
时间:2022-05-19 14:14:57 英语作文 我要投稿




英文作文 篇1

  The cold winter is coming and the weather is getting colder. I also observed the change in winter.

  In winter, the leaves falling down, like a butterfly with beautiful dancing light falling, withered grass mother as to the earth covered with a layer of soft and golden altar rugs, only have wintersweet flower defying cold standing on the tree brave facing the cold wind to their training like a mighty soldier standing in the team, keep training hard.

  In the cold winter, people also change, people wear thick hats, wear soft gloves, wear long scarves and put on warm. A thick down jacket.

  There are too many changes in winter!

英文作文 篇2

  Whatis success? I think different people will have different answers.

  Some people thinkthat success is earning a great deal of money or working in the government.

  Or successis nothing but we look for all the time. In my opinion, success is quitesimple. It means you can live the life you want and you can feel happiness veryoften. Sometime, money cannot bring you happiness or satisfaction, and you can’thave the feeling of success. Because money is just the tool to achieve yourgoal but never the goal.

  therefore, looking for what you really want andthen work hard for it. Then you are close to success.


英文作文 篇3

  in recent year,overseas studying is very popular。 more and more people go abroad in order to studying。

  different people have different idears on this phenomenon。some people think that it is no neccersary,beacause they think that the knowledge in motherland is enough。however,other people approve of overseas studying。they think it is helpful to improve themselves in learning and working。

  in my opinion,it is beneficial。first,it provides many chances for people who want to make progress;second,it is a mind—exparding experience,people who went abroad can obtain the culture,customs and so on;third,facing with the vocational pressure nowdays。it is very important chances to overseas studying 。

  so ,i think overseas studying is very important to everyone。

英文作文 篇4

  Early in the morning, I opened the calendar. At first, it's the Dragon Boat Festival.

  I put on my clothes and went into the kitchen. Ah! You can smell the flowers. I asked my mother curiously, "what's the Dragon Boat Festival coming from, Mommy?"

  My mother smiled and said to me: "once upon a time there was a poet named Qu Yuan, he is very patriotic. One day, Qu Yuan heard that the state and defeated, then jumped the river. After that, people put the rice regiment into the river and let the fish and shrimp no longer eat the body of Qu Yuan. Since then people put rice into his love the taste of the regiment, with reed leaves wrapped and tied with a rope, such as dumplings. At the same time, people also have to play dragon boats. "

  I asked again, "what do you want to do, mom, on the Dragon Boat Festival?"

  And she said to me, "there is it in it! We want to eat sweet dumplings, Dragon Boat Race fun, drink realgar Yellow Wine, of course, the people also want to eat 'yellow'".

  I asked my mother: "what is the five yellow"?

  Mother said: "five to eat five things. The first is the yellow fish, the second is the cucumber, the third is the salted duck egg yolk, the fourth is the yellow bean dumplings, and the fifth is the realgar bar.

  Listen to mother like this, I have a lot of knowledge!

英文作文 篇5

  Last Thursday was Thanks Giving Day. How did you spend it, my friend? Although it's a western traditional holiday, nowadays, more and more Chinese young people like to live as western style, thus this holiday becomes well-known among Chinese. To most of them, this day means delicious turkey and a happy party at night, which you can easily have a picture in your mind.

  But when it turns to one of my friends, it must be the other side of the coin. That day after that day, I read her dairy in her blog: "How rediculous it was!", she wrote, "I never thought about it could happen to me. As year's coming to its end, our company has dicided the new business plan for the coming year. According to the dicision, most of the employees have to be fired due to budget cutting down, of which two of my best friend will have this fate. And what shocked me was that I was the one who had to inform them this terrible news. At the moment my manager notified me, my mind turned bland for a few minutes and I could not move my body. I was so upset that I even had no right to refuse it. On such a day, Thanks Giving Day! Isn't it too dramatic? What a hell! What on earth shall we give thanks for?!"

  At the end of this essay, she wrote down a sentence: "C'est la vie..."

  To be frank, I was also shocked when I read her blog. Undoubtly, as expectation of all of us, the Thanks Giving Day should be happy and there shouldn't be any sadness. But as what she wrote, c'est la vie, this is the life, it always give us what we don't expect more than what we really want.

  And let's have a look at my own Thanks Giving Day, what did I do on such a "holiday"? These days our team have to spend a lot of working time to support our Finance dept. to do the year-end audit, which made us work over time everyday during the last week. We have to prepare plenty of paperworks and we cannot stop the current projects which must be finished before the end of November. On Thanks Giving Day, I worked until 10:00pm in the office without eating anything when others were enjoying there feast. I was so tired both mentally and physically. That's my Thanks Giving Day, just like a nightmare!

  Then, turn back to the question, what really worth of our thanks? The whole life seams dark and painful and full of sorrow. I asked myself this question over and over. Finally, I thought whatever life give, it is really a cherish experience, because it makes me unique and I could learn a lot from many aspects when things happen to me, different experiences make me different from others. From this point of view, life itself is treasure. No matter sadness or happyness, if we could both enjoy the experiences, I think that is the meaning why we live in this world.

  I wrote a comment in my friend's blog, said that" Life is the best gift we get, everything happen to us must affect us and make our life brilliant. For example, after your colleagues were fired, they will find another brighter future for their careers. All these things have its internal reason. So the one who need our thanks is life itself. If we keep our mode in being thankful to everything we meet, the whole life should be much happier. And in that way, I do believe we will have a better life."

英文作文 篇6

  This is a Christmas that I will never forget. Because I hosted the Christmas party this year.

  When the students in the school were excited and excited, the orderly team came to the big concert hall and sat down in the audience.

  This year's Christmas party, I did not think that I and several other students as the host. This is at the formal party as the host for the first time, I look at the people sitting here, is really a sea of people, my heart began to tense, I want to in mind, this is my first time at a formal party host, one thousand hosted by my bad? Won't that be a disgrace to our class? Besides, several other students have conducted several large party activities before, and their experience must be very rich. My heart unavoidably will be a little nervous when I think of the teacher wang said to me, you want to relax, don't be nervous, you should believe yourself, hosted by teacher and I also believe you will be quite good. So I took a few deep breaths, then closed my eyes and thought about the sea, and I felt less nervous. So I'm confident that took to the stage, when it was my turn to say presided over words, I am very confident to say my host word "distinguished leaders, dear teachers, dear classmates everybody" then we all host together loudly say "good night" when we host had said the words, the first Christmas programme in the beginning, we host on the background, the king of the teacher stopped me, no one called me to a room, then she said to me: "when I saw you said host word is there some tension" I said to be the king of the teacher, teacher wang then said to me: "you relax, don't be nervous, I just see you in the audience said presided over words, you speak a little fast a bit" I hastened to teacher wang said, wang you rest assured, I must change. Miss wang nodded to me with a smile.

  When XXX finished singing a beautiful song "raise your cup, friend". We host on again, it's my turn to say presided over words, I relaxed mindset, presided over the words to say, suddenly I saw the king sat in the stands the teacher asked me a thumbs-up sign, I have more enough confidence, said confidently through the host behind the word. When I stepped off the stage, miss wang said that I was very good at the word, which added to my confidence.

  The following program was a better one than the one, and I presided over the better and more confident. Every time I hear a flood of applause from the audience, the sense of accomplishment in my heart cannot be expressed in words.

  Finally we finished the Christmas party in the beautiful song "tomorrow is better". I had a different Christmas too.










