
时间:2024-01-08 11:14:17 英语作文 我要投稿




学英语作文 篇1





学英语作文 篇2



  开始第一节课了,老师给我们讲上节课布置的作业,老师书:“这道题的答案是Thank you。”我半信半疑,因为我写错了这道题的'答案,我改正了过来。老师讲了很多道题……


  上第二节外教课,以前我一句也听不懂,现在,我可以和外教老师对话了,可我的英文字母还是写的龙飞凤舞。老师让我们用他手上的英文单词造句,问句是:How can i learn to do?答句:I can learn to……外教给答对的人一个小沙包,让我们投个飞叠杯搭起来的一座“堡垒”,我先抢答对了,老师给我沙包,我用力一投,只剩下四个飞叠杯,后面的同学也一样……




学英语作文 篇3

  There are too many disabled people in the world. They have no differences from country to country. Some of them were disabled when they were born, the others were injured or hurt in all kinds of accidents, which made them disabled. Almost all of us feel sorry for them. We commiserate with them because they are another kind of people. But some disabled people refuse others’ commiseration. They think they can do everything by themselves. They don’t consider themselves as people who have defects. They think they are the same as normal people.

  In fact, a great number of people with disabilities should be taken care of by others. They get help from the government or some beneficent organizations in society. But that’s not enough. They must look after themselves on their own. When a baby with disabilities is born, it should be taught to learn some particular skills to live. Or else, it would fail in the future. So one with disabilities must have abundant confidence to fit the hard life without others’ help.

学英语作文 篇4

  I have many friends in my class.There are 45 students in my classroom. they are interesting and lovely. I would like to introduce some of them. Hellen is very cute. she's also kind to everyone and she's very enthusiastic. She's always ready to help everyone, but she is forgetful. she always forgets to bring her school things, such as pens, ruler,textboos and so on. but our teachers always forgive her. Robert is the most talkative boy in our class. his nickname is “chatterbox.” he has a great sense of humor and he always makes me laugh Sweet is a quiet student. She is good at every subject but she never shows off. Ken is a very tall boy. he plays basketball very well and he is on our school team. he often says, “playing basketball is good for your health. how about your classmates? Do you like them? try to admire your classmates. you will be happier.

学英语作文 篇5



  为了考试,他们可以欣赏外国电影、音乐等等。另外,通过使用英语,他们可以和外国人交流,这样他们就可以从他们那里学到许多不同的文化和风俗。 然而,每枚硬币都有两面。其他一些人认为他们学英语没有用。在他们看来,学习我们的母语汉语已经足够好了;其次,出国或与外国人交流的.机会是无望的。总之,他们认为学习英语没有用。


学英语作文 篇6

  one afternoon, a close friend of mine came up to me ecitedly:

  julia, dont you know that theres a cherry tree in our school?

  a cherry tree? really? where?

  cherry trees were so scarce that i had only seen them in the film romantic cherry.

  in i garden. hurry! lets go and see it!

  i dropped my book and followed my friend out of the class

  as soon as i stepped into i garden, i began seeking the precious pink eagerly. and ho, there it was! in the distance,several pink clouds were floating above a small pavilion. that was it! my cherry tree!

  we quickened our steps. little by little, the gossamer like pink clouds grew bigger and bigger and at last seemed to occupy the blue sky when we were just standing under the cherry, on a small slope. beneath my feet, the soil was covered by fallen petals. what a wonderful eperience! stretching my arms widely, i felt as if flying in the air weightlessly in the world of pink.

  when a gentle breeze passed by, hundreds of petals parachuted down. they danced and whirled beautifully in the air and blurred my vision. the petals were so light that it took them some time to fall down onto the ground or into the pool.

  the petals lying on the ground joined their brothers and sisters to etend a pink carpet while those floating on the water were setting out on a mysterious journey.

  i surely will be sorry when all of the petals have fallen down. my friend said woefully.

  no. although they have left their home and have been separated from each other, they are still happy and composed and try to do their best where god place them. i said to myself,firmly and hopefully.

  简 评

  本文描写了樱桃树开花的美景和作者喜悦的心情。呈现在作者眼前的是一个粉红色的世界:头顶上漂浮着粉红色的“云彩”,脚下粉红色的花瓣覆盖着大地。作者对花瓣飘落的描写非常精彩:hundreds“petals parachuted down;they danced and whirled beautifully intheair,使读者仿佛身临其境。在作者笔下,这些花瓣都有了生命的灵气:落在地上的花瓣合力展开一块粉色的地毯,而落在水中的花瓣开始了它们的.神秘之旅。


学英语作文 篇7

  When we talk about model, we will have the skinny body shape and beautiful face image in our mind. It is the rule for model to keep as thin as possible. But the hottest model recently is a girl who has the beatutiful face while with fat body. The girl is leading the new fashion, telling people that the real you is sexy.


  This famous girl is 19 and she is from New York, her name is Barbie Ferreira. If we only look at the face from the picture, there is doubt that this girl is so charming, but if we look at her body shape, we will be very shocked, for her body size is much bigger than the ordinary model's. When this girl show on the magazine, people are so inspired, they believe that natural beauty is what they chase for.


  When Barbie was very small, she was fat and though she tried to lose weight, she worried about becoming fat again. Barbie realized that she was a natural fat girl, she wanted to let the body be its way. Barbie’s story inspires so many young girls to live the way they want.











