
时间:2023-01-30 12:28:00 英语作文 我要投稿




英文作文 篇1


  假如我是班长,首先要和同学交往好,如果某同学不舒服,我会马上给这位同学送去医 院或吃药。如果同学生病了,我会给他补课。如果 同学有困难,我能帮的尽量帮。这样,我和同学 的友谊,像松柏一样常青。

  我还要管好卫生,如果教室里有人用水把地搞脏了,我要马上告诉这个同学,下次不要 再搞了。我要一看见纸屑就马上扔入垃圾桶。

  我自己也要好好学习,每次下课跟同学 交流交流,讲一讲故事,或相互之间学习。

  我还要帮老师搬运东西。发作业,当老师 的小助手。

  如果同学不会做题目,我可以教他,但我 不会直接告诉他答案。如果上课时有人大声喧 哗,就让他小声点。

英文作文 篇2

  I remember many things in primary school, but the most unforgettable is the graduation ceremony. It was the end of my six year race, the day the principal's speech was still ringing in my ears...

  The location of the graduation ceremony was very special, avoiding the spacious classroom of the tall movie theater and coming to benxi zoo. On graduation day we sat down. Everyone's face was grave and serious, with a little pride and hope.

  When I looked at the bright banners and said, "the 20xx graduation ceremony of yingbin primary school", I was shocked that my primary school life had left me. I think, from the heated discussion of the issue to the heat of labor, from the smooth movements of the broadcast gymnastics to the brilliant smile of victory; I sigh that the students who have been together for a few days will be separated, listening to the sincere advice, looking at the friendly eyes,

  There are many things to say in your heart, but you do not know where to begin.

  "Please sit down, please. Please speak to President song." "The host smiled. The title of President song's speech is "believe in the future". The President wants us to be confident and optimistic about the future, regardless of the difficulties we face in our future studies or life.

  After the headmaster's speech, we had a group picnic in the pine forest. Everyone sits on the soft ground, eating delicious food, listening to the sound of the birds singing, and smelling the thick rosin, chatting and singing together...

  This is our graduation ceremony, a different kind of graduation ceremony. I will not forget this graduation ceremony, also will not forget the principal said "believe in the future", will not forget my lovely Alma mater -- yingbin primary school.

英文作文 篇3




  在这本书上举了很多有趣的例子,都是不恰当地使用英语造成的,让我来讲给你们听:在一件医用物品中,它的商标是“DR BANG”邦医生,但在英文中,它的意思是“爆炸医生”。在一个旅游区,有一个公共标语,它企图表达的意思是“为了您的`安全,请不要随意爬山”,但标语将“YOUR”的“Y”接到了句中“FOR”的后面,意思就变成了“你可以爬山,也可以掉下来,但别掉到我们身上,砸着我们!”是不是很可笑?还英语有用“PEOPLEMOUNTAINPEOPLESEA”来表示“人山人海”,都是典型的中式英语。


英文作文 篇4

  New Year's eve, is the day when I most like.

  Because mother said that the day can go to sleep in the morning, because even fell asleep will also be new firecrackers wake.

  On New Year's eve, in addition to being able to eat a lot of delicious things, can also receive a lot of red envelopes, you can also watch TV for a long long time, really is so happy.

  A red envelope is New Year's money, since ancient times, elders will send children lucky money on New Year's eve, seems to be a meaning of exorcism disaster, mother said to put "lucky money" in under the pillow, pillow to sleep on it. I really do as this way, because it is very new.

  I also looked at the Spring Festival gala, the deepest memory is the "hello, I am leave." "Why? Why is this?" Whenever I say this, mom and dad laughed, because I copy too like said.

英文作文 篇5

  The dog is very sleepy, although it can not sleep at night, but during the day to sleep for several hour. As long as there is sunshine, the dog will lie there, with a warm air and sleep for a day. If there is no sunshine, the dog will move his body to the place where there is sunshine. If there is a little noise, it immediately ran away. If you go, he will open his mouth to bite you, if you're in the moment, ran quickly, it will run in the chase, no matter what, you don't want to get rid of it, unless the owner called the dog off, it will not come to you.

英文作文 篇6

  In the painful transition from the central planning economy to the market economy, millions of workers have been laid off in China. As the reform process speeds up, more people will be laid off, fueling the competition in the jab markets.

  The newly unemployed have diffhrent attitudes towards new jabs. Complaining of the social problems and enjoying their free time, some of them just wait passively for help. Moreover, they are rather fussy about government assigned jobs. Their typical job requirements include good pay, decent social position, and nice working environment. To their disappointment, no such jobs are available yet and they let good opportunities slip by. In contrast, most of the unemployed are practical, facing the challenge with courage and seizing any opportunity with confidence. Instead of complaining and relying on others, they are actively hunting all sorts of jobs by themselves. They attend job training schools to acquire new professional skills while holding odd jobs. Since China is heavily investing in the construction of her infrastructures which provides many jobs, millions of the unemployed have found better jobs. Their success depends more on their positive attitudes than anything else.

  As the market economy rapidly improves in China, free competition will increasingly replace all sorts of monopolies. People will enjoy more freedom in finding good jobs. Any job,just as all kinds of product, has its strengths and weaknesses. They have to change their prejudice against "indecent" jobs. It is not what jobs they do but how good they are that really counts. Nobody likes to be laid off, but it can open the door to finding a better job.

英文作文 篇7

  There is no doubt that Dr. Sun Yat-Sen is the greatest man that I ever known in my whole life. He set up the Republic of China, so we call him our National Father. He was devoted to the revolution about forty years. His aim was to liberate China from the hands of the Manchu Dynasty. He had not met with result, but he was not discouraged at all. As a result, he accomplished his end in the long run. To sum up, his strong will and indomitable spirit are worth our worship and imitation .

  无疑的,中山先生是我一生知道的最大的.人物。他建立中华民国,所以我他为我的国父。 他致力革命凡四十年。他的目的是清朝手里解放中国。他曾遭遇屡次的失败,但他却一点也不灰心。那是不需说的。结果,他终于达到目的。总而言之,他坚强的意志和不屈不挠的精神(是)值得我们的崇拜和仿效。

英文作文 篇8

  Let's face it, the majority of people who are single are not single because they honestly and truly choose to be that way. Yes, there are people out there who are single and love it and wouldn't change it for the world but these people are in the minority。


  So, if most people who are still single would rather be in a relationship (of some kind), why are there so many single people out there?


  I happen to be single myself and believe that there are some pretty good reasons to explain why single people like myself seem to stay single。


  If you're one of the single people, keep on reading to see if one of these “top 5 reasons why you're alone” can explain why you're still single。

  如果你也是单身,接着往下读,看看“五大单身理由” 里有没有哪一条符合你的情况。

  1. You were in a long-term relationship:


  Being in a long-term relationship is much different than dating. If your long-term relationship ends, there is a lot more to deal with than if you'd only been dating for a few months. Take a 10-year relationship that's ended, for example: there's 10 years of good memories, bad memories, lost commitments, joy, hurt - you name it - to try to deal with.


  Assumedly, if you were in a 10-year relationship, the person you were with knew you well - your likes, dislikes, your quirks, your friends, family, hopes, dreams, etc. You probably knew each other so well that it was like you had your own secret language. Even if the relationship ended badly, that's a lot to try to replace!


  It's no wonder that single people with long-term relationships in their past seem to stay single. Whether it makes sense to them or not, they just can't seem to find someone who can replace what they once had whether what they had was good or not. The key here is that they will never be able to find a direct replacement but they can find someone new who is equally if not more worthwhile and hopefully a better match. It takes time, openness and commitment to build another long-term relationship from scratch and it can be scary and overwhelming。


  于他们永远不可能找到一个直接的替代者,但是他们可以找到一个新的人,即便不比原来那个人更值得,但至少也是个不错的另一半。结束一段伤痛、再次建立一段 长期的感情需要时间、坦然和承诺。最初可能会让人提心吊胆、喘不过气。

  2. You're shy and/or not very outgoing:


  Whether we like it or not, people who are outgoing tend to get noticed and that includes getting noticed by the opposite sex. Where does that leave shy single people? We're just not that likely to get noticed if we don't make eye contact with others and make a point of trying to get to know them. It's a sad fact, but true。


  Being shy is at least 50% genetic so there's only so much we can do to overcome this. The good news is that there are lots of shy single people out there -- admittedly, the hard part is hooking up, but it happens, so don't despair。


  3. You live in a small town or village


  Let's just play the numbers game here. Imagine you live in a small town of 3000 people and you're a woman. You're looking for a man, so you're down to 1500 to choose from except that 75% of them are taken so that leaves you with 375. Out of those 375, let's say 15% of them fall within an appropriate age range of you which brings you down to about 57. Out of those 57, you're sure not going to be compatible with all of them; there may be a few you're compatible with but how are you going to find them?

英文作文 篇9

  Getting up early has been regarded as a good habit since ancient times. Many years ago, people thought that if we went to bed early and got up early, we would be vigorous the whole day.

  In fact, spring is the best seasonof a year; morning is the best time of a day.In the morning, the air is the freshest and people are usually in the best conditions.Many of us may have the experiences that we memorize some things more quickly and accurately in the morning than at any other time of the day. If we do some exercises or only take a short walk in the morning, we will be full of energy the whole day.Also we will have enough time to prepare our work of the day if we get up early. In short, getting up early can do us a lot of good.

  Let us remember getting up early is a good habit and try our best to keep it. We will certainly benefit a lot from it.






节约作文 英文08-15







