发挥老师的指导作用 注重对学生的写作指导 ---高三英语写作教学手记 (新课标版高三)

发布时间:2016-6-24 编辑:互联网 手机版


[关键词]错误 典型问题 思维 指导 注意点


一. 阅卷手记




Senior School Students have different opinions about Senior 1 Students' military training at school.

The survey shows that most students vote for having the military training.The reasons for it are as follows: It will strong our bodies.It will develop the friendship. It will be good for study. And also, it teaches us to be punctual.

However, about 20% of the students are against this idea. They regard it as an unnecessary thing because it's not only boring but also a waste of time.

In my mind, there's no doubt that the Senior 1 Students' military training is meaningful.It offers us time to start a new life: to make new friends, to adapt to the new school, to make preparations for the senior school life and so on.



Dear Editor,

I'm writing to tell you about the discussion we held on whether it is good to keep animals in zoos. Those who favor the idea think it provides chances for people to see wild animals. It might also develop people's love for animals and nature. Besides, animals in zoos can be protected from dangers in the wild. However, those who are against that it's a waste of money and labor to keep animals in zoos. It'll also damage the balance of nature. Animals will lose their freedom if caged in zoos.

I personally feel it is wrong to take animals away from their natural living areas and keep them locked up.

Your sincerely

Li Hua



Dear Editor,

I'm writing to tell you about the discussion we held on whether it is good to keep animals in zoos.Those who favor the idea think it not only provides chances for people to see wild animals but also develop people's love for animals and nature.Besides,animals in zoos can be protected from dangers in the wild.However, those who are against think it's a waste of money and labor to keep animals in zoos.In addition,it'll damage the balance of nature,which leads animals to be caged in zoos .

Your sincerely

Li Hua



Dear Jianhua,

I'm very glad to have received the letter you sent me two weeks ago.

I suggest that you should come home because you are Chinese. Our country needs you and you will adapt to the new environment. Besides, it is convenient for you to look after your parents. After all, your parents miss you very much.

You will finish your study. I think you want to do something. At first, you should come to Motherland. At home, you can make the best of what you have learned and do your best to realize your dream. Everyone will be proud of you and you are our pride. Therefore, you should come home. We are waiting for you.

Please write to me soon.




Dear Jianha,

I'm very glad to have received the letter you sent me two weeks ago.(原因 )

As far as am concerned, you'd better come back because of the following reasons. Firstly, it is easier for you to find a high-paid job at home than abroad(原因).Besides, you can have more chances to make full use of what you learnt. Secondly, it's your duty to look after your parents( 原因).

I'm waiting for the good news that you come back.

Best wishes。




Dear Jianhua,

I'm very glad to have received the letter you sent me two weeks ago. You said you are graduating from the college, but you can not decide if you will come back. You ask me for help. Here is my answer: I think you should come back. There are two reasons for this; First, you can care for your parents. Second, in China, it is easy to find a job. And you can devote yourself to the motherland. Please tell me your decision soon.

Best wishes.








审题就是要弄清题目的要求,这是写作的第一步。审题时,考生应根据题目提供的图画、图表、提纲或其他文字说明等明确文章的体裁;认真、全面地分析题目中包含的内容和信息,成功发挥想象力,判断命题者的意图,把握题目的中心思想;确定正确的时态、语态和人称等。根据高考评分原则,考生若没有按照题目要求答题或遗漏一个内容,其作文分数将降下一个档次。所以,教师必须加强对学生审题技能的指导。例如2007年浙江高考作文卷的题目要求如下:在英语课堂上,你喜欢老师授课时只用英语,还是英语、汉语兼用?某英语杂志社就此话题邀请中学生发表看法。请你围绕“How do you prefer your English classes to be taught? In English only, or in both English and Chinese”这个问题,参考所给要点,选择一种授课形式,写一篇英语短文。










I prefer my English classes to be taught in...



布局比较合理的文章一般包括标题和正文等。标题是文章的有机组成部分,而正文则是文章的主体,通常包括开首段、中间段和结尾段。正文部分应确保流畅性。如There are many different varieties of bees. Some live in large groups like the honey-bee, and make their nests in trees or holes in the rocks. Other species make their nests in holes in the ground. There are also varieties that do not live in groups at all. Among the different kinds of bee, it is the honey-bee that has interested scientists most because of the "language" they use to communicate with each other.平时阅读中若遇到此类的文章应让学生熟读,因为只有大输入才有大输出。


一篇好的文章不仅需要丰富的内容、巧妙的构思和规范的表达,还需要有把这些内容联系起来的语篇衔接手段,即常说的关联词、连接性副词以及一些介词和短语等(程晓堂、郑敏,2002)。虽然不少考生能写出句式完整、内容充实的作文,但句子之间、段落之间往往缺乏连贯性。教师在平时的教学中要善于指导学生使用连接词连接句子和段落,并适时对连接词进行总结和归类。例如:时间顺序:first,second,then,at last;对称顺序:for one thing,for another (thing),on one hand,on the other hand;转折顺序:but,however,while,though,otherwise;因果顺序:thanks to,as a result(of);条件顺序:as long as,on condition that,if,unless;让步顺序:though,as,even if/though,whenever;递进顺序:what's more,besides,what's worse;过渡性插入语:I think,in my opinion,personally,as far as I am concerned。






I don't only think of it as a machine .To me, it's many things.For one,it's my parents' acceptance of my dreams and inspirations.They know that I have big plans for designing and think that I can achieve them.Not only that, but it is the realization that my parents no longer think of me as a real adult.Plus, the knowledge that they were willing to pay a lot for the machine showed me that they believe in me.



那个男孩为祖国献出了自己的生命。可翻译为:The boy devoted his life to his country;The boy died for his country;The boy gave / lost his life for his country;The boy gave his life as a sacrifice for his country;The boy made sacrifices to pay for his country.











陈静 2003试论在英语写作中如何避免中式英语[J]。福建商业高等专科学校学报,(4)

程晓堂,王琦 2004 从小句关系看学生英语作文的连贯性[J] 外语教学与研究 (4)

程晓趟,郑敏 2002 英语学习策略[M]北京;外语教学与研究出版社

葛炳芳,邱锋,周道义 2007 07浙江英语卷评析:重视基础,讲究策略[EB、OL]http://edu.zjol.com.cn/,2007-11-1