
时间:2023-12-21 15:36:01 英语作文 我要投稿
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英语作文400字 篇1

  This is my family.They are my mother,my father and me.My father is a teacher.He works in a school.

  He is of medium height and of medium build.He has shortstraight black hair.He looks young.Now he is reading

  books.My mother is a reporter.She works in a TV station.She is of medium height and a little thin.

  She has long curly black hair.She is very beautiful.Now she is watching TV.I am a student.

  I am tall and thin.I have

  long straight black hair.I am doing my homework,now.This is my family.

英语作文400字 篇2

  With the development of e-commerce, shopping online becomes a new way of shopping which is getting more and more popular. Many citizens are likely to shop through internet nowadays.

  Generally speaking, shopping online offers lots of advantages with its convenience the most prominent. There are many commodities on the internet where you can search whatever you want. Besides, you just click the mouse can you get all information you want, so that you dont have to go to the shop personally. In addtition, the commodities on the Internet is usually cheaper than the stores which can save much money.

英语作文400字 篇3

  这个学期,我们都上了六年级,我们新换了一个英语老师,叫Miss Mo。可是第一节课,就上得够“厉害”的,现在我来介绍一下我们上的'第一节英语课吧!

  那节课刚开始,Miss Mo便踏着铃声走进教室。先自我介绍了一番,让我们了解了解,然后讲课,她拿出一叠卡片,我一看,晕!原来是二十六个字母。不会吧……我们已经六年级了耶!不会还教26字母吧!我果然猜对了,接着,她让我们一组一组读一张张卡片,上面全是字母。后来让我们两个两个念,三个三个念,还让我们倒着读,结果是:全班没有一个错的。我想:这也太低估我们了吧,六年级还教字母。没想到后面还有更“低估”的,居然让我们唱ABC歌!老师一边拍掌一边唱,我们只好也焉焉地跟着唱了起来:“ABCDEFG,HIJKLMN.......”接着,老师在黑板上写下英语四线格,在黑板上一边写一边说:“A要这样写,B要这样……”最后,老师说:“今天的作业是:把26个字母大小写各写一遍!”说完走了出去。哐!全班晕倒!



英语作文400字 篇4

  Christmas is the biggest festival in the western world, which people all over the Christian countries celebrate. It is on the 25th day of each December.Christians consider it as the birthday of Jesus Christ.

  But now many customs and habits are beyond religious meaning.The Christmas season begins five or six weeks before the exact holiday.There is always a shopping boom during this period.So it's really a happy season for shop owners.



英语作文400字 篇5

  Nowadays,with _______现象,people are becoming increasingly aware of the significance of _______主题词.In my point of view, _______标题变成陈述句. There are numerous reasons to support my point of my view,and I would explore only a few of the most importance ones here.

  On of the primary causes is that _______支持论点的理由一.As the saying goes,_______引用名言证明理由一 .

  Another reason that can be seen by every person is that _______支持论点的理由二,阐释理由二.

  Taking into account of all these factors,we may draw the conclusion that_______重述标题观点或论点 .Therefore, _______提出意见或建议 .

英语作文400字 篇6

  I am often very afraid to cross-large wide streets. I always go to the traffic light and use the crosswalk, but many times I have been frightened. When the light changes to green I still need to look both directions to check the traffic.

  On many occasions a speeding motorcycle or bicycle or once a truck drove past the red light and across the pedestrian's path. When I have my bicycle, I get off and walk across the street, but always someone crosses the red light.

  Once at the intersection near the shopping mall I saw an accident: a taxi had stopped for the light, and another truck came from behind and did not stop. For safety, it is very important for everyone to obey the traffic laws.


英语作文 怎样学习英语02-02








