高三英语学法指导与语法难点 (三)

发布时间:2016-3-1 编辑:互联网 手机版

北 京 四 中

撰 稿:李俊和   编 审:毕 勤  责 编:隋 瑜



  在做听力测试时,一定要调整好心态,紧张、焦虑、不安都不利于捕捉声音信息。试听时,应注意听,争取理解大意。试听可以熟悉讲话者的语音语调,使学生注意力集中,尽快转向英语思维。播放录音前,尽量争取将下一对话的问题看一下。带着问题听,可集中注意主要的信息,效果肯定好。其实两题之间有10秒的停顿,这10秒可以省出三四秒看看下一题。学会预测,对理解全文意义重大。边听边在草稿纸上用自己熟悉的简单符号速记数字、地名、人名等。 有的对话或独白要读两遍,第一遍不必追求全听懂,有些听不懂是很自然的,努力抓住大意就是好的。第二遍再结合问题听要点,以便答题。学会抓住关键词。一个关键词就能解决一道题。

  听的能力是在听的实践中提高的。任何理论的讲解都是辅助性的。有志于提高听力的同学,应该赶紧打开录音机,利用一切机会,多听、勤听。熟能生巧,经过一段时间练习,听力肯定会有提高。要精听泛听相结合。泛听主要练习听大意或部分内容,不必什么都听懂。泛听对培养良好的感觉,提高听力技巧也是重要的。材料的选取要难易适度,并注意趣味性。 不要一开始就练听太难的东西,这样,会挫伤积极性,欲速则不达。掌握正确的语音语调。听者本人的语音语调正确,在听的过程中的语音识别能力就强。要学会抓住主要信息,忽略非主流信息,要练习看到问题和听到某一词时能迅速预测下面内容。另外, 听说读写是互相联系、互相影响的。要想听力提高,不但要多听,还应重视说、读和写。某些阶段有所侧重是应该的,但不能偏废任何一方面。一个读写能力强、说的也不错的人,是很容易提高他的听的能力的。


  1. 注意几个短语的用法。

  1) the tallest of all The girl is the best student of all.

  2) the smaller of the two This island is the larger of the two.

  3) less rich than He is less poor than his brother.

  4) as rich as He is as tall as his brother.

  5) the more…, the better… The more you look at it, the better you like it.

  6) not more beautiful than, no more beautiful than

  误:He is no more clever than his brother. So he can solve the problem.

  正:He is no more foolish than his brother. So he can solve the problem.

  2. 注意几组副词的区别。

  1) deep, deeply I was deeply touched by the moving story.

  2) high, highly I thought highly of his idea.

  3) wide, widely English is widely spoken in China nowadays.

  4) direct, directly Go direct home.

  5) first, firstly

  6) free, freely He can talk freely in English.

  7) hard, hardly I can hardly move.

  8) late, lately Where have you been lately?

  9) just, justly

  10) loud, aloud, loudly Reading aloud is important for English learners.

  11) most, mostly My friends are mostly Chinese.

  12) near, nearly, almost Almost nobody was there to help him.

  13) fair, fairly, rather, quite

  14) also, as well, too, either

  15) very, much, very much

  误:I'm deep moved by what he said.

  正:I'm deeply moved by what he said.

  3. 几个易错的副词

  home, downtown, downstairs, abroad

  误句:He went to abroad three years ago.

  正句:He went abroad three years ago.

  4. 介词与动词的搭配。

  agree with, belong to, break away from, care for…

  He agreed with what I said.

  5. 介词与形容词的搭配。

  afraid of, angry with, different from, good at…

  I'm afraid of falling behind others.

  6. 介词与名词的搭配。

  answer to, key to, reason for, cause of, visit to

  How about your visit to the Great Wall?

  7. 注意几组介词的区别。

  1) at, in, on (表地点,表时间)

  2) from, for, since (表时间)

  3) below, under, above, over

  4) between, among

  5) by, with, in (表方式)

  You can get there by bus.

  He cut the meat with a knife.

  He wrote the letter in ink.

  8. 一般现在时注意以下两点。

  1) 表时刻表的情况下,一般现在代替将来时态用;

  2) 主将从现符合的原则是:if条件句,时间状语从句,方式状语从句和让步状语从句。如:

  If he comes, I'll let you know.

  He will be happy when I tell him.

  Next time I'll do as you say.

  Even if it rains tomorrow, the sports meet will take place.

  3) be to do 表有责任、有义务做某事

  be going to do 表示有计划性、准备做某事

  will do 一般情况下使用

  误:The plane will take off at 10p.m.

  正:The plane takes off at 10p.m.

  9. 现在进行时注意以下四点。

  1) 和always, constantly, forever, continually连用表示说话人的感情色彩,责备,埋怨等;

  He is always thinking of others.

  2) 强调情况的暂时性;

  He is walking to school because his bike is being repaired.

  3) 强调一时的表现;

  He is being silly.

  4) 表将来。

  I'm going shopping this afternoon.

  误:He types his own letters when his secretary is ill.

  正:He is typing his own letters when his secretary is ill.

  误:He always makes the same mistake.

  正:He is always making the same mistake.

  10. 一般将来时注意以下三点。

  1) 表倾向,习惯性动作。意为"会,不能,没法";

  We will die sooner or later. The medicine won't help.

  2) 表推测

  The man in the middle will be visiting president.

  3) 表容量

  The hall will seat 500 people.

  误:The machine doesn't work.

  正:The machine won't work.

  11. 一般过去时说没有想到是指过去没有想到。如:

  I didn't expect you were here.

  I didn't think you would come.

  12. 现在完成时的适用范围。

  1) 过去动作对现在的影响和结果;

  I've already finished my homework, so I can leave now.

  2) 过去开始持续到现在;

  Great changes have taken place in China in the past five years.

  3) 曾经经历过的事情;

  Have you ever been to the Summer Palace?

  4) 在主将从现中,如果没有一般现在,可以选现在完成。如:

  If I finish/have finished my homework, I'll go home.

  13. 过去完成时注意两点。

  1) 它是和一般过去时对应存在的,没有一般过去时,就不存在过去完成时。

  2) 用在no sooner…than, scarcely…when, hardly…when, had intended, had hoped, had planned等短语中。

  误:I hoped to go there, but I didn't.

  正:I had hoped to go there, but I didn't.

  14. that从句用完成时。

  It/This/That is the first/second/last time that… 如:

  This is the first time that I have been in Beijing.

  It/This/That is the only…that… 如:

  That is the only book that I have really enjoyed in my life.

  It/This/That is the + 最高级…that…

  It is one of the most interesting book that I have ever read.

  15. 一般不用进行时的词。

  没有延续性的词(accept, decide, want等),know, think, agree, mean, love, like, cost, exist, hate, dislike, fear, 系动词。

  误:I'm wanting to know the reason.

  正:I want to know the reason.