(教育科学版)初二Unit 3 Color Talks 第三单元 颜色的谈话

发布时间:2016-2-14 编辑:互联网 手机版

Lesson 1 Let’s get started 第一课 让我们开始吧

一、大声读单词:(词汇表P18 ~ P19)

1. excuse 2. Excuse me!

3. terribly 4. lose

5. Lost and Found 6. of course


(一)重点词汇(Key Word) :

1. Excuse me. 对不起,打扰一下。

Example:Excuse me, but may I use your telephone?

Excuse me, may I see your ticket?

2. leave v. 离开


Example: Peter left Harbin yesterday.

3. twice adv. 两次

Example: I read the novel twice. 这本小说我读了两遍。

知识拓展:one time 一次 → once 一次

two times 二次 → twice 二次

三次以上只能用:three times , four times , five times

(二)重点句型及译文 (Key Sentence) :

1. I can’t be wrong. 我不会错的。

2. It can’t be wrong. / true. 不会错的/不会是真的

3. I’m terribly sorry. = I am so sorry. 很对不起,太对不起了

4. the name on the book 在书上的名字

(三)语法小提示 (Grammar Tips) :

1. Can’t you see my name on it? 你没看见我的名字在上面吗?

① 带有否定词not的一般疑问句,叫做否定疑问句。

② 这种疑问句常用以表示惊异、赞叹、反问、责备、建议和有礼貌的邀请等。

③ 否定疑问句的答语在形式上与一般疑问句的答语一样,肯定回答Yes,否定回答No。

④ 但翻译成汉语时,Yes要译成“不”,No要译成“对;是的”。例如:

Example:Isn’t he a teacher?难道他不是教师吗?

Yes,he is.不,他是。(肯定)

No,he isn’t.对,他不是。(否定)

Lesson 2 第二课


(一)大声读单词:Let’s read the words. (词汇表P20 ~ P21)

1. argue 2. hope 3. violet 4. clearly 5. power

6. royalty 7. indigo 8. silence 9. calm 10. sky

11. green 12. life 13. moon 14. joy 15. orange

16. health 17. passion 18. happiness 19. Earth 20. empty

21. without 22. suddenly 23. lightning 24. flash 25. pour down

26. bow 27. rainbow 28.sign 29. loud 30. least

(二)咱们一起背单词:Let’s recite the words



(一)重点词汇(Key Word) :

1. 本课形容词比较级、最高级整理。

(1)many/ much → more → most

(2)little → less → least

(3)important → more important → most important

(4)good → better → best

(5)healthy → healthier → healthiest

2. argue v. 争论;争吵


过去式,过去分词 argued

现在分词 arguing

(2)argue about sth. 争论某事


They argued about what was the most popular song.


(3)argue with sb. about sth. 和某人争论某事


He argued with Mary about the best place for a holiday.


3. hope n./ v.希望

(1)Example:Green is the color of hope. 绿色是希望的颜色。

(2)Example:I hope you'll be better soon.我希望你能很快好起来。

4. the sky , the earth , the sea , the sun , the moon


5. health n.健康

(1)Example:Orange is the color of health. 橙色是健康的颜色。

(2)词形变化:healthy adj. 健康的

Example:You look very healthy. 你看上去很健康。

6. happy adj. 快乐的

Example:She is a happy girl. 她是个快乐的小姑娘。


happily adv.幸福地

They live happily together. 他们快乐地生活在一起。

unhappy adj. 不快的

She was very unhappy about that thing. 她对那件事情感到非常不快乐。

happiness n. 快乐

Red is the color of passion and happiness. 红色是热情和快乐的颜色。

(二)重点句型及译文 (Key Sentence) :

1. One day, the colors started to argue about who was the most important and why.




start to do sth./ start doing sth.

begin to do sth. / begin doing sth.


He starts / begins his work at eight thirty.他八点半开始工作。

They started / began to learn English two years ago.两年前他们开始学英语。



begin 指从某事的最初迈出第一步,强调一个过程的开始。


The boy started to cry. 这个男孩开始哭泣。

School begins in September.学校在九月开学。

2. I bring calm. 我带来了宁静。

(1)bring / take




Bring me the book, please. 请把书拿来。


Example:Take the dictionary away from me . 把字典拿走。


3. I was chosen as the color for grass, trees, and leaves.


(1)choose, chose, chosen

(2)be chosen 被选做……

4. Enough! I am the color of passion and happiness.

够了! 我是热情和快乐的颜色。

(1)enough adj. 足够的

Example:We don’t have enough food. 我们没有足够的食物。

interj. 够了! 用以表达不耐烦或恼怒:

Example:You practiced the violin all afternoon. Enough!


5. Join hands and come to me. 携起手一起来。

come to me: come here and I tell you something.


6. The rainbow is a sign of hope for tomorrow. 彩虹是明天的希望。

(三)阅读整理 (Summary of reading ) :

Meaning Things of this color

Violet is the color of power and royalty.

Indigo is the color of silence. It brings calm.

Blue is the color of peace. It was chosen as the color for the sky and water.

Green is the color of life and hope. It was chosen as the color for the grass, trees and leaves

Yellow is the color of joy and energy. It was chosen as the color for the sun, the moon and the stars.

Orange is the color of health. It was chosen as the color for the carrots and oranges.

Red is the color of passion and happiness.

Rainbow is a sign of hope for tomorrow.

Lesson 3 Language Focus 语言聚焦

一、大声读单词:(词汇表P22 ~ P23)

1. van 2. violin 3. check 4. weather 5. tomorrow


(一)重点短语(Key Phrase) :

1. be at home, stay at home 在家

Example:I am at home. I stay at home.

2. play tennis 打网球

Example:She is going to play tennis this afternoon. 她今天下午准备去打网球。

3. after class 下课以后

拓展:after school 放学以后

(二)重点句型及译文 (Key Sentence) :

1. What’s the weather going to be like tomorrow? 明天的天气怎么样?

拓展:What’s the weather like today? 今天的天气怎么样?

It’s sunny today. 今天是晴天。

It’s rainy today. 今天是雨天。

It’s cloudy today. 今天多云。

(二)语法小提示 (Grammar Tips) :

1. “be going to”表示将要发生的事或打算、计划、安排要做的事。它是一般将来时的一种表达形式,其后常有表示将来的时间状语。如:tomorrow, this afternoon , next week等。

Example:We are going to play soccer tomorrow. 明天我们将去踢足球。

2. 构成:be going to +动词原形。

在be going to 结构中,be随主语人称和数的变化而变化。


She is going to swim tomorrow.

We are going to swim tomorrow.

3. 句式变化:




He is going to do his homework this afternoon.

He isn’t going to do his homework this afternoon.

Is he going to do his homework this afternoon?

Lesson 4 Let’s Practice 大家一起练


1. moment 2. Never mind. 3. watch


(一)重点短语(Key Phrase) :

1. leave for a moment 离开一下

Example:Excuse me, I have to leave for a moment. 对不起,我必须离开一下。

2. lost sth. 丢掉某物

Example: I lost some money. 我丢了一些钱。


1. That’s all right. 没关系。

2. You’re forgiven. 我原谅你。

3. That’s Ok. 没事儿。

4. No harm done. 没什么。

5. No problem. We all make mistakes. 没问题。人人都有犯错的时候。

6. Forget it. 忘掉它吧。

7. It really doesn’t matter at all. 真的没关系。

8. Don’t worry about it.别放在心上。

9. Think no more of it. 别再想它了。

10.Never mind. 别介意。

Can’t accept the apologies. 无法接受道歉

1. Oh, no! I can’t believe it!


I. 选出画线部分发音不同的选项。

( )1. A. second B. nice C. calm

( )2. A. poem B. Monday C. money

( )3. A. group B. proud C. out

( )4. A. pool B. moon C. foot

( )5. A. body B. sky C. carry

II. 请用“Excuse me” 和“Sorry”填空。

1. A: ______________. May I use your telephone?

B: Sure.

2. A: You’re late again.

B: ______________.

3. A: ______________. Where is the bus stop?

B: It’s over there.

4. A: ______________. I leave for a moment.

B: Please.

5. A: My dad is ill.

B: I’m ______________ to hear that.

6. A: ______________? Could you say that again?

B: I said that I need a pen.

7. A: ______________. We’d better go back to the subject.

B: Ok.

8. A: ______________. I lost your comic book.

B: Oh, my god. I can’t believe that.

9. A: I don’t like doing my homework. Can you do it for me?

B: ______________. I can’t help you.

10. A: May I speak to Cherry?

B: ______________. She’s not at home.

III. 写出颜色的意义和代表的事物。

1. Violet is the color of ________ and ________.

2. Indigo is the color of ________. It brings ________.

3. Blue is the color of ________. It was chosen as the color for the ________ and ________.

4. Green is the color of ________and ________. It was chosen as the color for the ________, ________ and ________.

5. Yellow is the color of ________ and ________. It was chosen as the color for the ________, the ________ and the ________.

6. Orange is the color of ________. It was chosen as the color for the ________ and ________.

7. Red is the color of ________ and ________. ________ ________would be empty without red

8. Rainbow is a sign of ________ for tomorrow.

IV. 阅读理解。

That day was like any other day in his life. After school Michael walked past the shop at the street corner. He stopped to look at the front row of shoes, and he felt sorry for himself. He really wanted to have pair of shoes for his birthday.

He walked sadly away and thought of what to say to his mother. He knew she would give anything he wanted. But he also knew very well she had little money. He decided not to go home at once, as he looked worried and his mother would notice it. So he went to the park and sat on the grass. Then he saw a boy in a wheelchair. He noticed that the boy moved the wheel with his hands. Michael looked at him carefully and was surprised to see that the boy had no feet. He looked down at his own feet, “It is much better to be without shoes than without feet,” he thought. There was no reason for him to feel sorry and sad. He went away and smiled, thinking he was more luckily in his life.

( )1. Michael left the shoes shop sadly because___________.

A. his mother had a lot of money

B. the shoes in the shop were too small for him

C. he had no money to buy himself a pair of shoes

( )2. Michael _____instead of going home.

A. went to the park

B. stayed in the shop

C. played football

( )3. He knew that _______if he went home at once.

A. his mother would be happy

B. his mother would be worried

C. his mother would his notice worried

( )4. Michael saw a boy. The boy _____.

A. had no hands B. was deaf C. had no feet

( )5. Which of the following is true?

A. Michael’s mother was rich.

B. Good health is more important than anything else in the world.

C. The following day was Michael’s birthday.


I. 选出画线部分发音不同的选项。

1. B 2. A 3. A 4. C 5. B

II. 请用 “ Excuse me” 和 “ Sorry” 填空。

1. Excuse me 2. Sorry 3. Excuse me

4. Excuse me 5. sorry 6. Excuse me

7. Excuse me 8. Sorry 9. Sorry 10. Sorry

III. 写出颜色的意义和代表的事物。

Write down the meaning of the color, and the things with this color.

1. power, royalty

2. silence, calm

3. peace, sky, water

4. life, hope, grass, trees, leaves

5. joy, energy, sun, moon , stars

6. health, carrots, oranges

7. passion, happiness, The earth

8. hope

IV. 阅读理解。

1. C 2.A 3.C 4.C 5.B