
时间:2021-10-20 14:37:51 邀请函 我要投稿




英文的邀请函 篇1

  爱生活 爱旅行以下内容为签证使用邀请函内容模板基本上各国通用。有些使馆有特殊内容样本的除外。



  Invitation Letter

  I would hereby invite the members of Beijing delegation totally 4





  爱生活 爱旅行关于商务签证邀请函爱旅行网给大家的建议。

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英文的邀请函 篇2

  Dear Sir/Madam:

  As one of the oldest disciplines, history had undergone a tremendous transition during the last century, resulting in a blending boom of traditional subjects and countless new perspectives. The beginning of a new century urges the new generation of history scholars to optimize the traditional methods, fields, perspectives and materials of history. Contributing as a leading role, Tsinghua University’s Department of History had witnessed the establishment of major milestones of history in the last century. Since 20xx, we have successfully held two international conferences on history. While the 100th anniversary of Tsinghua opens a new page for the university, the Department of History hereby announces the open of The Third International Academic Conference on History from November 23rd to 24th in 20xx, themed “The Reflection and Outlook of History”. Young scholars from all over the world are warmly welcomed to participate,to share and to progress together.

  This conference mainly focuses on doctoral studies. Outstanding works by postgraduate and undergraduate students are also welcomed. Papers that represent any scientific endeavor that addresses itself to any history related issues are welcomed. An abstract less than 1,000 words together with a brief introduction less than 300 words of the author shall be received by June 1st, 20xx via email to: thuhistory@163.com. Results of the review process will be notified by June 20th, 20xx at the latest. Paper invitation will be sent to accepted speakers subsequently. In addition, all presented papers will be included by CNKI. Full papers of no more than 20,000 words must be submitted by September 30th, 20xx. The intention is to publish a collected edition of papers from the event. The conference will take place in Tsinghua University, Beijing and free accommodation will be provided for the participants who come to Beijing from other cities and areas. Travel funding may not be available to postgraduate students and early career scholars.


  Bin WANG, binbinwXX88@XX6.com, +86189110286XX

  Chengzhong ZHANG, zhangchengzhong20xx@XX6.com, +86158014358XX

  Bingwen WANG, wangbingwen20xx@163.com, +86155100866XX

  February 7, 20xx

英文的邀请函 篇3

  may 2, xxxx

  dear lucy,

  next monday is my 20th birthday. imagine, there are already twenty years behind me! no wonder i feel old!

  my parents are giving a dinner party to mark the party. the first person they wish to invite is you, my childhood pal. indeed, all of those 20 years are more or less associated with you.

  well be expecting you any time after six. see you then. yours,


英文的邀请函 篇4

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