
时间:2023-08-14 12:29:02 英语作文 我要投稿
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英语作文300字 篇1

  When I am making mistakes, my parents will never be angry with me. I am so thankful to them for they are so tolerant with me.

  I learn many things from my parents, they show me how to be a tolerant person. They will not blame me for the small mistake that I make, instead, they will educate me in the gentle way. Unlike some parents who are strict to their kids, they will be very angry and said the hurting words, making the children feel sad. Being tolerant to other people’s mistakes is the best way to solve the problem. People will appreciate the kind act and make things goes on the easy way.

英语作文300字 篇2

  My desk mate is a lovely girl.Her name is Li Xiang.She tells me that the meaning of her name is dream.Her parents hope her to be a girl with dream.She is a little bit shy,but I am outgoing.So I often talk to her after class.I want to make friends with her.At first,she did not talk too much,but latter,she liked talking to me.We share our interests with each other.Of course,we help each other in study and make progress together.

英语作文300字 篇3

  Last Sunday 上周日

  Yesterday was Sunday, I didn’t go to school, but I was busy。

  In the morning, I got up at eight o’clock, then I ate breakfast。 After breakfast, I cleaned my room, it was dirty but it is clean now。 In the afternoon, I played badminton with my friends。 In the evening, my sister and I ate some cookies, ice cream and drank some juice and milk, but I didn’t like chocolate。 After finishing my homework, I watched TV and listened to music。

  I had a good time last Sunday!

英语作文300字 篇4

  Learning to ride a bike can have many benefits for people of all ages.

  Firstly, it is a great way for transportation, since it is relatively inexpensive when compared with driving or taking the bus. It is also efficient for destinations that are not too far away. Secondly, riding the bike it is also good excersize. It is much more efficient than walking or running. In my opinion, it is more fun as well, because going faster means that one can see more places in a shorter amount of time while keeping a healthy lifestyle. One can even go on weekly explorations with friends on bikes.

英语作文300字 篇5


  在候机室和旅游景点,经常会遇到要找洗手间。洗手间用英语有三种说法:WC、washroom、toilet,我记住了这三种,就能飞快的辨认出洗手间的.标牌和位置,很轻松的帮助外公外婆找到洗手间。在飞机上,空姐会送果汁饮料、飞机餐以及小礼物给我们小朋友,我熟悉了苹果汁、橙汁、茶、咖啡等英语单词,当收到礼物时我会用英语“Thank you!”来感谢空姐的服务。妈妈说好!离开欧洲时,妈妈在德国法兰克福机场问路去海关办理退税手续,机场工作人员跟妈妈说了一些话之后说了一句:“follow me!”我马上就听懂了,问妈妈是不是这个意思。妈妈很惊讶,大大夸奖了我,说我好棒!






My mother,我的妈妈英语作文英语作文-英语作文09-30


Careful and Careless英语作文_英语作文09-18



