
时间:2024-05-17 16:40:06 秀凤 经典句子 我要投稿
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  1、Were so proud of you.(我们十分为你骄傲。)

  2、You look nice in that color.(你穿那种颜色很好看。)

  3、You two make a lovely couple.(你们真是天生的一对!)

  4、You look like a million dollars. = you look outstanding.=you look like a movie star.(你看上去帅呆了。)

  5、I admire your work.(我对你的工作表示敬意。)

  6、Your English is incredible.(我真不敢相信你的英语。)

  7、The food is delicious.(好吃!)

  8、Your Chinese is really surprising.(你的中文令人惊讶。)

  9、Youre so smart.(你非常聪明。)

  10、You look great today.(你今天看上去很棒。)

  11、This is really a nice place.(这真是个好地方!)

  12、Youre looking sharp!(你看上去真精神/真棒/真漂亮。)

  13、Im very pleased with your work.(我对你的工作非常满意。)

  14、What an adorable baby!(多么可爱的孩子。)

  15、Your son/daughter is so cute.(你的孩子很可爱。)

  16、You have a good sense of humor.(你真幽默。)

  17、You have a good taste.(你很有品位。)

  18、You always know the right thing to say.(你总是说话得体!)

  19、Everything tastes great.(每样东西都很美味!)

  20、Youre very professional.(你非常专业。)

  21、I envy you very much.(我非常羡慕你。)

  22、Your company is very impressive.(你的公司给我留下深刻印象。)

  23、Youre really talented.(你很有天赋。)

  24、You did a good job.(你干得非常好。)

  25、You have a very successful business.(你的事业很成功。)

  26、Youve got a great personality.(你的个性很好。)

  27、Nice going! = you did a good job.(干得好!)

  28、Youre amazing! 你真是太棒了!

  29、Youre so talented. 你真有才华。

  30、You have a great personality. 你的个性真好。

  31、Youre such a hard worker. 你工作真努力。

  32、I admire your dedication. 我佩服你的专注。

  33、Youre always so positive. 你总是那么积极。

  34、You have a great sense of humor. 你很有幽默感。

  35、Your smile is contagious. 你的笑容很有感染力。

  36、Youre a great listener. 你很会倾听。

  37、I appreciate your honesty. 我很欣赏你的诚实。

  38、Youre very intelligent. 你很聪明。

  39、You have an excellent memory. 你的记忆力真好。

  40、Youre a great team player. 你是团队中的佼佼者。

  41、Your ideas are always so creative. 你的想法总是很有创意。

  42、Youre a natural leader. 你是天生的领导者。

  43、You have a beautiful voice. 你的声音真美。

  44、Youre a great cook. 你做菜真好吃。

  45、Youre very fashionable. 你很时尚。

  46、Youre so kind and thoughtful. 你既善良又体贴。

  47、I love your enthusiasm for life. 我喜欢你对生活的热情。

  48、Youre very dependable. 你很可靠。

  49、You have an excellent work ethic. 你的职业道德很好。

  50、Youre always so patient with others. 你对别人总是很有耐心。

  51、Youre a quick learner. 你学习很快。

  52、You have a strong willpower. 你的意志力很强。

  53、Youre very artistic. 你很有艺术天赋。

  54、Youre a great friend. 你是个好朋友。

  55、Youre so good with kids. 你很会和孩子相处。

  56、You have a great sense of style. 你的品味真好。

  57、I admire your ability to multitask. 我佩服你同时处理多项任务的能力。

  58、Youre always ready to lend a helping hand. 你总是乐于助人。

  59、Youre a great role model. 你是个好榜样。

  60、You have a way with words. 你很会说话。

  61、Youre very inspiring. 你很鼓舞人心。

  62、Youre a great motivator. 你是很好的激励者。

  63、You have a unique perspective on things. 你对事物有独特的见解。

  64、Youre a joy to be around. 和你在一起真开心。

  65、Youre always ready for a challenge. 你总是勇于接受挑战。

  66、Youre very organized. 你很有条理。

  67、You have a beautiful smile. 你的笑容很美。

  68、Youre very generous. 你很大方。

  69、Youre a great communicator. 你很会沟通。

  70、Youre so good at problem-solving. 你很擅长解决问题。

  71、You have a great imagination. 你的想象力很丰富。

  72、Youre very considerate of others. 你很会为别人着想。

  73、Youre a great athlete. 你是优秀的运动员。

  74、Youre a natural at this. 你在这方面很有天赋。

  75、Youre always up for new adventures. 你总是勇于尝试新事物。

  76、Youre a real pleasure to work with. 和你一起工作真的很愉快。

  77、Youre simply the best! 你就是最棒的!

  78、Youre amazing! 你真了不起!

  79、Youre incredible! 你真令人难以置信!

  80、Youre such a hard worker. 你真是个勤奋的人。

  81、I admire your dedication. 我佩服你的专注。

  82、Youre very talented. 你很有才华。

  83、You have a great personality. 你的个性很好。

  84、Youre always so positive. 你总是这么积极。

  85、You have a great sense of humor. 你很幽默。

  86、Youre very intelligent. 你很聪明。

  87、I really respect your opinion. 我真的很尊重你的观点。

  88、Youre a great listener. 你是个很好的倾听者。

  89、You have a beautiful smile. 你的笑容很美。

  90、Youre very kind-hearted. 你很善良。

  91、Youre very thoughtful. 你很体贴。

  92、Youre so brave. 你真勇敢。

  93、I admire your courage. 我佩服你的勇气。

  94、Youre a great leader. 你是个很棒的领导者。

  95、You have a great work ethic. 你的职业道德很好。

  96、Youre very creative. 你很有创造力。

  97、Your ideas are brilliant. 你的想法很出色。

  98、You always know how to make me feel better. 你总是知道怎么让我感觉更好。

  99、Youre a great friend. 你是个好朋友。

  100、Youre very supportive. 你很支持人。

  101、You have a lot of patience. 你很有耐心。

  102、Youre very understanding. 你很理解人。

  103、Youre very trustworthy. 你很值得信赖。

  104、You have a great sense of style. 你的品味很好。

  105、You always look so stylish. 你总是看起来很时髦。

  106、You have beautiful eyes. 你的眼睛很美。

  107、Your hair looks great. 你的头发很好看。

  108、You have a great body. 你的身材很好。

  109、You look great in that dress. 你穿那条裙子真好看。

  110、Youre very photogenic. 你很上镜。

  111、You have a great smile that lights up a room. 你的笑容能点亮整个房间。

  112、Your enthusiasm is contagious. 你的热情很有感染力。

  113、Youre a natural born leader. 你是天生的领导者。

  114、Your dedication to your work is admirable. 你对工作的投入令人敬佩。

  115、Youre always ready to lend a helping hand. 你总是乐于助人。

  116、Your attention to detail is impressive. 你对细节的关注令人印象深刻。

  117、You have a very calming influence on people. 你对人们有一种让人平静的影响力。

  118、Youre always so organized. 你总是这么有条理。

  119、Your ability to multitask is incredible. 你同时处理多项任务的能力真令人难以置信。

  120、Youre a great problem solver. 你是个很好的问题解决者。

  121、Your analytical skills are top-notch. 你的分析能力是一流的。

  122、You have a great memory. 你的记忆力真好。

  123、Your ability to learn new things is amazing. 你学习新事物的能力真令人惊叹。

  124、Youre a fast learner. 你学得很快。

  125、Youre very articulate. 你很善于表达。

  126、You have a way with words. 你很会用词。

  127、Your communication skills are excellent. 你的沟通技巧很出色。

  128、Youre a great team player. 你是个很好的团队成员。

  129、You always put the teams needs first. 你总是把团队的需要放在第一位。

  130、Your teamwork skills are top-notch. 你的团队合作能力是一流的。

  131、Youre very dependable. 你很可靠。

  132、Youre a great motivator. 你是个很好的激励者。

  133、You always encourage others to do their best. 你总是鼓励别人做到最好。

  134、Your positive energy is contagious. 你的正能量很有感染力。

  135、You have a great work-life balance. 你很好地平衡了工作和生活。

  136、Youre very self-motivated. 你很有自驱力。

  137、Youre always striving for improvement. 你总是努力追求进步。

  138、Youre very persistent. 你很坚持。

  139、You are a diamond in the rough—a real hidden gem!

  140、Your skills and talents are truly Remarkable.

  141、You are a force to be reckoned with—a true giant in your industry!

  142、Your work is second to none—absolutely breathtaking.

  143、Your unparalleled success is only matched by your kindness and generosity.

  144、Your unique perspective is not only refreshing but alsoinvaluable to those around you.

  145、Your credentials speak for themselves—a true authority in your field.

  146、Your artistry and creativity are awe-inspiring—a true inspiration to us all.

  147、You are a legendin the making—a true icon of our time.

  148、Your goodwill and kindness are infectious—a true ray of sunshine.

  149、You are an absolute gem of a person.

  150、Your intelligence and beauty are unparalleled.

  151、Your charm and wit are simply unbeatable.

  152、You have the most charming personality Ive ever encountered.

  153、Your grace and poise are truly admirable.

  154、Your talent and drive are truly inspirational.

  155、Your kind heart and generosity are unsurpassable.

  156、Your creativity and innovation are second to none.

  157、Your work ethic and dedication are truly commendable.

  158、Your passion and enthusiasm are contagious.

  159、Youre a natural at what you do. 你做事真是天赋异禀。

  160、You have a unique perspective on things. 你对事物的看法很独特。

  161、Your sense of humor always brightens my day. 你的幽默感总能点亮我的一天。

  162、Youre a great role model. 你是个好榜样。

  163、Your enthusiasm for life is inspiring. 你对生活的热情很鼓舞人。

  164、Youre so considerate of others. 你很会为别人着想。

  165、You have a beautiful voice. 你的声音很好听。

  166、Your smile is contagious. 你的笑容很有感染力。

  167、You have an amazing work ethic. 你的工作态度真令人钦佩。

  168、Your integrity is admirable. 你的正直令人敬佩。

  169、Youre a great mentor. 你是个好导师。

  170、Your leadership skills are exceptional. 你的领导力很出色。

  171、Youre always willing to go the extra mile. 你总是愿意多走一步。

  172、Your attention to detail sets you apart. 你对细节的关注让你与众不同。

  173、You have a strong work ethic. 你的职业道德很强。

  174、Your patience is admirable. 你的耐心令人敬佩。

  175、Youre very generous with your time. 你很愿意花时间帮助别人。

  176、Your sense of style is impeccable. 你的品味无可挑剔。

  177、Youre always so calm and collected. 你总是这么冷静和镇定。

  178、Your ability to adapt is impressive. 你适应环境的能力令人印象深刻。

  179、You have a beautiful mind. 你头脑很聪明。

  180、Youre always looking for ways to improve. 你总是在寻找改进的方法。

  181、Your sense of empathy is remarkable. 你的同理心很强。

  182、Youre a great communicator. 你是个很好的沟通者。

  183、Your confidence is inspiring. 你的自信很鼓舞人。

  184、Youre always there to lend a hand. 你总是乐于助人。

  185、Your kindness knows no bounds. 你的善良无边无际。

  186、You have a great imagination. 你想象力很丰富。

  187、Your energy is unwavering. 你的精力旺盛。

  188、Youre a true team player. 你是真正的团队成员。

  189、Your commitment to your goals is admirable. 你对目标的承诺令人敬佩。

  190、You have a way with people. 你很会与人相处。

  191、Your honesty is refreshing. 你的诚实令人耳目一新。

  192、Youre a joy to be around. 和你在一起很愉快。

  193、Your optimism is contagious. 你的乐观很有感染力。

  194、Youre a great multitasker. 你是多任务处理的高手。

  195、Your dedication to your craft is admirable. 你对技艺的专注令人敬佩。

  196、You have a great sense of direction. 你方向感很好。

  197、Your creativity knows no bounds. 你的创造力无边无际。

  198、Youre always ready to take on new challenges. 你总是愿意接受新挑战。

  199、Your passion for what you do is inspiring. 你对所做之事的热情很鼓舞人。

  200、You have a great sense of balance. 你很懂得平衡。









