Isn’t that scary?

Amy: It’s both scary and exciting

Lily: I’d like to try that!

New Words and Expressions:

Art Museum: 艺术博物馆

Aerospace Museum: 航天博物馆

Historical Museum: 历史博物馆


movie theater: 电影院

scary: 吓人



Additional Expressions:

I give you my word that he will do a good job. 我保证他的工作一定会干得很出色。 You can be sure this is the best apartment for the price in the whole city.我保证这是全城价格最低的公寓。 I guarantee that our product is better than the competition’s. 我担保我们的产品比同类产品要好。 I assure you I won’t raise your rent.我保证不会提高你的房租。 You’d better hurry up!你最好给我快点! Run along now! The train is leaving.快走吧!火车要开了。

Topic 26 Camping

Dialogue 1

Lily: Hi, Amy, would you like to get away from the city and come to the Rocky with me and my family next week?

Amy: Yes, do I need anything?

Lily: Well, the first thing is a sleeping bag.

Amy: I don’t get it. What do I need a sleeping bag for?

Lily: For sleeping in, of course. You can share our tent.

Amy: Do you mean this is a camping trip?

Lily: That’s right, so insect repellent is a good idea.

Amy: Why do I need that?

Lily: Oh! You should use insect repellent there, or you’ll get eaten alive.

Amy: What else will I need?

Lily: You might need an extra set of warm clothes.

Amy: Why do I need those? It’s the middle of summer!

Lily: Just case it rains or suddenly turns cold.

Amy: Good thinking.

Dialogue 2

Amy: Lily, do you want to go camping tonight?

Lily: Sounds like fun.

Amy: It is fun. I’ve bought a tent from Wal-Mart. It’s big enough for both of us.

Lily: Does the tent have a base?

Amy: Yeah, not only a base, but also windows.

Lily: That’s lovely. Do we just sleep on the grass?

Amy: No! You silly girl! We have plastic air mattresses to sleep on. We’ll also bring blankets or sleeping bags.

Lily: Then we need an air pump to blow up the mattresses.

Amy: Yes, I’ve got the pump too.

Lily: You are all set to go. Sound like you have done this before.

Amy: Yes. I went camping when I went to Washington DC in summer. It’s much cheaper than a hotel.

Lily: How much is a camping site?

Amy: There is one not far from here, $12 per night.

Lily: Do they have electricity?

Amy: They do. They also have showers, restrooms, barbecue racks and picnic tables.

Lily: What else can we do?

Amy: We can go mountain hiking, fishing, swimming, biking and boating.

Lily: What are we waiting for? Let’s go!

New Words and Expressions:

sleeping bag: 睡袋

tent: 帐篷

insect: 昆虫

repellent: 杀虫剂

extra: 额外的

plastic air mattresses: 塑料充气床垫

pump: 气泵

electricity: 电

barbecue rack: 烧烤架

mountain hiking: 爬山。



Additional Expressions:

Oh, come on. I’m sure you wouldn’t like living like that all your life. So go for it. 好了,好了。你肯定不愿 象那样过一辈子。那就好好争取吧。 Can I remind you to call me at 7 o’clock tomorrow morning?我提醒你一下,明早七点叫醒我。 You didn’t by any chance remember to turn on the dryer, did you?你没记住开干衣机,是吧? They must have missed the train. 他们准是误了火车。 Something bad must have happened.肯定发生了什么不好的事。 Don’t jump to conclusions.不要草率下结论。