江苏省东台市时堰中学高三英语第一轮复习unit1-2教学案Senior Book I(人教版高三英语上册教案教学设计)

发布时间:2016-6-7 编辑:互联网 手机版

Unit 1– Unit 2

Email: syzxcyp@163.com

I .Words

a) Write the correct forms of the following words:

1.honest →_______adv. →________n. 2.brave →________adv. →____________n.

3.argue →________n. →________adj. 4. adventure→________adj.→________adv.

5.classical→_______n.古典作品→_______adv. 6.pronounce→___________n.

7.communicate→___________n. 8.express→__________n. 9.compare→__________n.

10.organize→__________n. 11.European→_________n. 12.south→__________adj.

13.independence→___________adj. 14.government→___________v.

b) Fill in the blank with the suitable words listed above.

1. The police ___________with each other by radio nowadays.

2. His English___________ is not good, but it is improving.

3. No student in this school is from the___________ part of Taiwan.

4. Her husband is an___________ man.

5. Germany is an __________country.

6. They held out _________against repeated enemy bombing.

7. You should learn to be __________of your parents.

8. The explorer told the boys about his ___________ in the Arctic

II. Words and phrases

Translate the following phrases ,from Chinese to English or form English to Chinese.

1. argue ______sb. about sth 与某人辩论某事 2.be________ 对什么感兴趣;热衷于

3. be fond of _________________ 4.all ______ same 一直

5.even _____(=even if) 即使 6._____ the way 一路上

7.come_________ 发生,产生 8.know _______ 了解

9.bring_________ 引起,导致 10.stay _______ 熬夜

11.more______less 或多或少 12.take_______ 脱下,起飞

13.turn ______ 出现,调高音量 14.end _____with 以…告终

15.have a good _______of 通晓.熟知 16.as __________as 多达

17______a lie/lies 撒谎 18.see sb. ______为某人送行

III .Language points & Sentence patterns

1. argue vi.


argue about/over sth. ________________________

argue with sb. about sth. ________________________

argue sb. into doing sth. __________________________

argue sb. out of doing sth. __________________________


( )I don’t want to ________ with you. I just want to ___________ that you’re wrong.

A. discuss ; quarrel B. quarrel ;discuss

C. argue ; quarrel D. quarrel ; argue

2. too much与 much too的区别:

too much:




他说得不多。 翻译:______________________________ ____.


你给与我的太多了。 翻译:____________________________________.

much too用做副词:



3. alone 与 lonely


(1)I daren’t go out at night ____________.

(2)The plane landed on a ___________ island.

(3)The pair of shoes __________ cost me 300 yuan.

(4)Friends though she had, she felt very _______________.

4.to , in order to 与so as to

均表示“以便,为了”引导目的状语;一般该状语位于句末,三者均可,但如在句首,只用to 和 in order to填空:

(1)I got up early _______________ (not ) miss the first train.

(2) ______________ be a doctor, you have to study for 6 years.

5. always


(2)也可以与______时态连用,表示again and again; persistently 一次又一次地; 持续地; 老是(给动作披上一层感情色彩)

(1)他总是第一个到校. . 翻译:____________________________________.

(2)你为什麽老是咬指甲? 翻译:____________________________________.

6.the first time 与 for the fist time


Tom and Mary fell in love _______________ they saw each other 2 years ago. After a long time , they got married. But on the very day when the wedding ceremony was held, they had a big quarrel _________________. I can remember it was ____________ they had had quarreled.




①meaning n.

②means n. →by this means

→by all means

→by no means


(2)你能帮我一个忙吗? 当然可以。

翻译 ? .

③mean to do sth

④mean doing sth

(1) I didn’t mean to your feelings.

A. hurt B. hurting C. to hurt D. be hurting

(2).Missing the train means for an hour.

A. wait B. to wait C. waiting D. waited

8. as

①像…… 一样 conj. 它常常用来引导方式状语从句。


②. prep. 作为。



比较:like 词性 意思


9.the number of___________谓语常是 数

a number of 谓语常是 数

①The number of people invited to the party fifty, but a number of them from foreign countries.

A. were, was B. is, are C. was, were D. are ,is

② people who learn English as a foreign language more than 750million

A.A number of ,reach B. A. number of, reaches

C. The number of ,is D. The number of, are


at the end of by the end of in the end

put an end to end up with end in

11.have difficulty (trouble) in doing sth

① With the boy leading the way, we had no in finding your home.

A. troubles B. mistakes C. difficulty D. difficulties

②She climbed the top of the mountain great difficulty

A. in B. of C. with D. from



① 肯定句“某某也如此” 常用 +助动词/系动词/情态动词 +主语。


如果他去那儿,那么我也去。 翻译:

②否定句 “某某也如此” 常用 或( )+助动词/系动词/情态动词 +主语。




常用 或

例如: 李平在时堰中学读书,他每天骑车上学。他的妹妹也如此。


相关链接 :如果表示对前面的情况表示认同或强调(前后是同一主语)意义为 “某某确实如此”时,则用

例如:----我们的学校真漂亮。 ----确实如此。

翻译: ,


我们常用强调结构 It is +被强调结构+that +其他句子成分来强调 语, 语, 语。


I saw our teacher in the street yesterday morning.

① ② ③ ④





3.情态动词+have +done +sth

must have done

can’t have done

should have done

shouldn’t have done

could have done 或

needn’t have done

may have done


①The professor didn’t come to give the lecture, so we . A whole day was wasted.

A. mustn’t have come B. can’t have come

C. needn’t have come D.may not have come

②It yesterday morning ,for the ground was wet.

A. should have rained B. must have rained C. can have rained D. would have rained

③The meeting had already started ,you early

A. must have come B. can have come C. should have come D. may have come

④Mary was with me all the time yesterday ,so he _______your book.

A. mustn’t have taken B. can’t have taken C. needn’t have taken D. may not have taken

IV. Grammar(agreement)



1.My family_________ is elected as a model one..

2.The whole family _________ watching TV.

3.Everybody knows that cattle______(feed) on grass.

4.My uncle’s________ not for from here.

5.Thirty years ________ (have) passed.

6.Guiliver's Travels _____ novel written by Jonathan Swift .格列佛游记

7.The Times _____a very helpful newspaper for our studies . (泰晤士报)

8..More than one student _____ (have) seen the play.

9.Many a boy________ (have) bought that kind of toy.

10.My new shoes _______ under the bed.

11.A pair of shoes ________ on the desk.

12.The poor in India ______ living a hard life.

13.This kind of men _______ dangerous.

14.Men of this kind/sort ________ dangerous.

15.Between the two windows __________ an oil painting.(hang)


16.Truth and honesty ________ the best policy.

17.Going to bed early and getting up early _______ a good habit.

18.A knife and fork_________ on the table.

19.Not only they but also I _____going to collect money for the Hope Project.

20.Jackie, with his parents, _______(intend) to set out for Europe on business next week.

21.The teacher and writer_____giving the boys a very wonderful lecture .

22.The teacher and the singer _____ talking in the hall.


23.Such ________our plan. Such _________ his last words.

24.They told us something about the houses which____ built in the 1540's .

25.This is one of the most interesting stories that ______(have) been told by my father.

26.She is the only one of the girls who ________late for class today.


27.One and a half apples________ left on the table.

28.One apple and a half _______left one the table.

29.60% of the earth’s surface ______covered by water.

30.Two thirds of the teachers ______from Australia.


31.whether he succeeds or fails ____(do) not concern me .

32.What we need _________more money.

33.What we need__________ more people/teachers.

34.Swimming in the Yangtze River _____(need) great courage.

35.To say something _____ one thing, to do it _____ another.

36.To play basketball and to go swimming _____ of great use for character-training.




1. ______, I don’t think we have a chance of winning.

A. Be honestly B. To be honest C. Honestly D. Being honest.

2. I am surprised that you should have been fooled by such a(an) _____ thick.

A. ordinary B. easy C. smart D. simple

3. Do what you are told and don’t _____me.

A. argue B. argue with C. quarrel D. discuss

4. You can’t ______ him in knowledge of wild plants.

A. watch B. catch C. match D. keep

5. I’ve _____ everywhere but I still can’t find my key.

A. hunted B. looked for C. searched for D. found

6. Let Harry play with your toys as well, Clare---you must learn to ____.

A. support B. care C. spare D. share

7. The boy ____ in bed ____ to his father that he had _____ the book on the table.

A. lying; lied; laid B. laying; laid; lied C. lied; lay; lain D. lain; lying; laid

8. If only he _____ quietly as the doctor instructed, he would not suffer so much now.

A. lies B. lay C. had lain D. should lie

9. Helen had to shout _____ above the sound of the music. A. making herself hear

B. to make herself hear C. making herself heard D. to make herself heard

10. She never _____ what others will think when she does that.

A. think B. suppose C. care about D. come about

11. He has just bought quite few good books, _____ The Scarlet Letter; Wuthering Heights.

A. such as B. for example C. that is D. which are

12. I really appreciate _____ to relax with you on this nice island.

A. to have had time B. having time C. to have time D. to having time

13. Allen had to call a taxi because the box was _____ to carry all the way home.

A. much too heavy B. too much heavy C. heavy too much D. too have much

14. ----Will you go to Mary’s birthday party?

----No, ____ invited, I can’t go to it. I’ll be too busy, then.

A. if B. unless C. even though D. when

15. He speak English well indeed, but of course not _____ a native speaker.

A.as fluent as B. more fluent than C. so fluently as D. much fluent than

16. Of the making of good books there is no end; neither _____ any end to their influence on man’s lives.

A. there is B. there are C. is there D. are there

17. -----You forgot your purse when you went out.

-----Good heavens, ______.

A. so did I B. so I did C. I did so D. I so did

18. Jasmine was holiday with her family in a wildlife park ___ she was bitten on the leg by a lion.

A. when B. while C. since D. once

19. We were swimming in the lake _____ suddenly the storm started.

A. when B. while C. until D. before

20. I’ve worked with children before, so I know what _____ in my new job.

A. expected B. to expect C. to be expected D. expects

21. ---- I’ll tell Mary about her new job tomorrow.

----You _____ her last week.

A. ought to tell B. would have told C. must tell D. should have told

22. The majority of students ______ _______ favor of his suggestion.

A. are; in B. is; in C. are; for D. are; at

23. If you ever need my help, I am _____.

A. at your service B. of your service C. in service D. serving

24. There are 51 stars on America’s national flag, each _____ a state.

A. standing for B. stands for C. represented D. to represent

25. My companion ____ his surprise when he learned his ___ hadn’t arrived for such a long time.

A. expressed; luggages B. expressed; luggage C. described; luggages D. described; luggage

26. _____ with the size of the whole earth, the biggest ocean doesn’t seem big at all.

A. Compare B. When comparing C. Comparing D. When compared

27. In some parts of London, missing a bus means _____ for another hour.

A. waiting B. to wait C. wait D. to be waiting

28. Tom felt that he knew everybody’s business better than they knew it ____.

A. themselves B. oneself C. itself D. himself

29. I know nothing about the young lady ____ she is from Beijing.

A. except B. except that C. except for D. besides

30. ----How many monkeys are there in the zoos?

----The number of monkeys there _____ ten, _____ the newly-born ones.

A. come to; including B. has reached; including C. is totaled; including D. has added; including

31. ----How did it ____ that you made so many mistakes in your homework?

----I myself haven’t figured it out yet.

A. bring about B. come about C. come across D. occur to

32. The meeting began ____ the national theme and also ended ____ it.

A. at; at B. with; with C. at; with D. with; up with

33. A great deal of science and technique has been ___ since China carried ___ reform and open.

A. brought down; on B. brought in; out C. brought out; out D. brought up; on

34. The young dancers looked so charming in their beautiful clothes that we took ___ pictures of them.

A. many of B. masses of C. the number of D. a large amount of

35. I’d like to buy a house---modern, comfortable, and ____ in a quiet neighborhood.

A. in all B. above all C. after all D. at all

36. The number of people invited ___ fifty, but a number of them ___absent for different reasons.

A. were; was B. was; was C. was; were D. were; was

37. ----Is Mr. White out of danger?

----No, ____ than before, I’m afraid.

A. no better B. a little better C. not worse D. no worse

38. I hate ____ when people talk with their mouths full.

A.it B. that C. these D. them

39. Why! I have nothing to confess. _____ you want me to say?

A. What is it that B. what it is that C. How is it that D. How it is that

40. _____ production up by 60%, the company has had another excellent year.

A. As B. For C. With D. Through