
发布时间:2016-1-4 编辑:互联网 手机版


1.The boy dived into the water and after _____ seemed to be a long time , he came up again. A. that B. what C. it

此题选择B。但有好多学生选择A,认为 after that 或after it 读起来有感觉,很通畅,没有认识到seemed to be a long time 是一个从句,意思是:在似乎好长时间以后,他又上来了。That 引导名词性从句时没有词义也没有地位(不能充当成分);it 填在此处没有有引导词,语法上是不允许的。

2. I saw a young lady ________ an ice cream in front of the stand .

A. was buying B. buying

此题选择A,成为含有宾语从句的主从复合句,选择B,成为有复合宾语的复合结构。See 虽然可以跟宾语从句,但能用复合结构表示应用复合结构。

See 可以跟doing 做宾语补足语,还可以跟do做补足语,意义有所不同,see sb. doing sth.表示“看见某人正在做某事”;而see sb. do sth. 则表示“看见某人做了某事”。 判断用do 还是用doing 有时要考虑意思,有时从结构上加以判别。例如:

I saw one man in the car _____ out a pocket book and begin to read .

A. pulling B. pull C. to pull

这里有begin ,由and 连接, 说明横线处用pull , 而不用pulling 。

3. T.S. Eliot was _______________ .

A. famous not only in Britain but also in America

B. not only famous in Britain but also in America

此题是成语连词连接的成分平行问题,语法上要求,成语连词连接的成分必须对等,此题应选择A,not only…but also 连接 in Britain 和in America 两个介词短语。而B项中not only…but also 连接的两部分不对等,如果改为not only famous in Britain but also famous in America (连接两个形容词短语)就可以接受了。

4. Mother gave more pocket money to David than __________ .

A. Lena B. to Lena

此题也是连词前后对等问题,如果than 后填Lena 的话,全句误解为:妈妈给David的零花钱不如Lana给David给得多,所以,此题选择B,to David 与to Lena并列。

5. To know what is good and _______ are two different things .

A. doing what is right B. does what is right

C. to do what is right D. did what was right

此题是 and 前后连接的部分必须对等的问题,and 前是不定式,后也应是不定式,所以,此题选择C。如果把题干中 to know…. 改为knowing …的话,此题则选择A。

6. Stand up ___________ .

A. ,do your homework B. and you can do your homework

C. , you do your homework

此题是结构问题,如果选择A,理解为两个祈使句并列,由逗号“,”连接, 这是错误的结构,因为逗号不能连接两个句子;如果选择B,理解为祈使句+陈述句句型,意思是“如果你站立起来就能做作业了”。如果选择C,理解为祈使句+逗号+陈述句句型,这个句型是错误的,所以,只能选择B。

7. To get an education , _______________ .

A. one must work hard B. what you need is to work hard

C. working hard is needed

不定式作状语放在句首,动作的执行者应当是句子的主语。换言之,当不定式放在句首时,句子的主语应能做不定式动作的执行者。此题选项中只有A项中的one 能做get 的执行者。One get an education,… ;What you need和working hard 都不能做get 的执行者。

8. Thirty-three people were already dead in a traffic accident ; __________ .

A. twelve being old men

B. twelve of them were old men

C. twelve of whom were old men

D. twelve were old men

此题中的分号(;)很重要,后一部分起进一步说明作用。正确选项为B。如果换成逗号 的话,则选择C,理解为定语从句。

9. Was it during the Second World War ________ he died ?

A. that B. during which time C. in which D. when

It 作代词 表示时间或地点与关系副词when 、where引导的定语从句或强调结构相混。此题应当填A,为强调结构,但有好多学生选择C或D,把句子看成定语从句,其实判断强调结构并不难,把强调结构it is (was)…that ( who )…去掉,如果剩下的部分句子结构完整,说明就是强调结构,如果不完整说明是从句。此句去掉强调结构句子成为during the Second World War he died (变为正常词序 He died during the Second World War ) 句子结构完整,说明此句为强调结构。此句如果把during 一词去掉 ,句意就变了,it was the Second World War .it 作代词,表示时间,意思为:时间是第二次世界大战,横线处应当填 when 或in which 。又如:

It was evening ______ he went to the office .

A. when B. that 此句选择A,如果evening 换成in the evening ,则选择B。

10. Hardly had she seen her father _________ she ran to him .

A. than B. when C. as D. that

此句是倒装句,往往与 that 从句相混,应注意hardly 与 when 连用。

11.---- What made her so angry ?

----- ________ her wallet.

A. He lost B. Losing C. Lost

此题为省略句,应判断省掉的部分是什么,这句话的意思是:丢钱夹使她生气。整句话应当是Losing her wallet made her angry .所以,选择B。但有的学生选择A,句子正确,但属于所问非所答,如果问话人问what happened to her ? 选择 A 正确。

12 She cannot help _____ when she heard the bad news .

A. burst into tears B. bursting into tears C. to burst into tears

help (to) do 与help doing 相混,help doing 常与 cannot 连用,应当从意思上加以区别,help (to)do sth. 帮助做某事;cannot help doing sth 情不自禁做某事,此题选择 B。

13 _____ a long story short , he wanted to marry her and get a lot of money .

A. Make B. To make C. Making

14. She must be looking forward as much to his return as he he himself is to _______ her .

A. see B. have seen C. seeing D. having seen

此题选择C。as…as 结构连接的两部分应该对等,to his return 与to seeing 对等,to 是介词,后跟名词,有好多学生不顾as…as 结构,把后一个to 看成不定式符号, 而选择A。

15. Having a written examination , ___________ .

A. I am forced to study hard B. it’s necessary that I have to study hard

分词短语放在句首作状语,应考虑逗号后主语与分词的关系,是否可以做分词的执行者或承受者,此题A项中I 可以做having 的执行者,所以选择A;而B项中的it 不可能做having 的执行者或承受者。

16. Had I known her well , I would have invited her to the party .

当你看到would have invited 可以猜疑是虚拟语气结构,had I known her well 部分表示条件,属于虚拟语气条件从句省掉if 的情况,相当于if had I known her well ,省掉if 时,句子应倒装,省掉if 共有三种情况,当谓语动词是 (1)were ;(2)should do ;(3) had done 。应注意与一般疑问句Had I finished the work before he came back ?的区别。

17 . _________ was lying .

A. Whoever told you that B. No matter who told you that

Whoever 引导名词性从句或让步状语从句,no matter who 引导让步状语从句, 不能引导名词性从句,横线处是名词从句的位置,不是状语从句的位置,辨认状语从句应当看逗号“,”逗号后有句子主语。例如:No matter who told you that , he was lying .此句中的no matter who 可以用whoever 代替。Whoever told you that , he was lying .

18 ________ shall finish the work before May Day is possible.

A. We B. That we

此题往往在结构上搞错,认为意思上完整,不缺少含有意思的引导词,句意为:五一节前完成工作是可能的。选择了A。 其实,We shall finish the work before May Day is possible. 句子结构是错误的,May Day 之前是一个从句,应当有一个引导词, that 没有词义,仅起引导从句的作用。本题的答案应当是B。

19. I’d rather you ______ something about it for the time being .

A. did B. to do

此句是结构问题,如果填did,把you did something …看成从句,如果填to do ,则把you 看成了宾格形式,前者正确,后者错误。Would rather 是一个助动词,不可能有宾语复合结构。此题只能选择A。would rather (that) + 从句 (从句中谓语动词用过去时)


20.Is _________ that flows through that town ?

A. this river B. this the river

此题正确答案为B。如果选A,句子结构错误。此句是疑问句,把它变成陈述句结构就清楚了,This river is that flows through that town. (无句意),试比较:This is the river that flows through that town. (这是一条流经那座城镇的河。)

21. As is known to all, the problem of pollution is serious.

It is known to all that the problem of pollution is serious .


_________ known to everyone , the earth is round .

A. It is B. As C. As is D. As it is


22. I need a book , one which is cheap but useful.

I need a book , which is cheap but useful .

前一句是简单句, one 作 book 的同位语;后一句是含有定语从句的主从复合句,先行词是book 。