不可忽视高三册英语复习 (中学英语教学论文)

发布时间:2016-11-1 编辑:互联网 手机版


在教学中,我发现有相当一部分学生对高三册英语课本重视不够,甚至干脆不学。他们片面地认为高三册 英语“学还不如不学”。究其原因有二:一是认为考点太少,考查机会相对也少,不值得复习;二是不复习便 可以腾出时间和精力来复习高中一、二册课本。有兼于此,笔者将历届高考试卷中“单项选择题部分”与高三 册课本,结合高考词汇表逐课对照后,方才发现高考试卷对高三册上纲词汇几乎年年都有考查。另外,通过高 三册的学习还可提高英语阅读能力,增加词汇量。因此,上述同学们的认识实属偏差,亟待纠正。本文旨在通 过考题与课本对比来剖析要点考点,让同学们亲眼目睹考题与课本的密切关系,以引起对高三册课本的重视。


1.put sth. away“把……收(藏)起来;放好, 储存……备用”。away是副词,代词作宾语时,须置中 间。

Let's put our Christmas gifts away and keep them a while.(L3)咱们把圣诞节的礼物暂时收起来存 着吧。

[MET88] The teacher told the class to_______their books.

A.put away B.put by

C.put on D.put up(Key:A)

[析]put on “穿戴”的动作;put up“举起(手等); 张贴”,均不合题意。put by不搭配。

[NMET96]It's wise to have some money________for old age.

A.put away B.put by

C.given away D.laid up (Key:A)

2.add vt. & vi.“又说;补充说”

“He is dead”,replied the boy, softly. In a moment headded, "I'm going to be a sailor, too."(L5)

[NMET94 ]The visiting Minister expressed hissatisfaction with the talks______ ______that he had enjoyedhis stay here.

A.having added B.to add

C.adding D.added.(Key:C)

[惯用语]①add up to“总计,加起来等于”,to是介词, 无被动语态;②add...to...“把……加到… …上(里)”。

3.turn to“求助于,请教于;转向”

Even when they read, they don't turn to the dictionaryevery time they see an unknown wor d.(L7)他们就是在看书的时候也不是每看到一个生词就去查字典的。

He turned to me and said,"Where is the nobleman?"(SBⅡ L4)他转向我说:“那个贵族在哪儿?”

[NMET92]In the dark street, there wasn't a singleperson________she could turn for h elp.

A.that B.who

C.from whom D.to whom (Key:D)

[比较]turn off“关掉(灯,电,煤气等)”;turn down “开小(音量),减弱;拒绝”;turn up “放大(音量)”;turn out“结果是,证明是”。

[NMET96] I can hardly hear the radio. Would youplease______?

A.turn it on B.turn it down

C.turn it up D.turn it off(Key:C)

[MET91]-The light in the office is still on. -Oh, Iforget___________.

A.turning it off B.having turned it off

C.to turn it off D.turn it off (Key:C)

又如:Everything turned out well.结果一切都好。

4. congratulate vt.“祝贺”, congratulate sb. on (doing)sth. “为(做)某事祝贺某人”;con gratulation n. 与on连用; 多用复数形式。

I congratulate you on being able to write so well.(L7)我祝贺你能够写得这么好。

[NMET93]We offered him our congratulations_________hispassing the college entrance exams .

A.at B.on C.for D.of(Key:B)

5.serve vt.提供;端上vi.服役

I'll serve dinner in five minutes, sir.(L6)先生, 五分钟后我就把饭菜端上来。

[NMET93]In some parts of the world, tea_________withmilk and sugar.

A.is serving B.is served

C.serves D.served(Key:B)

6.matter vi.&n.“要紧,有关系”,用于否定句和疑问句中, 句中的主语常用it。

-I said a lot of unkind things to you. I'm sorry.

-It didn't matter, sir.(L6)

[NMET96]-I'm sorry. I broke your mirror. -Oh, really?_______

A.It's OK with me

B.It doesn't matter

C.Don't be worry

D.I don't care(Key:B)

7.work vi.“起作用;(钟表,机器等)运转”。

Smoke out the snake! Yes, it might work.(L9)用烟把蛇熏出来!对,这(办法)可能管用。

[NMET96]-Can I help you?-Yes, I bought this radiohere yesterday, but it ________.

A.didn't work B.won't work

C.can't work D.doesn't work(Key:D)

8.offer vt.“提供;答应;愿意;出价”

①offer sb. sth.(主动)提出要给某人某物;②offer sb. somemoney for sth.“向某人出……钱的价 买某物”;③offer sb. sth.for some money“提出……钱的价格把某物卖给某人。 ”④offer todo sth.“ 愿意做某事”。[注]offer只表示提供一种东西或提出一项建议,并不表明对方是否接受。如:

If you offered me six times the amout that you have justoffered, I would still take my pou nd of flesh. (L11)即使你愿意给我六倍于你刚才提出的钱数,我仍然要拿我应得的那一磅肉。

[NMET90]A library with 5,000 books______to the nationas a gift.

A.is offered B.has offered

C.are offered D.have offered.



1.patience n. (u) 忍耐;耐心;patient n.病人;adj.耐心的;with patience有耐心地(的)

She was a lovely young woman with patience and imagination.(L10)

[NMET95]I'll look into the matter as soon as possible.Just have a little___________.

A.wait B.time

C.patience D.rest.(Key:C)

2.dozen n. (c) “打;十二”,与基数词或many,several连用,作定语时,dozen不加-s也不接of , 表 示确定的数目; 当dozen 后接these,those,them,us等词时,需先接of,再接这些词,但dozen 仍不加-s; dozens of“许多”(=lots of),“几十”,表示笼统数目且其前不可加基数词等修饰语,与hundred,tho usand等用法相似。 例如:

I've bought two(或many,several )dozen copy- books forthe children.(SBⅢ教参P155)我已给 孩子们买了两(或好几, 几)打习字本。

There were dozens of words and phrases underlined.(L7)

I want three dozen of these eggs.(同上)

[NMET92]Shortly after the accident, two______policewere sent to the spot to keep orde r.

A.dozen of B.dozens

C.dozen D.dozens of (Key:C)

3.wealth n.(u)“财富;财产”;wealthy adj.“富有的”;短语be of(great)wealth“有钱的,富 有的”[=be wealthy]。例如:

They were men of wealth and good education.(L12)他们都是有钱人,并且受过良好教育。

[NMET95] He gained his______by printing______of famouswriters.

A.wealth;work B.wealths;works

C.wealths;work D.wealth;works


4.surprise n.①“惊奇”(u),词组:to one's surprise “使……吃惊的是”;in surprise“惊奇地 ”;②“使人惊奇的事”(c)。例如:A pleasant surprise.(L9)

[NMET90] Oh, John.__________you gave us!

A.How a pleasant surprise

B.How pleasant surprise

C.What a pleasant surprise

D.What pleasant surprise(Key:C)


1.as conj.“当……的时候”,它强调主、从句谓语动词动作相伴发生,有“一边……一边”之意。如:

As I drove, I counted my passengers.(L4)

[NMET94]Mother was worried because little Alice was ill,especially_________Father was away

in France.

A.as B.if

C.that D.during.(Key:A)

[NMET90]________ the day went on, the weather got worse.

A.With B.Since

C.While D.As(Key:D)

2.not...nor...“既不……,也不……”,连接并列分句时, nor引导的分句应部分倒装。例如:

It was not anger, nor surprise, nor disapproval, norhorror, nor any of the emotions th at she had been preparedfor.(L3)

[NMET91]-Do you know Jim quarrelled with his brother?-I don't know,_________.

A.nor don't I care

B.nor do I care

C.I don't care either

D.I don't care also(Key:B)

3.or conj.“或;还是”,表示选择。如:

I'll let you have the new geography and you may pay methe remainder of the money when yo u can, or I'll let you haveone that is not new for fifty cents.(L5)


Would you like a cup of coffee __________ shall we getdown to business right away?

A.and B.then

C.or D.otherwise(Key:C)

[NMET93 ]-I'd like fish _______ chicken. -I likechicken __________ I don't like fi sh.

A.and; and B.and; but

C.or; and D.or; but (Key:D)

4. whatever“无论什么”,whoever(whomever)“无论是谁”;whichever“无论哪个”。 注意:它们 既可引导名词性从句又可引导让步状语从句。[区别]no matter what/who...及however“无论怎样”等只引 导(让步)状语从句。例如:

-May I buy what I want with it?

-Yes, my lad, whatever you want. (L5)

[MET88]________ leaves the room last ought to turn offthe lights.

A.Anyone B.The persons

C.Whoever D.Who (Key:C)

[NMET95] If we work with a strong will, we can overcomeany difficulty, __________ great i t is.

A.what B.how

C.however D.whatever (Key:C)

[NMET97] It is generally considered unwise to give achild ________ he or she wants.

A.however B.whatever

C.whichever D.whenever(Key:B)

[NMET97]___________, Mother will wait for him to havedinner together.

A. However late is he

B.However he is late

C.However is he late

D.However late he is (Key:D)


without“没有”,引导介词短语,表示假设条件时, 谓语动词用虚拟语气。例如:

I couldn't have lived through Christmas without givingyou a present.(L3)

[NMET91]Without electricity human life _______ quitedifferent today.

A.is B.will be

C.would have been D.would be (Key:D)