强调结构知多少 (中学英语教学论文)

发布时间:2016-8-28 编辑:互联网 手机版


一、“It be … that / who …”强调句型


1、注意“be”的“数”和“时态”变化。be在句中总是单数形式,没有复数形式。be 的时态形式只有 is 和 was 两种。若原句的谓语动词是各种现在或将来时态,则用is;若原句的谓语动词为过去的某种时态,则 be 的形式应为 was。例如:

It is in the east of China that Shanghai lies.

It was Jack who / that broke the window.

2、在强调时间、地点、原因、行为方式等状语时,被强调的部分后面不能用 when, where, why或how,而只能用 that。

It was because his mother was ill that he didn't attend school.


Was it in the reading - room where Tom met you that you were reading a magazine?

4、强调 not until 句型。应用“It be not until … that”句型。

It was not until he graduated from high school that he realized his mistakes.

5、强调特殊疑问句,应用“疑问词 + be + it + that …?”句型。

How many people is it that are being trained for the special work?


“It be … that”句型不能强调谓语动词。若要强调谓语动词,则须在谓语动词的原形前面加上助动词 do、does 或 did。

Jim does study very hard.


常用 very, just 强调名词,此时常构成固定搭配:just the + 名词或 the very + 名词。

This is just the book / the very book I'm looking for.


用 really; still, even, a lot, a greay deal, much, far, by far 等进行强调。

I really saw him in the park yesterday.

It was very cold yesterday, but it is even colder today.


He talked, talked and talked, as if he knew everything.

He told us the same old story over and over again.


in the world, on earth, under the sun, at all 等词语用于疑问句中,意为“究竟”“到底”,用于否定句中,意为“全然”“一点也不”。

What on earth do you want me to do?

He had nothing in the world but a million-pound not.


Not a single mistake did he make.

Only in this way can you succeed.


Men can't live without air.
