a camping trip作文带翻译

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a camping trip作文带翻译

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a camping trip作文带翻译

  Last SundayI had a wonderful time with my classmates.

  I had prepared every thing well the day before that day.In the morningall of us met at the school gate.Then we got on the No.8 bus to get to the countryside.I had never joined a camping trip before.So I feel excited and nervous. After a long timewe got there.What a beautiful and peaceful place!Blue sky green plantslarge fieldsbutterflies and dragonflies here and there.We supported the tents and started to make a nice lunch.I took out my breadsausageswaterchips and a lot of other snacks.We share our food with each other.I saw some were having a barbecuethat looked great.We decided to stay there for two days.I thought of that I might be uncomfortable during the two daysbut in factI enjoyed myself.

  When I left the countrysideI was a little sad.But I believeI would go there again sometime.Ohwhat a wonderful camping trip.

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