

时间:2018-03-19 14:07:43 英文简历模板 我要投稿





  Personal information


  Gender: female

  Ethnic composition: the han nationality

  Age: 25

  Marital status: single

  Professional name: English major

  Major: foreign language classes

  Political landscape: the league members

  School: fuqing branch of fujian normal university

  Graduation time: in July 2015

  Highest degree: bachelor

  Computer level: master

  Working experience: more than a year

  Height: 0 cm

  Weight: 0 kg

  Location: now liancheng county

  Registration: liancheng county


  Hope is engaged in the occupation: customer service of foreign trade, foreign trade assistant, clerk, translation, English teacher

  Expected salary: 2000-3000

  Expect work areas: liancheng county

  Expect nature of work: full-time

  The fastest arrive time: arrive at any time

  Must provide housing: no need


  Education background:

  School name: fuqing branch of fujian normal university (September 2011 - June 2015)

  Professional title: English major education: bachelor degree

  Location: certificates: national computer level of colleges and universities, and professional English four, six level of certificate, tem 8 certificate, English majors at xiamen university English translation secondary qualification certificate

  Trained experience:

  Work experience

  Company name: fujian printing color electronic technology co., LTD. (April 2015 - June 2016)

  Industry: Internet, e-commerce company properties:

  Job title: foreign trade customer service

  Job description: job content for speed sell pass through the alibaba platform to communicate with foreign customer contact, answer and solve the problem, put forward by the customer in a timely manner to handle customer disputes caused by problems with the company, to reassure customers and proposes the corresponding solution measures. In the process to improve customer satisfaction to get new orders. The last part of the customer service as a marketing, but it is a poor is an important part of the company to operate smoothly. In communication with the customers to solve the problem at the same time, also should negotiate with the different divisions of the company colleague at the same time, strive for the solution of the optimization the needs of customers at the same time ensure that the interests of the company.

  Self assessment

  Self assessment: easy-going, has high degree of enthusiasm to the work, strong sense of responsibility, serious and responsible work, bears hardships and stands hard work, conscientious, have patience, treats people sincerely. Has the good team cooperation consciousness. During the period of school won the national certificate of computer level examination of colleges and universities, and to be able to use office software. Majored in English at school, English professional level 4 certificate, certificate of national college students English six levels of tests, tem 8 certificate in English. In addition to learning, also like calligraphy in writing, like to play badminton. Positive optimistic life attitude. After graduating from college in a company for foreign trade service, through the speed to sell through platform to communicate with foreign customers, resolve customer questions, to appease customers, communicate with customer to solve the problem at the same time, should also communicate with colleagues from different divisions of the company at the same time, to complete solutions to customer needs.

  Language ability

  Language name master degree

  Good English

  Good mandarin




  性别: 女

  民族: 汉族

  年龄: 25

  婚姻状况: 未婚

  专业名称: 英语专业

  主修专业: 外语类

  政治面貌: 团员

  毕业院校: 福建师范大学福清分校

  毕业时间: 2015年7月

  最高学历: 本科

  电脑水平: 精通

  工作经验: 一年以上

  身高: 0cm


  现所在地: 连城县

  户籍: 连城县


  期望从事职业: 外贸客服,外贸助理,文员,翻译,英语老师

  期望薪水: 2000-3000

  期望工作地区: 连城县

  期望工作性质: 全职

  最快到岗时间: 随时到岗

  需提供住房: 不需要



  学校名称: 福建师范大学福清分校(2011年9月-2015年6月)

  专业名称: 英语专业 学历: 本科

  所在地: 证书: 全国高等学校计算机一级,英语专业四,六级证书,英语专业八级证书,厦门大学英语笔译二级资格证书



  公司名称: 福建印彩电子科技有限公司(2015年4月-2016年6月)

  所属行业: 互联网·电子商务 公司性质:

  职位名称: 外贸客服

  工作描述: 工作内容为通过阿里巴巴的速卖通平台与外国客户联系沟通,回答并解决客户提出的问题,及时处理客户跟公司之间因某些问题而引起的纠纷,安抚客户并提出相应的解决措施。在此过程中提高客户的满意度从而得到新的订单。客服作为营销的最后环节,虽不起眼但却是是配合公司顺利运营的重要环节。在与客户沟通解决问题的`同时,还应同时与公司各部门同事沟通协商,争取最优化的解决客户的需求同时保证公司的利益。


  自我评价: 个性随和,对工作有高度的热情,较强的责任感,工作认真负责,吃苦耐劳,尽职尽责,有耐心,待人真诚。具有良好的团队合作意识。在校期间获得全国高等学校计算机一级考试证书,能够使用办公软件。在学校主修的是英语专业,获得英语专业四级证书,全国大学生英语六级考试证书,英语专业八级证书。除了学习以外,还喜欢书法练字,喜欢打羽毛球。生活态度积极乐观向上。大学毕业后在一家公司任职外贸客服,通过速卖通平台与外国客户沟通,解决客户提出的问题,在安抚顾客,与顾客沟通解决问题的同时,还应同时与公司各部门同事沟通,才得以圆满解决顾客需求。


  语种名称 掌握程度

  英语 良好

  普通话 良好








