3. She now lives with actor Denis Lawson, 10 years her junior. 她现在与比她小10岁的演员丹尼斯·劳森同居。
4. His mother looked ten years younger in jeans and flats. 他妈妈穿上牛仔裤和平跟鞋,看上去年轻了10岁。
5. She was about thirty, ten years older than the youngsters ragging her. 她大概有30岁,比那些嘲弄她的年轻人大10岁。
6. Changing your hairstyle can take ten years off you. 换换发型能让你年轻10岁。
7. Almost overnight, she had aged ten years and become fat. 她几乎一夜之间老了10岁,人也胖了。
8. She was an elfin-like girl who looked barely 10 years old. 她是个鬼马小精灵,看起来也就刚满10岁。
9. She has a nephew who is just ten years of age. 她有一个才10岁的侄子。
10. Ten-year-olds are more knowledgeable and generous-spirited. 10岁的孩子见识更多,心胸更宽广。