
时间:2023-09-09 15:03:36 英语作文 我要投稿
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英语作文400字 篇1

  There are many different kinds of food. My favorite food is fried rice.In China, most of the people in the south eat rice. And I like fried rice best.

  It’s really delicious. When I go home from school, I am always hungry. At that time I always make fried rice by myself. I often cook it carefully and it is so delicious. It makes me happy. After eating it, I am not hungry any more. Fried rice is my favorite.



英语作文400字 篇2

  Now cars are increasing very fast. Factories are continuing polluting the air. Trees are being cut down. So the hazy weather is becoming more and more serious. It’s time for us to do something to protect the environment.

  First of all, we’d better not travel by car unless it’s necessary. We can take the bus or the subway, walk or ride a bike if we don’t go far away. We can also set up a volunteer club and ask more people to join it. We can plant more trees, give the government advice to stop the factories polluting the air and water.

英语作文400字 篇3

  随着上课铃声响起,英语老师Miss Qiu走进教室,“Class beging!”英语老师在讲台上一声令下,今天的英语课大战又要开始了!与往常不同,今天,英语老师在黑板上写上了“gril”和“boy”。哦,今天是男孩和女孩的较量,我瞪了一眼正得意洋洋的林艺铮,心中暗想:哼!别高兴得太早!我们自信满满的.男生可不会输!




英语作文400字 篇4

  I went to an English Summer Camp this summer vacation. It's really a good chance to improve my English. I ate lived learnt and played with my foreign teachers and my classmates for about three weeks. In the morning we had a four-hour-class. In the afternoon sometimes we saw an English movie otherwise we learned some English songs. In the evening we had our free time. We all had a lot of fun.


英语作文400字 篇5

  The News Report has always been my favorite TV program.

  Almost everyday I turn on the TV at 6:30 p.m. and wait

  for the news program. This has become a part of my life.

  The News Report contains a large amount of information

  --from the international political situation to the latest football game. Because of its fast pace,which is the most important character of the news programs can contain much information in a short time. In my opinion, the News Report is more than a TV program. It is a way of communication. From this program, people can know and underst and world affairs. The world thus becomes smaller and smaller. I especially appreciate this benefit of atching the news.

  My most favorite program




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