浅谈比较成分的一致性 (中学英语教学论文)

发布时间:2016-1-11 编辑:互联网 手机版

浙江省诸暨市私立诸暨高级中学 尤磊





1). Our classroom is bigger than theirs. “Our classroom”与“theirs”对等,可以比较。

2). Her pen is more beautiful than me. “Her pen”与“me”不对等,不能比较。

3). This car runs faster than that one. “This car”与“that one”对等,可以比较。

2、在1中的比较结构中,从句的主语可用代词来代替。但须注意如果主句的主语是不可数名词或者是名词的单数形式可用that来代替;如果主句的主语是可数名词单数可用one, 复数则可用ones或those; 不过one或ones前常加the或that。

4). The population of the USA is greater than that of New Zealand.

5). This building is older than that one.

6). The students of Class 2 are more cleverer than those / the ones of Class one.

3、在“比较级+ and + 比较级”的结构中


7). More and more trees are cut down in the USA.

8). In summer, it’s getting hotter and hotter.

9). They are working hard in order to make their home town more and more beautiful.

4、在“the more…, the more…”结构中


10). The harder you work, the more money you will get.

11). The more you read, the more questions you will have.


1、比较级+than+any other+可数名词单数形式

在这个结构中,“any other”短语后常接“in”或“of”来限定范围,表示在同一范围内同其他人或物进行逐个比较。

12). China is bigger than any other country in Asia.

13). The area of Russia is larger than that of any other country in the world.


14). China is bigger than any country in Africa.

2、比较级+than+all (the) other+可数名词复数形式

在这个结构中,all (the) other后的名词总是用复数形式。

15). Russia is bigger than all the other countries in the world.



1、 preferto两者选取其一

16). I prefer English to Chinese.

17). She preferred singing songs to playing football.

2、prefer(rather) than两者选其一

18). I prefer to read in my study (rather) than go to the cinema.

3、would ratherthan宁愿而不愿

19). The boy would rather stay at home than go to the concert.


20). This park is as beautiful as that one.

21). Wei Fang runs as fast as Li Ping.

5、be different from

Differ from

22). Sometimes American English is very different from British English.

23). This pencil-box differs from that one.

6、be similar to与相似

24). This building is similar to that one.
