(人教版+朗文)初二Unit10 The Swedish rock band

发布时间:2017-10-26 编辑:互联网 手机版


1. There be 句型的过去时

2. Useful Expressions:

Is this your first visit to ….?

How many …..were there…?

They got married in …..


1. Is this your first visit to China?


During my first visit to Beijing, I went to see a few friends of mine.

I will never forget my first visit to Beijing.

go on a visit访问

pay a visit to 拜访某人

They will go on a visit to the seaside.

I paid a visit to my former teacher last week.

Visit 动词

They are going to visit the Great Wall next week.

I’m going to visit John in hospital.

2. There were four last year, but now there are only three. One of them left the band last month.

He left him hometown at the age of 19.

The teacher left the classroom.

I left my book at home.

He left his glasses in the cinema.

The baby is too young I can’t leave her herself.

Don’t leave anything behind.

3. Well, there was a famous band called The Beatles.

Be famous for= Be well known

The film star is famous for his fine acting.

Hangzhou is famous for the West Lake.

Be famous as

He is famous as a teacher.

Be famous to

He is famous to us all as a good singer.

4. More than five thousand people were there.

More than = over

He was ill for more than two weeks.

He is more than twenty .

More than反义词 less than

There are less than ten students in the classroom.

More than one student is in the classroom.

5. He fell down and broke his leg.

Fall “落下,跌倒”

The water in the river is falling.

He fell down on the ice.

Break “打碎,打断”

Glass breaks easily.

Tom broke his leg yesterday.

Day broke.

6. They didn’t want to stop the concert, so they went to.

go on=continue

go on to do继续做另一件事

go on doing 继续做同一件事

go on with sth=go on doing

She finished her homework, then she went on to do the housework.

When someone asked him to have a rest, he just went on working.

She went on with his story after she left.

7. What happened in the middle of the concert?

An accident happened to him last week .

What happened to him last week?

Go and see what is happening .

I happened to meet him on the road yesterday.

8. He met my mother in Liverpool, and they got married in 1967.

They got married last month.

They are going to get married next month.

She married a foreigners/ a Frenchman/ a farmer/ sailor two years ago.

Jack married Joe last year.

=Jack got married to Joe last year.

=Jack and Joe got married last year.

9. But I took him by the hand.

Take sb by the hand 拉着某人的手

The grandpa took his grandson by the hand and went to the park.

The stone hit him on the head.

10. There was someone in my heart.

When a man’s heart stops beating , he dies.

I thank you from the bottom of my heart.

The students didn’t lose heart for a second.

He is a kind-hearted man.


1.______ does your sister live in?

A. Where B. When C. How D. Which city


解析:Where does your sister live? 当live 后加介词in 时,要用Which

2. I can’t speak ______Japanese, but I can sing______ Japanese.

A. in , in B. /, of C. / , in D. in, /


解析:speak 后面用语言时, 是及物动词;用sing 时就要加介词in

3. The teacher stopped speaking and looked at Xiao Ming. Then he went on_____.

A. speaking B. to speak C. spoke D. with speaking


解析:go on doing 继续做刚才做的事;go on to do继续做另外一件事

4. My father ______ like football____ music.

A. wasn’t , and B. didn’t , or C. wasn’t , or D. didn’t , and


解析:动词like 的否定或疑问句要用助动词did,didn’t;否定句中的并列名词用or

5. Because Tom was ill yesterday,_____ he didn’t go to school.

A. so B. but C. and D. /


解析:Because 与so 不可以同时出现在一句中。也可用Tom was ill yesterday, so he didn’t go to school.

6. She was happy to _______ Tom.

A. marry B. be married C. marry with D. be married with


解析:与某人结婚用marry sb; marry及物动词;

7. You’d better ______ to New York.

A. not traveling B. don’t travel C. not to travel D. not travel


解析:had better do sth省to不定式 had better not do

8. -Must I go there now?

-No, you______.

A. mustn’t B. needn’t C. may D don’t


解析:用Must I ….. ? 提问时,肯定用yes, you must. 否定用No, you needn’t

9. -What_____ yesterday?

-I _____ meet him in the street.

A. happened , happened B. happened to , happened

C. happened , happened to D. happened to , happened to


解析:happen to do 恰巧做某事


一. Fill in the blanks with the proper words.(10)

1. The man tried________(sleep), but he couldn’t .

2. Do you know a band _________(name)“Wild gardon”?

3. The little boy _______(trip)over his shoes last night.

4. After it stopped ______(rain), we went out for a walk.

5. Is your sister ________(marry)?

6. Jim is _______(care)than Lucy.

7. There ________(be)some bread in the bag yesterday.

8. Who’s _______(fat)in your group?

9. There are many _________(science)in our country.

10. I’d like you _________(answer)my questions.

二. Sentence exchange(25)

1. He had some bread for breakfast.

________ ________ he ______ for breakfast?

2. She is on a visit to Sweden.(同义句)

She ______ _______ Sweden.

3. There were about one thousand people at the concert.

_______ ______ people ______ ______ at the concert?

4. The Motts lived there for ten years.

_____ _____ _____ the Motts _____ there?

5. Max fell down and hurt his leg.

______ ______ ______ Max?

6. I learnt Japanese by myself.

_____ _____ you _____ Japanese?

7. My father was born in Stockholm in 1948.

______ ______ ______ was your father born?

8. He didn’t fly to Tibet because he thought train trips was interesting.

______ _____ he _____ on Tibet?

三. Finish off the sentences.(10)

1. 你父母是哪一年结婚的?

Year your parents ?

2. 你年轻是最喜欢哪个学科?

Which _____ your ______ ______ when you ______ _______ ?

3. 我握住她的手, 我们一起唱歌。

I _____ her _____ the hand and we_____ ______.

4. 去年我遇到了一个来自另一块土地的小朋友。

I ______ a little friend _____ ______ land.

5. 在音乐会结束时,埃里克做了什么?

What did Erik do_____ _____ ______ of the concert?


一. Fill in the blanks with the proper words.

1. to sleep 2. named 3. tripped 4. raining

5. married 6. more careful 7. was 8. the fattest

9. scientists 10. to answer

二. Sentence exchange

1. What did ; have 2. is visiting 3. How many ; were there

4. How long did ; live 5. What happened to 6. How did ; learn

7. When and where 8. Why didn’t ; go

三. Finish off the sentences.

1. In which ; did ; get married 2. was ; favorite subject ; were young

3. took ; by ; sang together 4. met ; from another

5. at the end of