英语一轮复习讲稿Units 5&6, Book I

发布时间:2016-3-17 编辑:互联网 手机版


I. 词汇

A. 单词:hero; scene; career; role; award; prize; choice; degree; speed; studio; creature; adult; peace; industry; owe; accept; primary; determine; comment; interrupt; apology; apologize; fault; introduce; forgive; culture; manners; impression; behave; roll; dessert; custom; course; raise; advice; spirit; mix; extra; stare.

B. 短语:take off; go wrong; owe sth. to sb.; in all; stay away; lock sb. up; run after; bring sb. back; on the air; think highly of; be afraid to do sth.; can’t help doing; together with; leave out; stare at; make jokes about sb.; mean to do; mean doing; start with; ask for.

II. 重点精讲

A. 重点单词

1. choose:v.主要义项为:(1)挑选,选择(2)决定,宁愿,情愿

choice:n.选择;入选者;精选品 adj.极好的;精选的

相关归纳:(1)cannot choose but to do除了……外别无他法;只得

Eg. He cannot choose but to obey.

(2)by choice出于自己的选择

Eg. I wouldn’t go there by choice.让我选择,我不会去那里。

(3)of choice (for sb./sth.)(用于名词后)精选的;特选的

Eg. It’s the software of choice for business use.这是商务专用软件。

2. speed:可以用作动词或名词。作动词时,主要义项有:(1)快速前进或移动;(2)快速运送。常见短语:speed up(加速;加快进度)。作名词时,主要义项有:速度;速率;进度

注意:speed前的介词with或at的选用:(1)表示抽象、模糊的速度时,往往用with。如:with speed, with all speed, with great speed

(2)表示极端或具体的速度时,往往用at。如:at full speed, at high speed, at top speed, at low speed, at ordinary speed, at a speed of…

3. determine:v.查明;测定;决定;决心;确定;安排。

常见结构:be determined to do/that-class有决心;下定决心

4. marry:常见结构有:

be married (to)与……结婚;嫁给……用于表示结婚的状态。

get married (to)与……结婚;嫁给……用于表示结婚的动作。

marry sb. to sb.把……嫁给

注意:(1)marry是及物动词,表示“与……结婚”,无须再用with或其他介词。(2)marry是非延续性动词,不可于表示一段时间的状语连用。(3)be married可以与表示一段时间的状语连用。

5. afford:主要义项有:(有时间)做;能做:负担得起(……的费用);经得起……;提供;给予

注意:afford通常与can, could, be able to等连用,尤其用于否定句或疑问句。

Eg. We can’t afford to buy that expensive car.

6. advise:v.主要义项有:忠告;劝告;建议。主要搭配形式为:(1)+名/代词;(2)+动名词;(3)+疑问词+不定式;(4)+名/代词+不定式;(5)+that-从句;(6)+名/代词+wh-从句

advice: n.作“建议;劝告;忠告;意见”解时,是不可数名词,其后的介词多用on。也可用about。A/several piece(s) of advice一/几条建议


1. else:adj.其他的,不作前置定语,只能用在疑问词或不定式之后;else的所有格是else’s。or else否则的话,要不然……

Eg. Where else did you go besides Beijing?

Get dressed quickly, or else you’ll miss the first bus.

B. 重点短语

1. owe sth. to sb./sth.或owe sb. sth.:归功于;归因于;起源于

Eg. He owes his success to hard work.

I owe everything to him.

2. on (the) air正在播送(电视、广播)

相关归纳:(1)off the air停止播送

Eg. Why has that station gone off the air?

(2)in the air不定的;未定的;(指意见等)传播的;散布的;(军)无掩蔽的;无掩护的(3)by air乘飞机

Eg. My plan are still in the air.我的计划还很渺茫。

3. think highly(well, a lot, the world…) of对……评价很高

Eg. He thinks the world of his daughter.他非常器重女儿。

相关归纳:not think much of…/think poorly(little, badly…) of对……评价不高

Eg. I don’t think much of her idea.我认为她的主意不怎么样。

4. stare at sb./sth.盯着看;凝视;注视

相关归纳:(1)glare at怒目而视

(2)be staring sb. in the face明罢着;显而易见;必定发生

Eg. The answer was staring us in the face.答案明摆在我们面前。

(3)be staring sth. in the face不可避免

Eg. They were staring defeat in the face.对他们来说,失败不可避免。

5. be busy with sth.忙于某事(表状态)

be busy doing sth. 忙于做某事(强调动作)

keep busy doing sth.忙于做某事

6. mean to do sth.有意图或打算干某事

mean doing sth.意味着干某事

C. 必背句型

1. When等连词引导的状语从句中的省略:当when, while, until, if, unless等连词引导的状语从句的主语与主句的主语相同或主语为it时,或从句的主谓部分为it和be动词时,从句的主语及部分谓语(be动词)可省略。

Eg. When (he was) asked, he gave good advice.

If (it is) necessary, we’ll have a meeting.

He will not go to the party unless (he is) invited.

2. 含有until/till结构的句子:(1)until/till引导的结构与肯定句连用时,主句谓语动词为延续性动词,其动作延续到until/till所表示时间就停止;

Eg. When Minzhi has to get off the bus, she walks till she finally reaches the town.


Eg. We didn’t go until he came back.

(3)强调not until/till有两种方式:a. not until/till放在句首,主句采用部分倒装语序,谓语动词用原形;b. 用It’s …that…强调句型。not需要放在被强调部分,句式为:“It is/was not until…that+主句部分(用肯定形式)”

Eg. Not until he came back did we go.

It was not until he came back that we went.

3. keep+复合宾语:keep表示“使继续处于某种状态”时,可以接复合宾语,其中的宾语补足语可以是:(1)现在分词;(2)过去分词;(3)形容词;(4)介词短语;(5)副词

Eg. We’d better keep the fire burning.

He couldn’t keep his eyes shut to all this. 他不能对这一切视而不见。

4. 英语中表达“……怎么样?”的结构:(1)How/What about…?常用来征求对方的意见或向对方提出建议。about后接名词、代词或动名词,动名词可以有逻辑主语。(2)How do/does…like?用来询问对某事的感觉,即喜欢还是不喜欢。

Eg. How do you like the book?

(3)What is…like?用来询问人或事物的特征,即人的外貌或品德,以及天气状况。(4)How is/are…?的主语是人时,用来询问身体健康状况。

5. would like结构:(1)would like to do sth.表示主语“想要做某事”。(2)would like sb. to do sth.表示主语“想要别人做某事”。(3)请求对方做某事时,常用Would you like to do…?其答语为:Yes, I’d like to./Yes, I’d love to./Yes, I’ll be happy to./Sorry, but I’m busy.(4)请对方吃或喝点什么时,常用Would you like a/another…?对方的答语常是:Yes, please./Just a little, please./No, thanks. I’ve had enough./I’m full, thank you.

III. 疑难突破

1. reason, cause, excuse

(1)reason指产生某种行为或想法上的推理性理由,与conclusion相对。reason for表示“……的理由”。

(2)cause主要指导致某种结果,客观存在的原因,它是相对于effect来说的。cause of表示“……的起因”。



(1) The _____ of the fire was unknown.

(2) What’s the _____ for your hurry?

(3) When he is late, he can always find a(n) _____.

(4) The _____ why he was absent today is that his father died.

2. sick, ill

(1)sick可作表语或定语,作表语时,有时含有“恶心的,要呕吐的”之意;the sick指一类人,作主语时,谓语动词作复数;sick可以构成复合词,如airsick; seasick; carsick; sick还可以构成固定词组,如be sick for(渴望的);be sick of(对……厌倦)。

(2)ill作“生病”讲时,只作表语,不作定语;作“坏的,恶心的”讲时,只能作定语,不能作表语。Speak ill of sb.说某人的坏话;Ill luck!=Bad luck!


(1) He spends a lot of money on treating his _____ father.

(2) Don’t make friends with a person with a(n) _____ name.

(3) The _____ are taken good care of in this hospital.

(4) Don’t speak _____ of him.

(5) She sings badly. When I hear her sing, I feel _____.

(6) The girl is _____ in bed with a cold, and she is _____ for home.

(7) He is always complaining. We are _____ of listening to his complaint.

3. raise, rise

(1)rise(rose, risen)是不及物动词,主要意思为:升起;上升;上涨;站起来;起床

(2)raise(raised, raised)是及物动词,主要意思为:抬起;提高;饲养;养大。


(1) He _____ his voice so as to be heard.

(2) She _____ and left the room.

(3) She _____ four pigs and many chickens.

(4) The sun _____ and bathed the earth in its glow.

(5) The river is _____ after the rain. So we can’t swim in it.

4. spend, cost, take, pay

(1)sb. spend some time/money on sth.或sb. spend some time/money (in) doing sth.

(2)sth. cost sb. some money/time/life/health

(3)It takes sb. some time to do sth.或sb. take some time to do sth.或sth. take sb. some time to do

(4)sb. pay (sb.) some money (for) sth.


(1) It _____ him three years to write the book.(=He _____ three years to write the book.= The book _____ him three years to write. = He _____ three years writing the book.)

(2) Every year he _____ a lot of money on books/in buying books.

(3) This dictionary _____ me 100yuan.

(4) Making experiment like that _____ much time and labour.

(5) Careless driving may _____ you your life.

(6) They have decided to _____ 70,000yuan for the newly-built house.

(7) We’ll _____ you in a few days, when I have money.

5. accept, receive




(1) He told the headmaster that he had _____ an invitation to the meeting and asked her whether he could _____ it.

(2) Our suggestions were _____ at the meeting.

(3) I _____ my parents’ letter last Friday.

(4) Where did you _____ your doctor’s degree?

(5) We were warmly _____ at the factory gate.

(6) Did they _____ what you told them?

(7) She applied to join the Party and was _____.

6. the one, one, it, that的替代用法:都有可以用来替代前文出现的名词,是经常考查的代词,简述如下:

(1)the one用来替代同类事物中特指的一个,复数用the ones。





(1) The finger I put into my mouth was not _____ had dipped into the cup.

(2) I need a bike. Lend me _____

(3) I want to use your bike. Could you lend ____ to me.

(4) The study of idioms is as important as _____ of grammar.

(5) -Do you have a camera? -No, but Tom has ____. He bought ___ a week ago.

(6) When you see two spoons, the big ____ is for soup and the small ____ for the dessert.

(7) The knife and fork that are closest to your plate are a little bit bigger that ____ besides them.