
时间:2022-09-02 09:36:58 海发 英文简历模板 我要投稿
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  Personal information


  Gender: male

  Marital status: single

  Ethnic composition: the han

  Home record: jiangsu yancheng age: 28

  Home now: yancheng height: 1.76 cm

  E-mail: www.ruiwen.com/jianli


  Objective: the administrative manager, hr manager

  Working lives: job title:

  Anticipated salary: negotiable

  Job type: full-time

  The work time: at any time

  Work experience

  * * company (2008-12-2008-11)

  Other categories: company properties: the foreign capital enterprise industry production, manufacturing, and processing

  Position: category: the position of administrative manager other related jobs

  Job description:

  1, responsible for planning and construction for the development of the company business plan and supervise the implementation of the management goal responsibility signed.

  2, drafting and management rules and regulations Internal and external communication communication public relations handling Assist legal union labor issues of human rights and so on

  3, dispatch notice seal qualification information control and management of the audit and document control center

  4, asset management, office equipment management of cultural goods purchase examination and approval and issue management Cooperate with internal and external auditing department audit work meal

  5, responsible for the application and management of each department meeting room, and implementation of the core content of implementing meeting

  6, vehicle security dining room to the dormitory, gas of environmental safety and health management and budget, etc

  Leaving reason: the company move

  * * company (2005-09 to 2008-11)

  The company properties: foreign capital enterprise industry categories: raw materials and processing

  Position: hr manager job categories: other related jobs

  Job description:

  1, develop and implement hr strategy, planning and management system; Construct platform for human resource management, organization, gather and prepare the enterprise each rules and regulations, adjustment and operation.

  2, responsible for corporate IT management, building information platform.

  3, policy and system, the construction and operation of human resources management system.

  4, organize the implementation of enterprise talents, build the enterprise training management system, and organize the implementation of staff training and professional and technical management work.

  5, and analysis the organization culture, organization, and management of leading performance, urge and assist the department performance management;

  6 enterprise internal situation, organization, analysis, research, design, optimize the compensation system, perfect the enterprise salary management system and standard, improve enterprise's compensation management level; Create atmosphere of fair and impartial distribution of salary.

  6, as a whole the staff insurance scheme; Supervision and management of labor discipline, dealing with labor disputes.

  7, responsible for enterprise equipment management comprehensively, perform maintenance management plan, monitor the equipment, parts procurement management.

  8, comprehensive regulatory company logistics management, including security, restaurant, dormitory, vehicle operation and management of water and electricity, etc.)

  9, provide decision support information, participate in the development of enterprise development planning.

  10, coordination of internal and external, dealing with emergencies, labor disputes, foreign legal work.

  11, assist general manager to handle daily affairs, and to undertake other tasks assigned by general manager.

  Leaving reason: elderly family died

  Education background

  School: Beijing university of science and technology information

  Highest degree: college degree

  Graduation date: the 2005-07

  Industry: business management

  Language ability

  Fluent in mandarin, cantonese, was poor

  English: spoken English professional level 3

  English: general

  He: Shanghai dialect


  Professional title: business management

  Computer level: intermediate

  Detailed computer skills: familiar with the Windows operating system, able to skillfully use all kinds of Office software, and software such as excel, word. ERP, OA office system


  1, I have 6 years of human resources management and administrative management of manufacturing private and foreign capital enterprise management experience.

  2, proficient in the management of the different enterprises and the core subject of management model and system. Know how to set according to the current situation of the enterprise standard. Streamline systematic control.

  3, proficient in human resources management module and the enterprise management system/process. With strong theoretical knowledge and practical work experience for many years. A man who knows how to rely on enterprise, by analyzing a variety of ways, by the standards of the monetary remuneration distribution method and guide mechanism put it in a suitable for their own work, produce to enterprise's values.

  4, proficient in business planning and management method and ability, to the enterprise strategic planning, comb, the successful experience of propulsion

  5, have rich management and practice in administration working experience, can do department communication and coordination between orderly service oriented basis and the precondition of setting management existing in the lack of the main body, the body combined with system, the setting of standards and system routing systematic fast effect to promote that the office affairs, guarantee company work efficient and orderly operation

  6 has outstanding understanding ability, planning and summary judgment ability and analysis ability, communication and coordination ability and effective experience of organizational change

  7, with management ability, attention to detail management; According to different ability and personality and team, take different management mode; Pay attention to communication and coordination; Pay attention to the execution.

  8, has the ability of dealing with complex problems and deal with the crisis, the sense of responsibility and the dedication to work

  9, skilled use of EXCEL, word, PPT, have stronger sensitivity Numbers

  10 happily, full of passion, professionalism, emphasizes the team cooperation spirit, belong to study, work type staff

  11, familiar with the labor law, experience of actual processing labor dissension fairly.

  12, have experience in internal audit, to the implementation of the management system, improvement and revision and have rich experience.

  13, had to carry out comprehensive led 7 s management, the business process reengineering; Participate in the construction of the system of enterprise resource planning (ERP), the implementation of the ISO9001 and ISO14001 system, customer's social responsibility evaluation

  Self assessment

  Honest people honest, character, cheerful, on receiving new things quickly, and the people doing things well, whether at work or in life has always been to "oneself first after the principle of doing things" as the foundation, especially in communication and coordination in the work, strong analysis of force and work sense of responsibility, sense of responsibility, good at innovation, dare to meet the challenge, has the strong energy into work, full of passion, happy work. Emphasizes the team cooperation spirit, fulfill the responsibility.


  1, continue to consolidate the shortcomings on the administrative management of human resource management improvement of reading and meticulous service and large enterprises.

  2, with enterprise common development and common progress. Use of spare time to continue to study related aspects of the career and the related knowledge of senior, executives to prepare for competition.







  户 籍:江苏盐城 年龄:28

  现所在地:盐城 身高:1.76cm




  工作年限: 职称:





  **公司 (2008-12 ~ 2012-11)

  公司性质: 外资企业 行业类别: 其它生产、制造、加工

  担任职位: 行政经理 岗位类别: 其他相关职位


  1、负责对公司的发展规划 建设 经营计划 目标 责任的签订与监督 执行的管理。

  2、规章制度的起草和管理 内外交际 沟通 协调 公共关系的处理 协助法务部 工会处理人权 劳资问题等

  3、公文 通告 印章 资质 信息的管控与审核与文控中心的管理

  4、资产管理 办公室设备的管理 文化用品的采购审批和发放管理 配合稽查部内外稽核工作的开餐


  6、车辆 保安 食堂 宿舍 水电气 环境 安全 卫生的管理和预算等

  离职原因: 公司搬迁

  **公司 (2005-09 ~ 2008-11)

  公司性质: 外资企业 行业类别: 原材料及加工

  担任职位: 人事行政经理 岗位类别: 其他相关职位














  离职原因: 家中长辈过世





  专 业:工商管理


  普通话: 流利 粤语: 较差

  英语水平: 英语专业 3级 口语一般

  英语: 一般

  其 他: 上海话


  专业职称: 工商管理

  计算机水平: 中级

  计算机详细技能: 熟悉windows操作系统,能够熟练使用各种Office软件,及excel word等软件。ERP OA办公系统



  2、精通不同企业的经营与管理模式的核心 主体与体系。懂得如何根据企业的现状设定标准。流程化 系统化的管控。



  5、在行政方面也有丰富的管理与实践工作经验,能够有序的做到部门之间的沟通 协调 服务为导向的前提基础、设定存在的管理欠缺的主体,把主体与体系相结合,把设定的标准与体系流程化 系统化 快捷效推动到办公事务上,保障公司高效工作有序运转




  9、对EXCEL、 word PPT的.熟练使用,具有较强的数字敏感度








  1、继续巩固 总结 改善行政管理 人力资源管理方面的存在不足的阅并且一丝不苟的奉献与大型企业。
