
时间:2024-01-19 08:46:17 金磊 练习题 我要投稿
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  小学五年级英语首字母填空练习题 1

  Can animals be made to work for people ? Some scientists think that one day animals may be trained to do a number of simple jobs i_________ (1) of people . They say that at a circus (杂技场),for e__________(2) , we may see elephants , monkeys , dogs and other animals doing q ________(3) skillful things . Perhaps you have seen them on the television or in a film . If you watch closely , you may find that the trainer (驯兽员) always g ________(4) the animal some sugar o r a piece of fruit as a reward . The scientists say that many d_________ (5) animals may be trained to do a lot of simple things if they know they will get a reward f________ (6) doing that .

  Of course , as we know , dogs can be trained to l__________(7) after a house , and soldiers in both old and modern t __________(8) have used geese to give warning (警报) by m _________(9) a lot of noise when an enemy comes near . And also it may be possible to train animals to work in families or f ____________ (10) .

  1.___________ 2.___________ 3. ____________ 4 ._____________ 5. ___________

  6.___________ 7.___________8. ____________ 9._____________ 10. ___________


  1. instead 2. example 3. quite 4.gives 5. different

  6. for 7. look 8. times 9. making 10. factories

  小学五年级英语首字母填空练习题 2

  Let me tell you a story . A good friend of mine lives with six hundred animals on an island . Ever s___1___ he left school , he has travelled all over the world l___2___ for animals for his own zoo . He writes books about his travels , and about his wonderful a___3___ . The money for his books helps him to p___4____ for all the animal food . My friend told me that when he was looking for water last week (There is not enough water on the island , though there is a lot all around it ) , he f___5___ oil . He n___6___ money for his travels and for his zoo , and a little oil would buy e___7___ water for a long time , but he knows that if he tells anybody else about it , it will be the e___8___ of his zoo and his lifes work . So I think he will not tell anybody e ___9___ you and me about what he found - because oil and water cant be p___10___ together . Oil may bring greater trouble to his animals than not having enough water . Do you think so ?

  1. __________ 2. __________ 3. ____________ 4. ____________ 5. _____________

  6.__________7. __________ 8. ____________ 9. ____________ 10. _____________


  1. since 2. looking 3. animals 4.pay 5. found

  6. needs 7. enough 8. end 9. except 10.put

  小学五年级英语首字母填空练习题 3

  Hello, I am Kitty. My Chinese 1.n____is Zhang Lei. I am 2.f_____Nanjing, but I 3.l_______ in Yancheng now. I like Yancheng very 4.m_______. I am a 5.s_______ in Yancheng No.1 Middle School. I’m 6. t______ and slim. I have short hair. I like 7.l________to music. I am in the Reading Club in my school. I love 8.r_________books about music after school. I have many friends and we 9.o________go to Yandu Park for fun. Zhang Hua is my brother. He is tall. He likes playing basketball. After school, he likes playing basketball on the 10.p_______with his friends.

  小学五年级英语首字母填空练习题 4

  Henry was worried. This was his first time to go traveling by air. He did not know h_____ to find his seat, so he went to the air hostess and asked, "Could you help me? I cant find my seat." The air hostess s_____ him the seat and told him to sit d_____ and fasten the seat belt. She told Henry not to m______ about when the plane was going up. And she also said that Henrys ears might feel a little s______, but he didnt need to worry about it b_______ many people felt like that. When the plane was f_______ very high, Henry could stand up and walk round. He could e______ read books, newspapers or see films. The air hostess would b_____ food and drinks. Henry could e______ the flight and arrived home soon.

  1. __________ 2. __________3. ____________ 4. __________ 5. __________

  6. __________ 7.__________8. _________ 9. ____________ 10. __________


  1.how 2.showed 3.down 4.move 5.strange ,6.because 7.flying 8.either 9.bring 10.enjoy

  小学五年级英语首字母填空练习题 5

  The u________ means the earth ,the sun , the moon and the stars and the space b________ them .Many of the stars are so f_____ away that we can not see them . The moon , our satellite , travels a______ the earth . It has already been visited b______ man from the earth . Man-made satellites have been sent up i______ space by many countries .They go round the earth . They are used for helping us to learn more a______ the earth , the weather and other things . They are also used for sending and r_______ messages . It makes people f_______ different countries understand each other much better . So people say the world itself is becoming a much s_____ place. People call the small place "the global village ".

  1. ______2. ______3. ______ 4. ______ 5. ______

  6. ______7. ______8. ______ 9. ______ 10. ______


  1.universe 2.between 3.far 4.around 5.by ,6.into 7.about 8.receiving 9.from 10.smaller

  小学五年级英语首字母填空练习题 6

  1、My f______ animal is a dog because they are very loyal.

  2、Yesterday, I went to the p______ and flew a kite with my friends.

  3、We should eat h______ food every day, like fruits and vegetables.

  4、The sun rises in the e______ and sets in the west.

  5、On Sundays, I often go to the b______ to read books.

  6、Dont forget to b______ your teeth after eating sweets.

  7、My favorite s______ is summer because I can swim in the ocean.

  8、She is very g______ at math; she always gets full marks.

  9、The t______ is very hot today, we should wear sunglasses.

  10、A mouse can make a small h______ in the wall.












  小学五年级英语首字母填空练习题 7

  Once upon a time, there was a poor boy named Jack. He had nothing but a small cottage and a few acres of land. One day, he found a large stone on his land. He tried to move it, b____ he couldnt. So he decided to break it into small pieces. To his surprise, he f____ a hidden treasure inside the stone!

  Now, Jack was a rich man. He built a big house and had many servants. He also b____ a beautiful wife and had a happy family. However, he still wanted more. So he kept on searching for more treasures.

  One day, he found another large stone. He t____ to break it open, but this time he found nothing inside. Jack was very disappointed and felt like a fool. He realized that greed only brings unhappiness.

  From then on, Jack learned his lesson and became a h____ man. He was grateful for what he had and didnt want anything more. He lived a simple life and was always ready to help others. In the end, Jack found true happiness in being a g____ person.







  小学五年级英语首字母填空练习题 8

  1、The __________ is the largest organ in the human body. (答案:eye)

  2、My sister likes to eat __________ for breakfast. (答案:bread)

  3、We need to wear __________ when we go outside on a sunny day. (答案:sunglasses)

  4、I have a __________ pet dog named Max. (答案:black)

  5、My favorite __________ is soccer. (答案:sport)

  6、My mom makes the best __________ cake in the world. (答案:chocolate)

  7、We went to the __________ to see a movie last night. (答案:theater)

  8、My dad works in an __________ office building downtown. (答案:high-rise)

  9、I love to listen to __________ music when Im studying. (答案:classical)

  10、We are going to have a __________ party for my brothers birthday. (答案:pool)

  11、The __________ is a symbol of love and friendship. (答案:heart)

  12、My favorite __________ is pizza with extra cheese. (答案:food)

  13、We need to take the __________ train to get to the city center. (答案:subway)

  14、My little sister loves to play with her __________ dolls before bedtime. (答案:Barbie)

  15、The __________ is the fastest animal in the world. (答案:cheetah)









