Lesson 63 She was not amused(新概念英语第二册笔记)(网友来稿)

发布时间:2016-2-26 编辑:互联网 手机版


【New words and expressions】生词和短语(6)

circle n. 圈子

admire v. 赞美,钦佩

close adj. 亲密的

wedding n. 婚礼

reception n. 招待会

sort n. 种类

★admire v. 赞美,钦佩

① vt. 钦佩,赞赏

I admire his music more than anyone else’s.

admire sb. for sth. 因为……羡慕某人

I admire him for his richness/house/clever daughter/konwledge.

② vt. 欣赏,观赏

While admiring the new building, I heard someone calling my name.

③ vt. (口语)夸奖,称赞

She likes to hear her children admired.

★close adj. 亲密的

close friend 亲密的朋友

★reception n. 招待会

reception = party

wedding reception 婚宴

news conference 新闻发布会, 记者招待会

★sort n. 种类,类型(常与of连用)

type 种类(有特殊特征的)


① that sort of person 那种人

② sort 可含有讽刺意味

That's the sort of thing you like best.

You mustn’t mix with that sort of people. 你不得与那种人交往。


Jeremy Hampden has a large circle of friends and is very popular at parties. Everybody admires him for his

great sense of humour -- everybody, that is, except his six-year-old daughter, Jenny. Recently, one of Jeremy's

closest friends asked him to make a speech at a wedding reception. This is the sort of thing that Jeremy loves. He

prepared the speech carefully and went to the wedding with Jenny. He had included a large number of funny

stories in the speech and, of course, it was a



great success. As soon as he had finished, Jenny told him she wanted to go home. Jeremy was a little disappointed

by this but he did as his daughter asked. On the way home, he asked Jenny if she had enjoyed the speech. To his

surprise, she said she hadn't. Jeremy asked her why this was so and she told him that she did not like to see so

many people laughing at him!


杰里米汉普登交际甚广, 是各种聚会上深受大家欢迎的人. 人人都钦佩他那绝妙的幽默感--人人,

就是说, 除他6 岁的女儿珍妮之外的每一个人. 最近, 杰里米的一个最亲密的朋友请他在一个婚礼上祝词.

这正是杰里米喜欢做的事情. 他认真准备了讲稿, 带着珍妮一道去参加了婚礼. 他的祝词里面加进了大量

逗人的故事, 自然大获成功. 他刚一讲完, 珍妮就对他说她要回家. 这不免使杰里米有点扫兴, 但他还是按

照女儿的要求做了. 在回家的路上, 他问珍妮是否喜欢他的祝词. 使他吃惊的是, 她说她不喜欢. 杰里米问

她为何不喜欢, 她说她不愿意看到那么多的人嘲笑他!


1、Jeremy Hampden has a large circle of friends and is very popular at parties.

have a large circle of friends 有一个很大的朋友圈子, 交际很广

=sb. has/have a lot of friends

He has a large circle of friends. 他有很多朋友


Such things are never talked about in business circles.

Jeremy used to have a large circle of friends, but now he likes being alone.

popular adj. 受欢迎的,得人心的

Mary is always popular with/among children.

2、Everybody admires him for his great sense of humour -- everybody, that is, except his six-year-old daughter,


admire… for 钦佩……的……

that is为插入语,一旦插在句子当中, 是作为固定结构, 意思是“那就是说,亦即”,起解释作用

He is coming home next Monday, that is, April 5th.

sense of humour 幽默感

George has no sense of humour.

He is a man without humour.

3、This is the sort of thing that Jeremy loves.

the sort of, the kind of的后面加单数

4、He prepared the speech carefully and went to the wedding with Jenny.

prepare sth. 准备做……,后面跟内容有关系

I am preparing a speech. (speech n. 发言)

prepare for sth. 为……作准备,后面不一定跟内容有关系

5、He had included a large number of funny stories in the speech and, of course, it was a great success.



included 包含(把里面内容的一部分挑出来说)

contain 强调容器里的包含, 后面一定要把所有的东西都列举出来

It was a great success. 表示“这事做的不错,不同凡响,很成功”

6、Jeremy was a little disappointed by this but he did as his daughter asked.

a little 稍微, 有一点

be disappointed by… 因为……感到失望

as +从句如同……那样,以……的方式(方式状语从句)

do as you are told 按你被告知的做

This fish isn’t cooked as I like it.

7、Jeremy asked her why this was so and she told him that she did not like to see so many people laughing at


why this was so(this 可以作主语, 也可以作宾语,so 只能作宾语, 只能放在动词后面)

I think so. / I hope so. / I guess so. / I expect so.

I refuse to do so. 我拒绝这样做

see sb. doing sth. 看见某人正在作某事

so many people 跟数字相连的前面一定要用so


①vi. (大)笑

You’re very kind to laugh when I tell a funny story.

Everybody laughed out loud when he said that.

② vi. 嘲笑(介词用at)

If you go round daying things like that, everyone will laugh at you.


如果 laugh at 后跟的是物,表示“因……而发笑”:

You’re very kind to laugh at my funny stories.

【Summary writing】

1 Is Jeremy Hampden greatly admired for his great sense of humour or not? What was he invited to do? Did

he immediately agree to do so or not? (When Jeremy... who is...)

When Jeremy Hampden, who is greatly admired for his great sense of humour , was invited to make a speech

at a wedding reception, he immediately agreed to do so.

在不使句子产生歧义的前提下,定语从句可放在其所修饰的整个句子的后面, 如以下两句:

The brother, who was standing near the house, wanted to go swimming.

The brother wanted to go swimming who was standing near the house .


The brother, who was standing near the house , wanted to talk with the girl.

The brother wanted to talk with the girl who was standing near the house. (有歧义)

【Letter Writing】




You must be very annoyed with me for…

I have just heard that…

【Multiple choice questions】

4 ____a___ Jenny, everyone admires him for his great sense of humour.

a. Except for b. Apart c. Except d. Unless

unless adv. 除非

except for = apart from

Apart from a few words, I do not know any French at all.

7 Jeremy was a little disappointed. He was ____d____disappointed.

a. little b. somehow c. enough d. somewhat

a little 少量, 少许, 有一点点;little 几乎没有。与形容词或副词连用时, 用a little;与名词连用时, 用a

little, little都可。何时用a little, 何时用little, 是由说话人的态度区分

somehow adv. 不知怎么的

Somehow I fell in the hole.

somewhat adv. 有一些,有一点(somewhat =a little)

8 Everyone admires him. They ____a___him.

a. think highly of b. laugh at c. estimate d. esteem

think of 考虑;think highly of 高度赞扬

estimate v. 评估; esteem v. 尊重


1 Simple photographic lenses can’t __D__sharp, undistorted images over a wide field.

A. to form B. are formed C. forming D. form


2 Of all the factors affecting agricultural yields, weather is the one ___B__the most.

A. it influences farmers B. that influences farmers

C. farmers that it influences D. why farmers influence it

如果一句子出现了谓语动词,再出现动词则可能是:① 并列关系② 从句③ 非谓语动词④ 介词短


3 By tracking the eye of a hurricane, forecasters can determine the speed at which___B__

A. is a storm moving B. a storm is moving

C. is moving a storm D. a moving storm

which 后接的是定语从句,且是at which 在句中作成份

at which = at the speed

This is the river in which I swim.

4 During the flood of 1927, the Red Cross, ___D__out of emergency headquarters in Mississppi,



set up temporary shelters for the homeless.

A. operates B. is operating C. has operated D. operating

6 During an eclipse of the sun, _____in the shadow of the Moon.

A. the Earth lies B. the Earth when lying

C. that the Earth lies D. the lying Earth
