1. 今天是星期天,所以这些店铺都关门了。
It’s Sunday,so all the shops are closed.
2. 今天是星期天,公园里有成千万的游人。
It is Sunday.There are hundreds and hundreds of people in the park.
3. 是的`,今天是星期天,你应该知道,但你永远不会提到这一切!
Yes,it was Sunday and you should have known but you would never mentionall that!
4. 今天是星期天,我又拿起了我的漂亮布娃娃。那是两年前我过生日时,妈妈给我买的。
Today is Sunday.I took out then icedoll again.Two years ago,my mother bough ther for me on my birthday.