
时间:2023-08-11 09:00:06 振濠 试题 我要投稿




  五年级英语测试试题 1


  1.Everything on the table __________(look) great.

  2.She____________________(not like) eating noodles.

  3.People from Guangzhou like __________ (eat) dimsum.

  4. Look at the sky, I think it ____________________ (rain) very soon.

  5. Mrs.Green usually __________ (go) for a walk in the morning.

  6. I hope I can __________ (visit) Beijing some day.


  1.I’m h________ now. I want to taste this bread.

  2.The food smells q_________ delicious.

  3.It’s raining h________. Please take an umbrella.

  4.It was very w________ and cool in the rainy day.

  5.In the west, people usually eat their meals on a p_______ with a knife and a fork.

  6.Chinese people usually use c_______ to eat their meals.


  1.I families are from different parts of China. ________

  2.My grandpa and my father is from Shanghai. ________

  3.People at Sichuan likes sweet food. ________

  4.My mother is from Guangzhou, she like seafood best. ________

  5.I don’t like eat sweet food. ________

  6.I want to learning how to make dumplings. ________


  A.market B.noodles

  C.hamburger D.coffee

  E.palace F.juice

  G.milk H.cloudy

  I.sandwich J.windy

  K.snowy L.tea

  M.cinema N.library

  O.sunny P.bread






  ( )1.What does Jim’s father do?

  ( )2.What do you want to drink for dinner?

  ( )3.What is your favourite food?

  ( )4.Does Tom like red or black?

  ( )5.Can you do my homework, Robbie?

  ( )6.Can I please have some apple juice, Mum?

  ( )7.Does your father like dimsum?

  A.Yes, he does.

  B.Of course, here you are.

  C.He’s a teacher.

  D.I think I will have some fish.

  E.He likes black.

  F.My favourite food is dumplings.

  G.Of course I can,but I won’t.


  ( )1.The sky ________ blue after the rain.




  ( )2.Wow, it is snowing.Let’s__________.

  A.make asnowman



  ( )3.It’s cold outside.I want to have___________.




  ( )4.________is the weather like in London now?




  ( )5.My brothers start__________.




  ( )6.The water and the coffee will ____________ ten yuan.




  ( )7.The oranges are fresh.They all_________good.




  ( )8.The boy can write__________his foot.




  ( )9.The chicken looks_________. It smells___________.




  ( )10.Chinese people like eating rice or noodles,_____western people eat bread.





  outdoors summer seasons

  cold dry wet weather

  Do you live in Guangzhou? Let’s talk about the ________ of this city(城市).There are four ________in Guangzhou. They are spring,__________,autumn and winter. It is rainy and _______ in spring. It’s hot and sunny in summer. People like to play______ and go swimming. The weather is ______and windy in autumn. We like to visit the park and take photos. In winter it’s________and sometimes it rains. People like to eat hot food.


  1. It is usually very________ and _________(冷和潮湿) in spring here.

  2. That day was my __________ __________ (第一天)in Beijing.

  3.People in China have _________ ________.(不同的,口味)

  4. The_______ _______said it was cold. (天气,报告)


  1. Is it sunny or cloudy today?


  2. Do you like to play outside on a rainy day?


  3. Are you hungry now?


  4.What is your favourite season?


  5.What’s the weather like today?




  The Zhang family likes different foods and drinks. Mr Zhang likes noodles and dumplings best. He usually drinks a cup of tea after dinner. MrsZhang likes bread and juice. She always drinks a glass of apple juice for breakfast. Their son Zhang Ming is a strong boy. He likes hamburgers best. His favourite drink is coke. He often drinks a large coke after school.

  ( )1.The Zhang family likes different foodsand drinks.

  ( )2.Mr Zhang likes bread best.

  ( )3.Mr Zhang never drinks a cup of tea after dinner.

  ( )4.Mrs Zhang likes drinking apple juice.

  ( )5.Zhang Ming likes hamburgers and coke best.


  Mr Lee is eighty years old. He likes sports very much. Every day he takes exercise. In the morning he often does kung fu or plays table tennis with his friends in thepark.

  Mr. Lee likes collecting stamps .He has about 800 stamps from 20 countries. He enjoys flower stamps best. So many of his stamps are about flowers.

  Mr. Lee likes tea too. He drinks lots of tea every day. He likes black tea best. For breakfast he often goes to the restaurant to drink tea and eats dimsum.

  Mr. Lee is a happy man. He is friendly and kind, so all the friends like him.

  ( )1.Mr Lee is_______.

  A.old and happy

  B.young and happy

  C.old and handsome

  ( )2.Mr Lee often______ in the morning.

  A.plays tennis


  C.plays sports

  ( )3.Mr Lee has______stamps.



  C.eight hundred

  ( )4.Mr Lee drinks_______.

  A.green tea

  B.black tea

  C. milk tea

  ( )5.Mr Lee likes eating ________ for breakfast.







  一、1.looks 2.doesn’t like 3.eating 4.will rain 5.goes 6.visit

  二、1.hungry 2.quite 3.heavy/hard 4.wet 5.plate 6.chopsticks

  三、1.I-My 2.is-are 3.at-in 4.like-likes 5.eat-eating 6.learning-learn

  四、1.H J K O 2.A E M N 3.D F G L 4.B C I P

  五、1-7 C D F E G B A

  六、1-5 A A A B C 6-10 C A C B B


  八、 1. cold, wet 2.first,day 3.different,tastes 4.weather report

  九、1.It’s sunny today. / It’s cloudy today.

  2. Yes,I do. / No, I don’t/

  3.Yes, Iam. / No, I am not.

  4. Myfavourite season is Spring.

  5.It’ssunny today.


  (A) T F F T T (B)A C C B A

  五年级英语测试试题 2


  ()1.A 法国 B 名字 C 哪里 D 城市

  ()2.A 安静的 B 英俊的 C 活泼的 D 女人

  ()3 A 跳舞者 B 工人 C 父母亲 D 叔叔

  ()4. A 宾馆 B 书包 C 鹅 D 杨桃

  ()5. A 司机 B 大象 C 面条 D 西瓜


  ( )1. A nose B aunt C who D library

  ( ) 2. A fish B actor C father D fruit

  ( ) 3. A water B work C reporter D horse

  ( ) 4 A ruler B peach C cute D longan

  ( ) 5. A CCTV B whose C from D handsome


  ( )1.A I come from China. B I’m from China.

  ( )2.A I live on Nanjing Road. B I ‘m twelve.

  ( )3.A She is a driver. B He is my father.

  ( )4.A This is a coconut. B They are coconuts.

  ( )5.A Yes, it is. B Yes, they are.



  2. pol___ce

  3. st___eet

  4. acti___e

  5. f___mily

  6. par___nts

  7. re___orter

  8. n___se

  9. ___ho

  10. th___t


  1.cherry(复数) _____

  2. man(复数)_______

  3. I am(完全形式) ________

  4. star fruit(复数) _______

  5. they are(缩写形式) _________

  6. pretty(同义词) _____

  7. sing(职业) _____

  8. uncle(对应词)_____

  9.this (复数)________



  ( )1.A dancer B writer C worker D from

  ( )2.A woman B smart C pretty D lovely

  ( )3.A father B mother C actor D uncle

  ( )4.A I B your C his D her

  ( )5.A Germany B where C France D Britain


  ( ) 1. Dick is my new friend_________ the art club.

  A out B on C at

  ( ) 2. I live _________ 45 Zhongshan Road.

  A at B on C in

  ( )3.Don’t leave things ______ this.

  A is B like C away

  ( ) 4.Put the things______.

  A away B this C active

  ( )5.________ umbrella is this?

  A What B Who C Whose


  ( )1.你想知道对方是做什么工作的,应该说:

  A Where does she do? B What does she do?

  ( )2. 你想知道别人将来想做什么,你会说:

  A What do you want to be in the future? B Where do you live?

  ( )3.你想介绍你的父母亲给别人,怎么说:

  A Let me sing a song. B Let me introduce my parents to you.

  ( )4.你想知道这是谁的书包,应该说:

  A Who is she? B Whose schoolbag is this?

  ( )5.你想说:到该回家的时间了,怎么表达?

  A It’s time to go home. B Remember to go home.


  1. a would I like peach


  2. buy for I’ll one you


  3. fan this is whose


  4. all we the made animals


  5. study I Sunny at school



  Wang Wei : Where do you study,Lisa?

  Lisa: I study at Yuren School.

  Wang Wei : What’s your mother’s job? Is your mother a doctor?

  Lisa :No, she is TV reporter.

  Wang Wei : Where does she work?

  Lisa : She woks at CCTV.Look, she’s on TV.

  Wang Wei : How about your father? What’s his job?

  Lisa : He’s a doctor. Wang Wei : Where does he work?

  Lisa : He works in Beijing Hospital .

  ( )1.Lisa’s mother is __________ .

  A a doctor B a TV reporter

  ( )2.Lisa’s mother works__________ .

  A at CCTV B in Beijing Hospital

  ( )3.---Is Lisa’s mother on TV now?---_____________

  A Yes,she is . B No,she isn’t.

  ( )4.Lisa ‘s father is ___________ .

  A a doctor B a reporter

  ( )5.Lisa’s father works__________ .

  A at the Bank of China B in Beijing Hospital

  五年级英语测试试题 3


  ( )1. bus number ( )2. teacher mother

  ( )3. book dog ( )4. b i rd milk

  二 、根据汉语意思选泽正确的单词。( 6 分)

  ( )1.河,江 A. hour B. river C. best

  ( )2.蜡笔 A. crayon B. pen C. pencil

  ( )3.地方 A. place B. how C. wait

  ( )4.短裤 A. shoes B. shorts C.trousers

  ( )5.一半 A. have B. half C.hurry

  ( )6.地板 A. food B.floor C. found


  ( ) 1. A. where B. when C. bag

  ( ) 2. A. the London Eye B. Big Ben C. the Great Wall

  ( ) 3. A. take B. ran C. dropped

  ( ) 4. A. T-shirt B. shorts C. banana

  ( ) 5. A. three B.four C. list


  1、hurry up 2、on the line

  3、shopping list 4、a lot of

  5、all right 6、take photos

  7、give out 8、at the weekend

  9、over there 10 、on the floor

  五 单项选择(20分)

  1、( )Sam ___ my T-shirt yesterday.

  A、take B talk C took

  2、( )There_____ a pencil in the box.

  A is B are C aren’t

  3、( )How _____ cheese did you buy?

  A many B much C old

  4、( ) -- did you go to Beijing.? --Yesterday.

  A、what B、where C、When

  5、( ) -- Did you come back yesterday? --Yes,_______

  A、I did B、I do C、I didn`t

  6、( )Daming took a photo___ his father.

  A、for B、of C、at

  7、( )What’s the matter _____Daming.

  A、with B、for C、of

  8、( )There are ____ people in the park.

  A lots of B lot of C a lot

  9 、( )Ten and ten is_______.

  A ten B twenty C thirty

  10、( ) --What ____is the bag? --It`s red.

  A colour B cake C can

  六 连词成句。(10分)

  1、much ,you ,did, buy,How, cheese?

  2、Where ,you ,did , go.

  3、only ,crayons, nineteen, There , are.

  4、bought , ice cream, We. ―――――――――

  5 the ,matter, Daming, with, What’s ?

  七 给下面的问句选择合适的答语。(10分)

  ( )1. How much meat do you want? A. Beijing.

  ( )2. What’s the matter with Daming? B. No, he didn’t.

  ( )3. Where did you go yesterday? C. He lost his bag.

  ( )4. Did your father went to Beijing? D. Two kilos, please.

  ( )5. When did you get up this morning? E. At six o`clock.

  八 根据所给情景,选出正确的句子。(10 分)

  1.( ) 当你想告诉爸爸这是你的朋友时,你应该说:――――――

  A. This is my friend. B. This is my teacher.

  C. This is my brother.

  2.( ) 当妈妈问你买了多少奶酪时,你应该说:――――――

  A. Four bottles. B.One kilo. C. Four pears.

  3. ( ) 当你询问爸爸在超市买了什么,你应该说:――――

  A .What did you buy at the supermarket?

  B .What did you buy at the shop?

  C. What did you buy at the book shop?

  4. ( )当你询问同桌喝了多少果汁时,应该说:------

  A. How much juice did you drink?

  B .How much milk did you drink?

  C .How many juice did you drink?

  5. ( )当你想表达他把钢笔弄丢了,你应该说―――

  A He lost his pen B .I lost my pen C. She lost her pen.


  My classroom is very bright and clean. It is not big but it is beautiful. There are forty pupils in our classroom. We are cute and lovely. There are forty desks and forty chairs. Theyre for us. Theres a TV on the wall.It can help us learn.Theres a blackboard in front of the teachers desk.And theres a flag on the top of the blackboard. There are also many pictures on the wall. They are useful for our studying. I like my classroom.

  ( )1、How many pupils are there in the class?

  A、40 B、56 C、47

  ( )2、The classroom is .

  A、big and bright

  B、bright and clean

  C、small and clean

  ( )3、There is on the wall.

  A、a TV B、many pictures C、A and B

  ( )4、Theres a flag .

  A、on the wall

  B、on the top of the blackboard

  C、on the desk

  ( )5、---Does the boy like his classroom?

  A、Yes,he does

  B、Yes ,he did

  C、No,he doesnt










