
时间:2022-11-17 16:11:44 签证邀请函 我要投稿





  To whom it may concern:

  I am writing this letter to invite our/my parents (name and brith days) to visit us in Canada this ing May for a period of 3 months。 It goes without saying that we will cover all expenses during their visit in Canada, which includes international air tickets, local transportation, accmodations, medical insurances and all other related expenses。

  Your favourable consideration regarding their visa applications will be highly appreciated。 If you have any question regarding this matter, please kindly contact me/us at the address above。 Sincerely。


  Dear Sir or Madam:

  Nice to contact you !We are glad to know your name and address on the Internet 。 Here writing you with expectation of establishing business relationship 。 Now we take this opportunity to introduce our pany。 Our pany was founded in XX(year)。 We have a very large international business with lots of countries。We are mainly produce all kinds of (product)。

  If something is attracting ,please let us know, then we should send you the price sheet。 After you confirm the price ,the samples also can be dispathed to you for thepurpose of examining the quality。

  Hope our products meet your market。 So that we can start our bbusiness relationship for mutual benefit。 Thanking you in advance and looking forward to having your kind views on our business cooperation proposal。 Your prompt reply would be highly appreciated waiting for your kindly reply。


  Calling for Papers

  The First International Conference on Nomenclature

  We would like to invite you to attend the First International Conference on Nomenclature (the Conference in the following), which will be held jointly by the Shaanxi International Cultural and Economic Exchange Center and the Engineering University of Chinese Armed Police Forces from 23-25 March, 20xx in Xi”an, Shaanxi, China. During the Conference, we will also launch the International Association of Nomenclature and the Research Institute of International Nomenclature. It is expected that more than 400 scholars from about 30 countries will attend, many of whom have sent in their paper proposals.

  1. The topics of the Conference

  (1) Character, structure and function of naming;

  (2) Origin, fabrication, application, evolution, and norms of naming;

  (3) Classification of naming, including space-time naming, human being and matter naming, cultural, scientific and technological term naming, sound, color and graphic mark naming, with their characteristics and sub-classification;

  (4) Relationship between nomenclature and philosophy, logic, anthropology, sociology, folklore, literature, aesthetics, psychology, geomorphology, merchandising, advertising and other fields;

  (5) Similarities and differences of naming between different cultures and languages;

  (6) Scientific system of nomenclature and its branches, their history and research methods;

  (7) Naming, nomenclature and the relationship between naming, nomenclature and human society;

  2. The mission of the conference

  (1) Establishing the International Association of Nomenclature

  (2) Approving the Xi'an Declaration of the First International Conference on Nomenclature

  3. The working languages of the conference

  Chinese or English

  4. Paper requirements

  (1) The topics of papers are not limited for this First Conference, but should be related to nomenclature.

  (2) Prior to 1 December 20xx, please submit by email the title of your paper and your personal introduction (about 100 Chinese characters or 70 English words) via email.

  (3) Prior to 31 February 20xx, please submit by email your complete paper.

  5. Personal achievements in research

  Please bring your major research works (papers or books) in all fields, including but not limited to nomenclature, with a list of your major works and your electronic half-length color photo. These will be used for the establishment of the Memorial Hall of International Nomenclature Academic Advisers and the Exhibition of International Nomenclature Academic Achievements.

  6. Time and place of the Conference

  (1) Place

  Xi'an Fusen Urban Inn, (Chrysanthemum Garden, East Street of Xi”an China, on the eastern side of Bell Tower)

  Directions: From Xi”an Railway Station, take Bus No. 611 to the bus stop of Duanlvmen, and the inn is on the south side of the road. From Xi”an North Railway Station, take the subway to the Bell Tower, get off, exit from the southeast gate, and walk east to the Fusen Urban Inn.

  From the Airport, Conference staff will meet you at the Airport if you come by air. Or you can take the Airport Shuttle, get off at Xi”an Lijing Hotel, and then walk east, through the underground passage, to the Fusen Urban Inn.

  (2) Time of registration

  22 March 20xx (Friday)

  (3) Time of conference

  23-25 March 20xx (Saturday to Monday)

  7. Personal expenses

  You should pay ¥700 for the conference fee, and bear your own travelling and accommodation expenses.

  8. Tours

  You can visit Bell Tower, Drum Tower, Islamic Street (Food, Mosque, Stone Archway), Ancient Culture Street, Stela Forest Museum, Ming Dynasty City Wall, Moat Park, Qin Opera, etc. in your spare time. If you want to visit other tourist attractions, please consult the Inn.

  9. Contact information

  Professor Ma Mingchun, Research Institute for Military Linguistics, Engineering University of Chinese Armed Police Forces, No. 1, Sanqiao Road, Xi”an, Shaanxi 710086, P. R. China

  Tel: 0086-29-84563990


  10. Notes:

  If you need stamped paper invitation, please ask the Conference Secretariat on arrival.

  Please forward this Conference announcement to other scholars and people interested in nomenclature.

  Shaanxi International Cultural and Economic Exchange Center

  Research Institute for Military Linguistics, at the Engineering University of Chinese Armed Police Forces


  To whom it may concern,

  We, (公司名), is now starting the business relationship with(受邀请公司). In order to enhance our cooperation and know each other more, we would be very glad to take this opportunity to invite the following staffs from(受邀请公司) to visit our Office in Shanghai, from 15th March to 20th March.

  We confirm that we will make the itinerary and all other arrangements for your visit in China. We also confirm that all the expenses during your stay in China will be covered by (受邀人公司).

  Thanks for your attention and best regards in advance.


Dear Sir/Madam,

  I'm delighted you have accepted our invitation to speak at the conference in [city] on [date].

  As we agreed, you'll be speaking on the topic rdially invited to attend the celebration at [hotel], [location], on [date] from [time] to [time].

  [name] has been the President of [company] since [year]. During this period, [company] expanded its business greatly. Now it's our opportunity to thank him for his years of exemplary leadership and wish him well for a happy retirement. Please join us in saying good-bye to [name].

  See you on [date].

  Yours sincerely




___________ miss / mr.,

  Spring is the head, bow into autumn, XX company ushered in a new year ninth. We know that in the development of the road can not do without your cooperation and support, we have achieved results in your hard work. For a long time, but long joint. As a mature professional XX company we cherish your choice, we are willing to share with you the joy of the new year and look forward to the new year. We invite you to XXXX company held a new year's reception, and you talk about friendship, looking forward to the future. Be glad to hear and answer.

  Human Resources Department







  I would hereby invite the members of Beijing delegation totally 4 persons (listed attachment) led by you, to come over to ***(country) for *** (exposition), which is to be held at *** (place)during *** (date). Please make the necessary arrangements for your delegation to arrive in *** (country). During the exposition, you will stay here for *** days. All your expenses including international air tickets, local transportation, accommodations, medical insurances and all other related expenses during your stay here will be paid by yourselves. We are looking forward to greeting you in *** (country) very soon.

  Yours sincerely, (Signature) 商务邀请函是正式公函,请用单位带英文抬头、地址、电话的信纸打印,结尾加盖公章。


  不管你身居要职还是一员小兵,不管你身处哪个行业,在工作中,你都不可避免地接触到taking notes和writing business letters。Informal language is often used when taking messages, because most of them are short notes for our convenience.所以taking notes相对来说还是比较简单的。However, when writing business letters, faxes or memos, we not only require more formal language, but also right forms and appropriate techniques.接下来,我们就列举一些商务信函的写作技巧:

  1 Use the writing paper with the name and address of the company on it to help the reader know at once where the letter comes from.


  2 Put each separate idea in a separate paragraph and number each paragraph to help the reader understand better.保证行文段落清晰。

  3 Try to be concise since most business people are rather busy and do not want to spend much time on reading letters. 尽量保证文字简洁。

  4 Always try to be courteous even if the letter is sent to a much smaller firm.文字要谦逊有礼。

  5 Don’t forget to check the grammar, punctuation and spelling before you send the letter.发信之前认真检查是否有错。

  6 Please also remember to sign (or ask the person-in-charge to sign) at the end of the letter.记得在文末署名。

  需要注意的是,some changes have taken place in recent years in the style of business letters in English。The style that is now current is much less formal and old-fashioned than the style used in many other la本文来源:恒星英语网nguages: the words tend to be less formal and the sentences tend to be shorter, and some commonly

  used abbreviations have also been accepted in writing business letters. 时下商务信函的流行趋势是行文不必过于正式,但务须简洁,也可以使用一些约定俗成的英文缩写。提到英文缩写,我们再说一下英美的一点差异。Co. , Ltd. are short for Company or Limited for a British firm. If you read Plc, Bros. after a British firm, you know they stand for Public Limited Company, Brothers. If you read Corp. or Inc. after an American firm’s name, you know they stand for Corporation or Incorporated.

  英美对于一些job titles的称呼也有差异性。These are the rough equivalents:

  American :President

  British : Chairman

  American : Chief Executive Officer

  British : Managing Director

  American :Vice-president

  British : Director

  American :Financial Controller

  British : Ac本文来源:恒星英语网countant

  不过,Many British firms now also use titles like "officer", "controller" and "director".英美不仅对于一些job titles的用法有所不同,他们对于一些occupational terminology的说法也存在差异。For example, pharmacist and solicitor are British English. The corresponding American terms are druggist and attorney. Do not worry about these

  differences. Speakers of American English will generally understand the British terms and speakers of British English will usually recognize the American terms.

  BEC商务英语 关于公司迁址

  Steve: Good morning Mike. Mike: Good morning to you Steve. You seem like you are in a good mood today. Steve: I sure am. I will be out of the office all day today. Mike: Why? Where are you going? Steve: A real estate agent is going to show me around some new office space. Mike: That sounds cool. At least you won't be stuck in this cramped office all day. Steve: And neither will you for much longer Mike. The company is relocating. Mike: That's the best news I have heard for weeks my goombah! NEW WORDS 生词 1) Good mood: happy, smiling 好心情:高兴,微笑着 Some people are always in a good mood while others never seem to smile. 有些人永远都有好心情,而有些人从来不笑。 2) Real estate agent: a person who sells or leases property 房地产代理:一个卖或出租房产的人 A good real estate agent knows what's happening in the local property market. 一个好的房地产代理知道当地房地产市场上的动向。 3) Cramped: having too little room to be comfortable 狭窄的:空间太小而很不舒服。

  I have to share my office with three other people so we are very cramped for room.我必须和另外三个人公用我的办公室,所以我们的空间很狭窄。

  4) Goombah: a buddy, trusted friend


  This is my goombah - you could trust him with your life.


  BEC商务英语 关于公司的财务部

  Steve: Mike, do you have any accounting skills?

  Mike: Well, I can count from one to 10 if that's what you mean.

  Steve: Mike, why are you always such a gonzo?

  Mike : Well, I answered your question, didn't I?

  Steve: I want to know if you can help with the company accounts.

  Mike : Oh sorry Steve, auditing is just not my skill.

  Steve: Do you know anyone who can help me?

  Mike : Follow me and I will take you to the Finance Department, they will be able to assist you with the income and expenses.






  迈克: 噢,对不起史蒂夫,我不懂查帐。




  1) Accounting: keeping the financial records of a person, company or organization记帐:保持个人、公司或机构的财政记录

  If I need some accounting advice I always go to a professional accountant.如果需要会计方面的建议的话,我会去找专业会计。

  2) Gonzo: a silly of foolish person


  My boyfriend is a real gonzo but I love him anyway.


  3) Auditing: checking the accounting records


  All of the accountants panic when the auditing staff come in to check their work!审计人员来检查工作的时候所有的会计都很慌张。

  4) Income: the total amount of money coming in


  My income is just not enough for my lifestyle!


  5) Expenses: the total amount of money going out


  If I could control my expenses, I could save some money for the future.



  Most companies have a Finance Department whose job is to keep track of all of the income and expenses and prepare the company profit and loss statement and balance sheet.

  The Finance Department will have clerks to do the simple paperwork, accountants to prepare the formal reports and auditors who will check what the accountants do.Sometimes you will have to go to the Finance Department to get approval for a purchase for the company. Be prepared to answer many questions as the accountant must be sure that it's OK to spend the money.

  The Finance Department are also responsible for your salary. If you have questions about your salary or the amount of tax you pay, the Finance Department can usually assist you.

  If you want to work in the Finance Department, you should have good numerical skills, a close attention to detail, the ability to prepare reports well and be able to work with money without being tempted to take some for yourself!




  Beth: Sally, have you noticed that the people in our Finance Department are always so friendly?

  Sally: I have noticed that. Why do you think they are so friendly?

  Beth: Maybe it's because they are surrounded by money all day!

  Sally: That's possible! I wish I could join the Finance Department in our company.Beth: Why can't you?

  Sally: My numerical skills are just too bad. I failed mathematics at school, you know.Sally: Well, if you are no good at mathematics maybe you shouldn't work in the Finance Department. You could accidentally loose a lot of money.

  Beth: You are always so wise Sally. I'm glad to have you as a friend.

  Sally: We're a good team Beth and we should always look out for each other.贝斯:莎莉,你注意到没有,我们财务部的人都很友好?




  贝斯:你为什么不能呢? 莎莉:我在计算方面的技能太差了。要知道我在学校数学不及格。 贝斯:如果你数学不好就不应该在财务部工作。你可能会无意中弄丢一大比钱。 贝斯:你总是那么明智莎莉。我真高兴有你这样的朋友。 莎莉:我们是好的合作伙伴贝斯,应该永远互相关照。


  摘要:邀请信包括宴会、舞会、晚餐、聚会、婚礼等各种邀请信件,形式上大体分为两种:一种为正规的格式 (formal correspondence),亦称请柬;一种是非正式格式 (informal correspondence), 即一般的邀请信。邀请信是在形式上不如请柬那样正规,但也是很考究。

  邀请信包括宴会、舞会、晚餐、聚会、婚礼等各种邀请信件,形式上大体分为两种:一种为正规的格式 (formal correspondence),亦称请柬;一种是非正式格式 (informal correspondence), 即一般的邀请信。邀请信是在形式上不如请柬那样正规,但也是很考究。书写时应注意:

  邀请信一定要将邀请的时间(年、月、日、钟点)、地点、场合写清楚,不能使接信人存在任何疑虑。例如:“I’d like you and Bob to come to Luncheon next Friday.”这句话中所指的是哪个星期五并不明确,所以应加上具体日期, “I’d like you and Bob to come to luncheon next Friday, May the fifth.”

  1. 邀请朋友共进午餐 Inviting a friend to informal luncheon

  Dear [Zhang Ying]:

  Will you come to luncheon on [Friday, May the fifth], at [twelve o’clock]?

  My niece [Mary] is visiting us and I think you will enjoy meeting her. She is a charming, very pretty girl … and very good company! [John and Jane] will be here, and perhaps we can [give a dance] after luncheon. Do say you’ll come!

  Affectionately yours,

  Li Ming


  您能在[5月5日星期五中午12点钟] 来吃午饭吗?


  2. 邀请朋友同他们不认识的人一起共进晚餐 Inviting friends to supper with the strangers

  Dear [Susan]:

  I know you are interested in [oil painting], so I’m sure you’ll be interested in [Mr. and Mrs. Lin dun]! They are coming here to supper [next Sunday night, October the twelfth], and we’d like you and [Walter] to come, too.

  [Mr. and Mrs. Lin Dun] are that very charming couple we met in [London] last summer. They have a wonderful collection of [oil paintings of various stages]; and I understand that Mr. Lin Dun is quite an authority on [oil painting]. I’m sure you and Walter will thoroughly enjoy and evening in their company.

  We’re planning supper at six; that will give us a nice long evening to talk. If I don’t hear from you before then, I’ll be expecting you on the [twelfth]!

  Affectionately yours,

  Li Ming





  3. 邀请参加新厂开工典礼 Invitation to opening ceremony of new factory

  Dear [Mr. Harrison]:

  Our new factory will be commencing production on [April 10] and we should like to invite [you and your wife] to be present at a celebration to mark the occasion.

  As you will appreciate this is an important milestone for this organization, and is the result of continued demand for our products, both at home and overseas. We are inviting all those individuals and trust that you will pay us the compliments of accepting.

  Please confirm that you will be able to attend by advising us of your time —— we can arrange for you to be met. All arrangements for your stay [overnight on April 10] will, of course, be made by us at our expense.

  Yours faithfully,




  如您确能参加,请来函告知您抵达的时间 —— 以便我们为您安排会晤。当然,所有安排您在[10日晚间]夜宿的费用,皆将由公司代您支付。

  4. 邀请来家中小住及周末聚会 An invitation for a house and weekend party

  Dear [Jane]:

  I hope [you and Fred] haven’t any plan for the weekend of [July twenty-fourth] as we’d like you to spend it with us at [Far Acres]. It’s simply beautiful here now, with everything in bloom!

  I think we can promise [Fred] some good fishing this year. The fish are biting better than ever! So bring your fishing clothes; and be sure to bring your tennis things, too, because [the Owens] are coming and I’m sure you’ll want to get out on the courts with them.

  There’s a very good train [Friday night]; I’ve marked it in red on the timetable. It gets you here about [seven-thirty] which is just in time for dinner. You can get a late train back [Sunday night], or there’s an early express that [Bob] usually takes on [Monday morning].

  We hope nothing will prevent you from coming, as we’re looking forward to your visit … and I know [the Owens] are looking forward to seeing you again, too. Be sure to let us know what train you are taking so that [Bob] can meet you at the station.

  Affectionately yours,






  5. 邀请参加招待会 An invitation for a reception

  Dear [Mr. Smith]:

  It would give [me/us] great pleasure to have your presence at a reception in honor of the Chinese delegation.

  The reception will be held in the [the City Hall], on [Tuesday, October the fourth]. Cocktails will be served promptly at [six] to be followed b dinner at [eight].

  [I/We] sincerely hope you can attend. Let [me/us] know.

  Sincerely yours



  招待会定于[10月4日(星期二)]在[市政厅]举行。[6点钟]准时举行[鸡犬不宁尾酒会], 随之在[8点钟]举行[正式的晚宴]。


  6. 邀请演讲 Inviting someone to address a meeting

  Dear [Dr. Rodger]:

  [The English Department of Nankai University] would like to extend to you an invitation to be our guest speaker at the [annual conference] to be held at the [meeting room] at [eight] o’clock, [Saturday morning, December the thirtieth, 1993].

  As you know, the department is interested in [the 20th century English literature] Since you are familiar with the field, we know your views will be extremely interesting to us.

  You will receive further details later, but we would appreciate having your acceptance soon so we may complete our agenda.








  Sallyhave you noticed that the people in our Finance Department are always so friendly Sally: I have noticed that。

  Why do you think they are so friendly Beth: Maybe it’s because they are surrounded by money all day! Sally: That’s possible! I wish I could join the Finance Department in our pany。


  Why can’t you Sally: My numerical skills are just too bad。 I failed mathematics at school, you know。 Sally: Well, if you are no good at mathematics maybe you shouldn’t work in the Finance Department。 You could accidentally loose a lot of money。 Beth: You are always so wise Sally。 I’m glad to have you as a friend。 Sally: We’re a good team Beth and we should always look out for each other。



  please note, however, that we don’t assume any legal or financial

  responsibility whatever regarding the presence of in china. all expenses ofsjourney to/from china, their stay in china as well as health insurance will beborne by their employers.

  we send you our kindest regards and best wishes for a pleasant trip. yourssincerely,

  general manager signatur

  july 29, xx


  Dear sir/madam:

  I’m delighted you have accepted our invitation to speak at the Conference in

  [city] on [date].

  As we agreed, you’ll be speaking on the topic "" from [time] to [time]. There will be an additional minutes for questions.

  Would you please tell me what kind of audio-visual equipment you’ll need. If

  you could let me know your specific requirements by [date], I’ll have plenty of time to make sure that the hotel provides you with what you need.

  Thank you again for agreeing to speak. I look forward to hearing from you.

  Sincerely yours,



  To whom it may concern,

  We are going to invite _申请人1_ and 申请人2 from 申请人工作单位 to visit our office for a business meeting. This meeting will be held from何时 to 何时. It is about the further cooperation between us in the future. We will give them necessary assistance for arranging the accommodation and transportation reservation. However, all expenses occurred will be borne by themselves.

  Please refer to applicants’ personal information below.


  Passport Number

  Date of Birth

  We are looking forward to meeting them in Germany. Please feel free to contact us if you have any query. Thanks for your kind consideration for their visa application.



XX company:

  Our company decided to 20xx X_ X_ held in the company's 20xx annual the meeting of the company, the year will be sponsored by the company, including open discussion and tasting food and other activities.

  In order to strengthen our company's experience exchange and promote our company's development, we sincerely invite you to come to our company's annual meeting. If you agree, please send your the company name to our company's logistics department for the year. I hereby.

  XX company

  XX XX 20xx








  Invitation Letter

  Dear Sirs, It is our pleasure to invite your staff to e to Japan for attending our business meeting which is going to be held from June 26th , 20xx until July 6th, 20xx。 The invited person is: Mr。 Name: Mr。 Eldridge Eric Nicolas Department: Machinery & Electronic Position: Senior Section Manager Considering his attendance is really important for us, hence your kind cooperation in preparing Business Visa for the above person that enable his to have visit Japan is highly appreciated。 Sincerely yours, Kunihiro Yamauchi Group Leader Global Human Resources Group

  Toyota Tsusho Marunouchi Bldg,, 8-1, Marunouchi 3-chome, Chiyoda-ku, T okyo 100-8320, Japan TEL。 +81-3-5288-21 1 / F +81-3-5288-9100 URL。 3w。toyota-tsusho。/english/ 1 AX。 Human Resources & General Affairs Department


  Dear sir/madam:

  [organization] would very much like to have someone from your company speak at our conference on [topic].

  As you may be aware, the mission of our association is to promote . Many of our members are interested in the achievements your company has made in .

  Enclosed is our preliminary schedule for the conference which will be reviewed

  in weeks. I’ll call you [date] to see who from your company would be willing to speak to us. I can assure you that we’ll make everything convenient to the


  Sincerely yours,










