大学英语作文:妈妈,我想告诉你(Mother,I Want to Tel

时间:2022-08-08 20:41:17 英语作文 我要投稿

大学英语作文:妈妈,我想告诉你(Mother,I Want to Tell You)

  在我们平凡的`日常里,大家或多或少都会接触过作文吧,作文可分为小学作文、中学作文、大学作文(论文)。一篇什么样的作文才能称之为优秀作文呢?以下是小编整理的大学英语作文:妈妈,我想告诉你(Mother,I Want to Tell You),欢迎大家借鉴与参考,希望对大家有所帮助。

大学英语作文:妈妈,我想告诉你(Mother,I Want to Tell You)

  mother, i want to tell you something about my college life.

  new life begins! ive been epecting this moment for a long time.finally,i become a college student .

  all good things must come to an end ! i am now apart from my family members and many good friends.i am awared that i will have to do everything on my own .

  being responsible is the eact thing that i am supposed to think about! im now dealing something responsibly with my new rommates.i enjoy being together with them,they just like my good friends in high school,being kind and thoughtful!

  my college is a place for a new beginning ,im sure im taking a new life ,everything here is full of challenge,quite different from things in high school,teachers are not going to tell you eactly what you are going to do ,you will have to make your own decisions.

  so far,im geting along so well with people aroud me ,college provides me with chances and challenge,im going to make a difference to my life!and i have every confidence on myself.i will still have to move on......

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