目前,中学外语写作基本处于 correct writing (正确写作)阶段。严格地讲,correct writing 还不属于real writing (真实写作)。真实写作必须是 effective writing (有效写作)。它要求作者利用各种修辞、造句和谋篇手段有效地表达见闻,情感和思想。而 correct writing 只需使用正确的语言表达限定的写作内容,如看图作文、提示作文或补充原文等。这种写作不需要作者构思及组织文章,只要文章的单词拼写无误、语法正确、语言通顺、表面内容完整,基本上就可以达到要求。 Correct writing 的目的是学习使用书面语言,它为下一步 effective writing 奠定了坚实的基础,是迈向真实写作的重要一步。鉴于外语教学的发展趋势, correct writing 将不能满足中学外语教学的需要,篇章写作将会成为一个新的、更重要的目标。中学生英语写的能力总的发展训练过程应依次为:字母书写训练、单词拼写训练、句子结构训练、写段与作文训练。相应的 具体练习方法由 controlled writing 到 guided writing 及 free writing 。
1. Controlled writing
教师在这一阶段设计的练习不宜过难。通常以 combining 和 substitution 的形式出现。例如:
Task 1: Rewrite these descriptions using "and", "as well as" and "with"
a. He has grey hair. He has long beard.
b. She is a slim blond woman. She has blue eyes.
c. She has an round face. She has wavy hair. She has brown eyes. She has a healthy body.
Task 2: Reordering words: Write the sentences correctly.
We / six o'clock / and / tea /drink / get up / at
Sometimes / medicines / injection / them / we / or / give
教师可以告诉学生上面的句子描述了一个护士每天早上起床后要做的事情,做完练习后根据自己的实际情况 写几个句子。
Task 3: 教师可根据课文内容设计写作练习。例如学习了 Albert Einstein 一文后, 可以让学生把有关爱因斯坦的生平列出如下, 然后教师让学生用 relative clauses 连句成段.
a.. Einstein was a great physicist. b. He was born in Germany in 1879
c. He developed an important theory. d. It is called the theory of relativity.
e. He went to live in the USA in 1935 to escape the Nazis. f. He continued his work in the USA.
g. The Nazis took power in Germany. h. He died there in 1955..A.
2. Guided writing
Guided writing 起到了 controlled writing 与 free writing 的桥梁作用。因此,它通常出现在 prewriting 与 controlled writing 之后。在 guided writing activities 中,我们可以给学生一个 model 作为参考,也可以给一个 outline 让学生补充,还可以给一个 partly--written version.。 在让学生明确了如何将其完成以后,将这个语篇完成。 在这个阶段,学生的自由度比在 controlled activities 中有所 增大,为下一步进入 free writing 作好准备。
Task 1: 教师引导学生分组讨论把 Abraham Lincoln 课文分成几大部分, 分析出每部分的中心思想:
Part 1: his childhood, family background and education
Part 2: His career
Part 3: His major achievements as a president
Part 4: Reason for fame
教师也可以用下面 outline 帮助学生整理思路
Task 2:
Name : __________________
Born : ( where ) __________________________ ( when ) __________________________
Background : _________________________________________________
Family life : _________________________________________________
What did she / he do ? _________________________________________
Died : ( where ) _______________________________ ( when ) ______________________
Why is she / he famous ? ______________________________________________
Task 3 :
Jopley is a small town in the nothe of England. It is on the River Ouse, not far from Leeds. The town has a wide main street, with a stone church, the town hall and a cinema. There is a large supermarket in the town center, and many smaller shops and cafe's. Most people in Jopley work in the local factory, which produces farm machinery..
( 1 ) Write a similar paragraph about your hometown. Use these notes :
small village ---- south coast / Narrow street ---- two shops ---- playground
Most people ----- Farmers / Grow vegetables , wheat, flowers
Task 4 : Imagine you are on holiday. Answer the questions below in note form.
Where are you ? ______________________________________
How long have you been on holiday ? ____________________________________
Who are you with ? _____________________________________
Are you having a good time ? ______________________________________
What is the weather like ? _____________________________________
Which sights have you visited ? ______________________________________
Have you done any activities / sports ? ______________________________________
When are you going back home ? _______________________________________
接下来老师可以布置这样一个练习 : Use the notes you have made and write a letter to a friend or family describing your holiday. 这样练习给了学生更大的自由度。
参考文献: 刘上扶 : 《英语写作论》 , 广西教育出版社 , 1998年
包育彬 : 《 中学英语教学策略与艺术》, 东北师范大学出版社 ,2000年