unit 14 reading 2(人教版 高一下册)

发布时间:2016-7-2 编辑:互联网 手机版

简介: ppt制作 现在许多蔬菜种在温室里, 在那儿他们可以免受风雨袭击。
Today many vegetables planted in greenhouses, where they are protected from the rain and the wind .
8.在过去的十年中, 科学技术取得了重大发现。
In the past/last few years, important discoveries have made in science and technology.
. 上传者:xiaozhou xiaozhou@friend.com

相关课件Module 4 unit 14 Freedom fighters (I have a dream)

   简介: ppt制作 此课件涵盖了听、说、读、写,内容简单明了,使学生可以很好的了解和掌握本篇文章,提高学生的阅读能力。. 上传者:corallover 「下载次数:696」

导学案:Unit 14 Section A ( 3a ~ 4 )

   简介: ppt制作 学习目标:

1. Review the usage of the Present Perfect Tense(现在完成时).

2. Learn to edit and send an e-mail.

3.Understand the following key sentences:

① Sorry I couldn’t get back to you sooner..

② I have so many chores to do.

③ Then I have to take the dog for a walk.

④ I haven’t done any of those things yet because...

⑤ Have you bought a newspaper?

⑥ Anyway, I have to run now.

Grasp the important words and phrases:

① subject, object, inject, chores, housework

chop, wood, light, well, farm, fire

collect, animal

② get back to sb. , so many chores, have to,

do one’s homework, of course, listen to,

feed a dog, take a dog for a walk,

collect water, on a farm, water the plants,

clean / tidy the room

. 上传者:smzxxshh2011 「下载次数:345」

导学案:Unit 14 Section A ( 1a ~ 2c )

   简介: ppt制作 学习目标:

1. Talk about recent events.

2. Review the usage of the Present Perfect Tense(现在完成时).

3.Understand the following key sentences:

① I’ve already done most of my jobs.

② Not yet. I’ll do it in a minute.

③ Have you watered the plants yet?

④ We haven’t locked the windows yet.

⑤ She’s busy.

⑥ Have you fed the cat?

Grasp the important words and phrases:

① pack, back, beach, reach, teach, plant,

refrigerator, water, towel, garage,

feed, ready

② take a holiday, go on a beach vacation,

clean out, in the garage, at the bus station,

in a minute, turn off, water the plants,

put sth. in the suitcase, what about,

right now, depend on

. 上传者:smzxxshh2011 「下载次数:394」

Unit 14 Lesson 3 Nine to Five

   简介: ppt制作 该课件将课文主要内容设计为一张表格,围绕表格组织教学过程,对学生的信息输入由整体到部分,输出性练习为课文缩写及话题发言.. 上传者:xzb135 「下载次数:1594」

Unit 14 Have you packed yet?

   简介: ppt制作 课件特点与目标: 本课件紧扣英语“新课标”教育思想,以学生熟悉和感兴趣的话题急救为主线,充分利用网络资源、网络互动和远程交流和网络多媒体的优势,将英语学科的任务型教学思想与研究性学习手段紧密有机的结合在一起。让学生在任务的完成中,活动的参与中,问题的解决中,有效地锻炼培养英语语言运用能力,同时也对学生们的资源搜索利用能力,观察能力,分析归纳能力、动手能力、想象力、创造和团体协作能力进行了有效锻炼。紧扣教材,图文并茂,实用性强,深受同行和学生的喜爱。. 上传者:er2009 「下载次数:375」

Unit 14 Have you packed yet?(第一课时)

   简介: ppt制作 本课件是十四单元的第一课时,值得借鉴,也许也有瑕疵,请多多指教。. 上传者:shirleyzhang 「下载次数:472」

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   简介: ppt制作 高三 14 unit 14 reading(the language of honey-bees) . 上传者:xiaozhou xiaozhou@friend.com 「下载次数:328」

高三 14 Unit 14 Reading of Zoology

   简介: ppt制作 高三 14 Unit 14 Reading of Zoology . 上传者:xiaozhou xiaozhou@friend.com 「下载次数:302」

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   简介: ppt制作 高三 14 Unit 14 Reading Integrating Skills . 上传者:xiaozhou xiaozhou@friend.com 「下载次数:303」

Unit 14 extensive reading(周报)

   简介: ppt制作 Unit 14 extensive reading(周报). 上传者:xiaozhou xiaozhou@friend.com 「下载次数:259」

unit 14 the language of honeybees

   简介: ppt制作 unit 14 the language of honeybees. 上传者:xiaozhou xiaozhou@friend.com 「下载次数:210」

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   简介: ppt制作 Unit 14 Integrating skills. 上传者:xiaozhou xiaozhou@friend.com 「下载次数:202」

高三 14 高三册unit 14 重点词汇注解

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Unit 14 Festivals Reading(周报)

   简介: ppt制作 Unit 14 Festivals Reading(周报). 上传者:xiaozhou xiaozhou@friend.com 「下载次数:295」

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   简介: ppt制作 unit 14 Festivals Warming up & Listening. 上传者:xiaozhou xiaozhou@friend.com 「下载次数:230」

unit 14 Festivals Reading

   简介: ppt制作 unit 14 Festivals Reading. 上传者:xiaozhou xiaozhou@friend.com 「下载次数:232」

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   简介: ppt制作 Unit 14 Zoology reading language points. 上传者:xiaozhou xiaozhou@friend.com 「下载次数:208」

高一 14 unit 14 Festivals(weekly)

   简介: ppt制作 现在许多蔬菜种在温室里, 在那儿他们可以免受风雨袭击。

Today many vegetables planted in greenhouses, where they are protected from the rain and the wind .

8.在过去的十年中, 科学技术取得了重大发现。

In the past/last few years, important discoveries have made in science and technology.

. 上传者:xiaozhou xiaozhou@friend.com 「下载次数:311」

unit 14 reading

   简介: ppt制作 现在许多蔬菜种在温室里, 在那儿他们可以免受风雨袭击。

Today many vegetables planted in greenhouses, where they are protected from the rain and the wind .

8.在过去的十年中, 科学技术取得了重大发现。

In the past/last few years, important discoveries have made in science and technology.

. 上传者:xiaozhou xiaozhou@friend.com 「下载次数:249」