Piling up Fortune

时间:2024-07-03 15:27:32 英语作文 我要投稿
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Piling up Fortune

  I'm very happy to have two money today, so I can treat you to delicious food. Please, so that the baby is more happyWell, the main thing is that every time you say you want to eat something delicious, you always don't mention it most of the time.

  It seems that my husband doesn't have that kind of special foodAlways feel cold, have that kind of husband eat particularly fragrant? It's so fragrant, so fragrant. Oh, this feeling.

  Baby, did you hand in the certification materials of Dr. he.That's interesting. How lovely It looks. If not. I like my husband best! Yes, I like Xiaoqin best today. I'm sleepy today. I am a little dog. Two relatives and friends of Dalong. At that time, two bags Dudu Dudu caught it.

  Well, it's OK to eat happily, because after all, it's not a special period of dieting. I'm not happy when I send the key and I don't lose weight. How bad it is I am such a lovely wife. Write down all the fun things, for example, let me have a look. The real thing is forgotten.

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