英语一轮复习讲稿Units 7&8, Book I

发布时间:2016-2-27 编辑:互联网 手机版


I. 词汇

A. 单词:relic; pyramid; represent; include; ruin; burn; restore; portrait; recreate; unite; period; damage; project; brick; official; cave; pollution; breath; limit; continent; tie; athlete; medal; torch; dive; shooting; competitor; further; prepare; effect; compete; weight; position; point; title; gesture; facial

B. 短语:give in; give up; in ruins; bring…back to life; pull down; set up; in one’s opinion; with the help of; so far; make oneself heard; stand for; because of; would rather; take part; in preparation for; prefer…to…; have…effect on; by hand

II. 重点精讲

A. 重点单词

1. include:v.主要义项有:包括;包含;使成为……的一部分


Eg. We all went, me included.

Six people were killed in the riot(暴乱), including a policeman.

2. burn:可以作动词或名词。作动词时,主要义项有:着火;燃烧;烧伤;烧焦;发烫;渴望;有强烈的情感。作名词时,主要义项有:烧伤;灼伤;烧的痕迹。

相关归纳:(1)burn sth. down(被)烧毁

Eg. The fire burned down the house.

(2)burn sth. up被烧毁;被烧掉

Eg. The spaceship burned up as it entered the earth’s atmosphere.

(3)burn away(使)烧掉;烧光

Eg. Half the candle had burnt away.

(4)burn out/burn itself out烧尽;熄灭(

Eg. The fire had burnt (itself) out before the fire engines arrived.

5)burn out或burn yourself/sb. out耗尽体力;积劳成疾;累夸

Eg. If he doesn’t stop working so hard, he’ll burn himself out.

3. breathe:v.主要义项有:呼吸;呼出


相关归纳:(1)hold one’s breath(由于激动、害怕等)不出声;屏息(2)out of breath上气不接下气;喘不过气来(3)short of breath呼吸短促

Eg. She was very short of breath.

(4)take one’s breath away令人惊叹;让人叹绝

Eg. My first view of the island from the air took my breath away.

4. prepare:v.使作好准备;把……预备好;防范;准备(n. preparation)

常见搭配有:prepare +sth./sb. (for sb./sth.;

Eg. A hotel room is being prepared for them.

The college prepares students for a career in business.这个学院是培养商务人才的。prepare +for sth.; prepare +to do sth.

相关归纳:(1)in preparation (for)(为……)准备

Eg. The team has been training hard in preparation for a big game.

(2)be prepared (for sth.)准备好;有所准备

Eg. I was not prepared for all the problems it caused.我对这事引起的诸多麻烦毫无准备。

(3)be prepared to do愿意

Eg. We are not prepared to accept these conditions.

5. point:v.指,指向;瞄准;对着,朝向。n.观点,论点;要点,重点;目的;意图;时刻;关头;得分;小数点

相关归纳:(1)to the point简明恰当;简洁中肯

Eg. The letter was short and to the point.(简明扼要)

(2)to the point of (doing) sth.达到某种程度;近乎

Eg. He was rude to the point of being aggressive.他粗鲁到蛮不讲理的程度。

(3)up to a point在某种程度上

Eg. I agree with you up to a point.

(4)point out指(给某人)看;(向某人)指出

Eg. I’ll point him out to you next time he comes in.

B. 重点短语

1. give up放弃;戒掉;认输

Eg. He doesn’t give up easily.

2. give in让步;屈服;投降;勉强同意;交上

Eg. Please give your work in before Monday.

相关归纳:(1)give away背弃;出卖;泄漏;暴露;赠送;泄露

Eg. She gave away state secrets to the enemy.

(2)give off(散)发出

Eg. She gives off a smell of rose.

(3)give back还给;归还;使恢复

Eg. The operation gave him back the use of his legs.

(4)give sb. a hand帮某人的忙

3.base sth. on/upon以……为根据(基础);把……建立在……

Eg. One should always base his opinion on facts.

4. so far迄今为止;到目前为止

相关归纳:(1)by far(常用来修饰比较级或最高级,用以加强语气)大大的:……得多

The last of these reasons is by far the most important.

(2)as far as the eye can/could see极目所尽(3)as far as I know就我所知(4)as far as I can remember(see, tell, etc.)尽我所记得的;依我看(5)as far as sb./sth. be concerned就……而言

Eg. As far as I am concerned, you can do what you like.

(6)as far as it goes在有限程度上(通常指不满意)

Eg. It’s a good plan as far as it goes, but there are a lot of things they haven’t thought of.

5. every four year每四年:every与数词或few、other连用,表示时间或空间的间隔,一般形成以下结构:(1)every+基数词+复数名词,意为“每……”;(2)every+序数词+单数名词,意为“每第……”;(3)every+other+单数可数名词,指“每隔……”;(4)every+ few+复数名词,译成“每隔几……”

6. make sure确保;一定要;保证做到;核实;弄清楚

相关归纳:(1)be sure of/be sure that有把握;确信。主语是人,表示主语感到“有把握,确信”。(2)be sure to do一定要;必然会。主语可以是人或物,表示说话人推测主语“一定要,必然会”。

Eg. He is sure to succeed.

C. 必背句型

1. 表示“尽其所能去做某事;尽力做某事”的句型:可用sb. do what one can to do或sb. do everything/all (that) one can do来表达。该句型中can后省略了do,不定式作目的状语。也可用do/try one’s best to do来表达

Eg. Whenever he met with difficulty, she would do what she could to help him.

2. 用why表示建议的句型:Why not+动词?或Why don’t you+动词?

3. be+介词+名词:可用来表示动作,名词前不能使用冠词。

Eg. It was under attack for 900 days,… be at work ;bi on business…

4. would rather…(than…):(1)would/had rather…(than)意为“宁愿……而不愿;宁愿;更喜欢”。(2)would rather后接从句时,从句中用过去时。

Eg. I’d rather you came tomorrow than today.

III. 疑难突破

1. farther, further:表示时间、空间和距离时两者可换用;表示“进一步、进一层、更多”时,只能用further。


(1) I could walk no ____.

(2) This problem will be _____ discussed tomorrow.

(3) No _____ explanation is needed.

(4) It means every athlete should try to run faster, jump higher, and throw _____.

2. bring, take, carry, fetch





3. prepare, prepare for, get (be) ready:

(1)get/be ready意为“准备好”,强调准备的结果。常见结构有:a. get ready (for sth.); b. get sth. ready; c. be ready (for sth.); d. be ready to do(准备干某事,乐于干某事)


(3)prepare for意为“为……作准备”,for的宾语不是动作的承受者,而是表示准备的目的,即所要应付的情况。

(4)常见结构:prepare sth.准备某物(事)prepare sth. for sth.使……为……作好准备prepare to do sth.准备做某事prepare for sth.为某事作准备prepare sb. for sth.使某人对某事有思想准备be prepared for sth.准备好应付某事


(1) Mother was busy ____ us lunch in the kitchen when I got home.

(2) The doctor told the nurses to _____ the operation at once.

(3) We _____ to do anything for the people.

(4) Will you help me ____ the party?

(5) Please _____ be seven o’clock tomorrow morning.

(6) The teacher is _____ the exam.

(7) The students are ____ the exam.

(8) Will you _____ her for the bad news that is coming?

4. win, beat:

(1)beat宾语只能是表示人的词或一个集体,“在比赛、战斗、争论中击败某人”应说beat sb. in…。

(2)win作“赢”解时,其宾语通常是war, battle, game, match, argument, medal等,不能时表示人的词。


(1) They do their best to _____ medals.

(2) We _____ their team by 10 points.

(3) Jim _____ Tom by a yard and _____ the race.

(4) Do you know who _____ the Nobel Prize for physics this year?

5. manage to do, try to do:

(1)manage to do sth.=succeed in doing sth.,表示“努力做成某事”。

(2)try to do sth.表示“试图、企图、努力”去做,不强调结果。

6. because of, because:


(2)because of是介词,用于名词、代词、what从句或动名词前。