
时间:2024-06-25 18:40:55 昌升 评价 我要投稿
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  6、Very good!很好!

  7、Well done!做得好!

  8、Good job!做得好!

  9、So smart!真聪明!

  10、First class!真是一流!

  11、You are right!你是正确的!

  12、You have a flash of wit!你很机灵!

  13、Wonderful thinking!思考得太棒了!

  14、You have a good head for English!你在英语方面非常聪明!

  15、Congratulations, you’re good at English, keep it up!祝贺你,你英语很好,保持下去!

  16、You’re very gifted!你很有天赋!

  17、You’re doing fine!你做得好!

  18、I like your voice!我喜欢你的声音!

  19、Wow,you are out of my expectations!哇,你表现地超乎我的想象!

  20、You work hard enough!你学习够努力!

  21、You speak very fluently!你说得很流利!

  22、You sound very British!你的发音听起来像个英国人!

  23、You read quite well!你读得非常好!

  24、That is coming along nicely!你的路子是对的!

  25、You are very good at it!你在这方面很擅长!

  26、This is an OK idea!这个主意能行通的!

  27、Nothing can stop you now!现在你已经无敌了!

  28、You are doing very well today!你今天做得很好!

  29、29 .You work hard enough!你学习够努力!

  30、I’m glad you studied well!我很高兴你们学得这么好!

  31、It stands to reason!言之有理!

  32、It can’t be any clear!再清楚不过了!

  33、I’m quite satisfied with your answer!我对你的答案很满意!

  34、That’s enough!足够了!

  35、You are well prepared!你准备得很好!

  36、That’s a very good viewpoint!这个观点很好!

  37、Sound all right!听起来不错!

  38、That’s incredible!简直妙极了!

  39、You’re on top of it!你是数一数二的!

  40、You’re a treasure!你是个得力助手!

  41、You’re on target!你达到目标了!

  42、I want to say, I love you!我想说,我爱你!

  43、I like the way you handle it!我欣赏你的做法!

  44、You’ve answered correctly!你回答得非常正确!

  45、What an imagination!多么丰富的想象力啊!

  46、You often have miracles!你经常创造奇迹!

  47、You are always the best!你经常是最棒的!

  48、You’re very quick at picking up things!你记东西很快!

  49、Your handwriting is very beautiful!你的书法真漂亮!

  50、Couldn’t have done it better myself!我都做不了这么好!

  51、Well done! Your English is getting better and better. (做得好!你的英语越来越好了。)

  52、Great job! You have made significant progress. (太棒了!你取得了显著的进步。)

  53、Excellent! You pronounced those words perfectly. (优秀!你那些单词的发音非常完美。)

  54、Wonderful! Your writing shows a lot of creativity. (太精彩了!你的写作展现了很多创造力。)

  55、Good work! Keep up the good effort. (干得好!继续保持良好的努力。)

  56、You are amazing! Your comprehension skills are impressive. (你太令人惊讶了!你的理解能力令人印象深刻。)

  57、Fantastic! You have a great understanding of grammar. (太棒了!你对语法有很好的理解。)

  58、Bravo! Your participation in class is very active. (好极了!你在课堂上的参与非常积极。)

  59、Super! You answered that question correctly. (超级棒!你那个问题回答对了。)

  60、Nice try! Even if its not perfect, you are on the right track. (不错的尝试!即使不完美,你也走在正确的道路上。)

  61、Keep it up! Im proud of your hard work. (坚持下去!我为你的努力感到骄傲。)

  62、Terrific! Your vocabulary has expanded a lot. (了不起!你的词汇量大大增加了。)

  63、Awesome! You are becoming a great English learner. (真棒!你正在成为一名优秀的英语学习者。)

  64、Very good! Your presentation was clear and interesting. (非常好!你的展示清晰又有趣。)

  65、Congratulation! You did an excellent job in the test. (恭喜!你在测试中表现出色。)

  66、You are doing very well. Keep going! (你做得非常好。继续加油!)

  67、Excellent effort! Your project was outstanding. (出色的努力!你的项目很出色。)

  68、Good thinking! You have a smart way of solving problems. (思考得好!你有聪明的解决问题的方法。)

  69、Well expressed! Your speaking skills are improving. (表达得好!你的口语能力在提高。)

  70、Great performance! You are really talented in English. (表现很棒!你在英语方面真的很有天赋。)

  71、You are making progress every day. Keep it up! (你每天都在进步。保持下去!)

  72、Fantastic work! Your story was full of imagination. (出色的工作!你的故事充满了想象力。)

  73、Wonderful effort! I can see your dedication. (精彩的努力!我能看到你的用心。)

  74、Good job on your pronunciation. Its much clearer now. (你的发音做得好。现在清晰多了。)

  75、You have a great attitude towards learning English. Keep it! (你对学习英语有很好的态度。保持住!)

  76、Excellent writing! You used some wonderful phrases. (优秀的写作!你用了一些很棒的短语。)

  77、Superb! You understood the text very well. (极好!你对这篇文章理解得非常好。)

  78、Great improvement! Im glad to see your progress. (巨大的进步!我很高兴看到你的进步。)

  79、Nice work on your grammar exercises. (你的语法练习做得不错。)

  80、Well done in the group activity. You cooperated very well. (小组活动做得好。你合作得非常好。)

  81、You are a fast learner. Keep up the momentum. (你学得很快。保持这个势头。)

  82、Excellent memory! You remembered all those words. (出色的记忆力!你记住了所有那些单词。)

  83、Good understanding of the lesson. Well done! (对课程理解得好。做得好!)

  84、Terrific reading skills. You read fluently. (极好的阅读技巧。你读得很流利。)

  85、Awesome participation. You contributed a lot to the class. (很棒的参与。你为课堂贡献了很多。)

  86、Very good listening skills. You caught the main points. (非常好的听力技巧。你抓住了要点。)

  87、Congratulation on your hard work and achievements. (祝贺你的努力和成就。)

  88、You are doing an excellent job in spelling. (你的拼写做得很棒。)

  89、Great job on your English homework. (你的英语作业做得很好。)

  90、Well presented! Your ideas were well organized. (展示得好!你的想法组织得很好。)

  91、Keep shining in your English learning journey! (在你的英语学习之旅中继续发光!)

  92、Your English skills are blooming. Keep watering them with effort. (你的英语技能正在绽放。用努力继续浇灌它们。)

  93、Excellent start! I believe you will go far in English. (出色的开始!我相信你在英语方面会走得很远。)

  94、You are a rising star in English. Keep reaching for the sky. (你是英语界的一颗新星。继续向天空进发。)

  95、Well on your way to becoming an English master. Keep moving forward. (在成为英语大师的路上走得很好。继续前进。)

  96、Great potential! Unleash it with more practice. (潜力巨大!通过更多练习来释放它。)

  97、Good progress is your stepping stone to success. Keep climbing. (良好的进步是你走向成功的垫脚石。继续攀登。)

  98、You have the key to English success. Use it wisely. (你拥有英语成功的钥匙。明智地使用它。)

  99、Terrific foundation! Build on it and reach new heights. (极好的基础!在此基础上建立并达到新的高度。)

  100、Keep the English flame burning bright. You are doing great! (让英语的火焰明亮地燃烧。你做得很棒!)









