
时间:2023-03-14 14:59:58 振濠 春游 我要投稿




  英语春游作文 篇1

  The Oriental Greenboat is a very big place. Last Friday, it was a sunny day. We went to The Oriental Greenboat.The Oriental Greenboat is also an interesting place. There are Children’s World and Interesting Bridge.

  Children can sit under the tree to have a rest or go to play with their friends and their parents.Children also can stand on the interesting bridge, but some children don’t like it. Because of the bridge was on the lake! It’s dangerous. It’s easier to fall in the lake.There is even an International safeguards In The Oriental Greenboat.

  There are lots of aero planes in it. Some are small , and some are big. And there is a lot of space for us to admire.We all had a wonderful time there! What a nice spring trip!

  英语春游作文 篇2

  Last Friday, it was a sunny day. We went to The Oriental Greenboat.

  The Oriental Greenboat is also an interesting place. There are Children’s World and Interesting Bridge.Children also can stand on the interesting bridge, but some children don’t like it. Because of the bridge was on the lake! It’s dangerous. It’s easier to fall in the lake.

  There is even an International safeguards In The Oriental Greenboat.

  There are lots of aero planes in it. Some are small , and some are big. And there is a lot of space for us to admire.

  We all had a wonderful time there! What a nice spring trip!

  英语春游作文 篇3

  Many children are always looking forward to the winter vacation; This is because during the vacation, children needn’t go to school; They can do everything they like,such as playing, watching TV, traveling, or even sleeping all the day and so on.and when winter vacation come on ,It means that spring festival will come on soon.

  I spent the whole day at home nearly every day, I played with my computer .I played computer games and surved the Internet. during the vacation I,I still stayed in touch with my classmates and my friends.I thinked I hasve been a potatoes mouse .

  Even though my vacation wasn’t crazy and exciting, but I really learnt a lot. It was good for relaxing, and I am getting ready for the coming new term now. Good—bye, my winter vacation.

  英语春游作文 篇4

  Attention, please.We are planning to go traveling on April 16th. On that day, we will go climbing to Yuhuang Mountain. Then we will have a picnic on the top of the mountain.

  After that, we will go to visit the plants garden. Therefore, students of senior 1 and senior2 should get together at the school gate at 7 in the morning on April 16th.

  We will start at 7:20 by bus. Please wear snackers and bring the lunch and bottels of water by yourselves on that day and please come on time

  英语春游作文 篇5

  Time really flies, one semester was over, we again welcome the joy of the winter. The advent of winter break, for a student who is a very exciting thing.

  That study for a semester, and finally allows us to relax relaxed. I intend to be properly make full use of what winter vacation, so that winter flies both fun and meaningful. The first day of winter break I have developed a plan for their own table, paste in my bedroom, the most prominent place, constantly remind myself to urge their own.

  Of my winter vacation program was very informative.

  英语春游作文 篇6

  This morning, the teacher invited a bus and said he would take us for a spring outing. Before getting on the bus, the teacher gave us some lunch.

  I took many photos on the way. The first stop was the Planning Museum. When we got there, we were free for 20 minutes. During these 20 minutes, we talked and laughed, talked and took many photos. Later, we gathered to the Planning Museum, where there were two 3D videos, ancient Cangzhou, and virtual Cangzhou scale map.

  The second stop was the celebrity botanical garden. We had a rest there, ate some food, and went to see some celebrities. Here, I took many photos, and many students touched them. We saw many flowers. The colorful flowers were fragrant, and I took many more photos. This spring outing is different from what I thought.

  I was very happy about this spring outing. Before leaving, I reluctantly left the celebrity botanical garden and went to the car. I found that all the things we gave our teachers were full. I think the teachers must be very happy. The car started. Along the way, I recalled the good time when I set out to the Planning Museum and the celebrity botanical garden, but I arrived at the school before I finished thinking about it.

  英语春游作文 篇7

  I got to school at 8 o'clock. There are two places for this year's spring outing: first go to Huanghuagang tomb sweeping, and then go to Guangzhou happy post amusement park. At about 8:30, we arrived at Huanghuagang by car. We lined up with flowers in our hands, walked to the stone tablets of 72 martyrs and took an oath with Lin. Then, we lined up in two lines and walked slowly beside the stone tablet to offer flowers to the martyrs. After the tomb sweeping activity, we returned to the car and began to go to the second destination - Happy post station.

  After an hour, we finally arrived at the amusement park. The students are very happy because we can start playing all kinds of motor games! We played the brave express, roller coaster, merry go round and so on. Among them, my favorite is the brave express. Because its speed is from slow to fast, and it's very exciting!

  After playing these rides, we began to have lunch. I'm with Hu Xiyu and Zhang Zhifei. We share our food with each other. At the same time, we also invited our guide sister to eat. After lunch, we left here with a reluctant mood and thought, "come here again for the next spring outing!"

  We were very happy this spring outing!

  英语春游作文 篇8

  The Oriental Greenboat is a very big place. Last Friday, it was a sunny day. We went to The Oriental Greenboat.The Oriental Greenboat is also an interesting place. There are Children’s World and Interesting Bridge.Children can sit under the tree to have a rest or go to play with their friends and their parents.Children also can stand on the interesting bridge, but some children don’t like it. Because of the bridge was on the lake! It’s dangerous. It’s easier to fall in the lake.There is even an International safeguards In The Oriental Greenboat.There are lots of aero planes in it. Some are small , and some are big. And there is a lot of space for us to admire.We all had a wonderful time there! What a nice spring trip!

  英语春游作文 篇9

  In March, flowers are red and willows are green, grass is sprouting, and swallows are flying back from the south. Seeing the beautiful scenery, students all say that we are going to spring outing. Where are we going to spring outing? Beijing Tian'anmen Square, the Forbidden City Museum, Badaling Great Wall, Guilin mountains and rivers are beautiful places, but they are too far away, so they are not suitable for us to go for spring outing. Because we are students who mainly study. Only after finishing our homework on Sunday, we take time to go for spring outing.

  We need to give up the distance and seek the near. Some students mentioned two places: Youth Activity Center and West Street botanical garden, We made an appointment to leave. First of all, we came to the youth activity center. There was an old grandfather watching the gate. He greeted us with a smile. There were all kinds of flowers and trees planted in the yard, chickens, ducks, geese, rabbits and other animals, as well as the bright five-star red flag flying on the high flagpole. When we came here, we not only saw the beautiful scenery, but also learned scientific knowledge. It's really killing two birds with one stone. After visiting the Youth Activity Center, we came to the West Street botanical garden again. When we approached the botanical garden, we would see a lush forest.

  There are all kinds of trees here. Dense layer upon layer, there are green grass and colorful flowers. When the breeze blows, the grass and flowers shake and wave, as if waving to us. I love beautiful spring, more like happy spring outing.

  英语春游作文 篇10

  One day, the sun was red and the earth was golden. No one dared touch the ground. In this hot day, the animal primary school is going to spring outing.

  On the way to, a few alligators have been looking at the small animals, very envious, quietly following behind. Go, go, the faces of the little animals are red, and the beads of sweat big as beans are dripping down. One by one, they shouted in a high octave voice, "help me, I'm so hot, my feet are shaking!"

  Suddenly, out of a crocodile, its skin is a little hard, a little cold, its skin is green, lovely. It said kindly, "Hi, my name is Xiaoshuai. Are you tired of walking? Why don't you rest on my back Hearing this, the animals couldn't wait to climb up and lie down. Wow, how comfortable!

  Although the weather is very hot, the little animals still have a good time, because they are accompanied by a lovely little handsome.

  英语春游作文 篇11

  Great, great, I'm going to the "liushuwan ecological wildlife park" spring outing today. I got up early in the morning and didn't like to sleep in as usual. Put on your clothes and fasten your red scarf. I want to rush out. I really hope to start right away.

  It takes a long walk from the campus to liushuwan. Our teacher told us not to talk or eat on the road, but some students were so excited that they couldn't sleep well. How can they not talk? Many students couldn't help whispering about Willow Bay, and a burst of laughter came out from time to time. Imagine me walking in the Willow Bay. Speak fast and slowly, and speak slowly and quickly. Soon we came to the front door of liushuwan ecological wildlife park. Walking into Willow Bay, you will see winding paths. On both sides of the path, there are willows, butterfly flowers, unknown wild flowers and grass. A gust of wind blew, and the willow branches fluttered with the wind, as if a beautiful girl was combing her beautiful hair. After a long walk, we came to a small wooden bridge. The water under the bridge was clear and the pebbles at the bottom were colorful. From time to time, small goldfish swam to us and waved their small golden tails at us, as if saying to us, "look, does my tail look good?".

  We came to "pear garden" and took many photos. At this time, the students in our group seemed to have discovered the new world and said to us, "look, there's a bed there.". I was puzzled by her. At first glance, it turns out that it is a "net" that people tie to trees when traveling and can lie down and sleep. We sat on it, eating and playing. Finally, we climbed to the mountain to play. There were several pavilions there. I seemed to see the great poet Li Bai singing poetry and drinking. Everyone had a great time.

  Soon it was time to go home. Everyone was reluctant to leave liushuwan. I hope we can often engage in such activities in the future, so that we can explore the mysteries of nature.

  英语春游作文 篇12

  Today, we are going on a spring outing. The place we are going to is Yuquan temple near my hometown.

  Yuquan Temple finally arrived. We visited several scenic spots of Yuquan Temple: first, an iron tower, which used to be crooked and righted. Then there are 18 statues of arhat, Guanyin Bodhisattva, God of wealth and Buddha. They are especially large, two or three meters high. Finally, pearl spring, as long as you clap your hands, you can pop bubbles! Amazing! These scenic spots are very beautiful.

  "Children's shoes" got on the bus and prepared to enter the next stop - strawberry base. Today's sun also gives too much face, and everyone's enthusiasm is particularly high, so they all feel so hot! The guide said: we can pick as many strawberries as we can in ten minutes. Wang Yanxiang decided to wipe out the strawberries.

  Here we go! Everyone scrambled to pick strawberries. Ten minutes later, there were only a few "little" left in the whole strawberry base. Everyone was talking, "I'll pick more.". "My pick is bigger"... I looked into my bag and found some strawberries with strange shapes. I think they may be mutated. Back on the bus, some students began to eat. Don't say, these strawberries are really sweet! Just like everyone's mood at this time: sweet!

  We really enjoyed our spring outing today. This is really an unforgettable spring outing!

  英语春游作文 篇13

  The good spring has returned to the earth. In this season of spring and spring, my favorite spring outing has come.

  Under the guidance of teacher Zhou and Mr. Huang, the students went into the horse saddle pool park to play in the park. Along the way, the wind blew, the spring water flowing gently in the small pool, the weeping willows spit out the buds, the colorful flowers were open, it was really beautiful! The teacher let us observe the plant, I first observed the Western mansion Begonia, its stems are coarse, thin, small leaves, deep green, and green green, but not to open flowers. Next, I observed the pomegranate tree with green leaves on its trunk and branches, and some small buds are in bud. At last, we came to eat in the rest hall, and I chatted happily with my classmates while I was eating.

  It's a really happy spring outing, and it also made me grow a lot of knowledge about plants.

  英语春游作文 篇14

  The Oriental Greenboat is a very big place. Last Friday, it was a sunny day. We went to The Oriental Greenboat.

  The Oriental Greenboat is also an interesting place. There are Children’s World and Interesting Bridge.

  Children can sit under the tree to have a rest or go to play with their friends and their parents.Children also can stand on the interesting bridge, but some children don’t like it. Because of the bridge was on the lake! It’s dangerous. It’s easier to fall in the lake.

  There is even an International safeguards In The Oriental Greenboat.There are lots of aero planes in it. Some are small , and some are big. And there is a lot of space for us to admire.

  We all had a wonderful time there! What a nice spring trip!

  英语春游作文 篇15

  On Friday, our school held a spring outing.

  On that day, we were all very happy. Because we're going on a spring outing. When we got on the bus, the teacher told our whole class about safety. When the teacher finished speaking, we set off. When we got on the bus, we all felt dizzy, nauseous and uncomfortable. That reminds us of Mr. Wei who told us that we can't eat in the car, but there are still people eating in the car.

  When the destination arrived, everyone rushed out of the car. Ready to go in and visit! Everyone went in a neat line to visit. I saw a lot of things... After reading it, we went to have snacks. There was one person missing in our team, so it would be a little boring. I started eating. I ate potato chips, bagels, popcorn, pacifier sugar... And other delicious food.

  We'll play when we're finished. We went to play explorers, eagles, chickens, hide and seek... And other fun games. Time flies. We're going home. We really hope to have a spring outing in the future.

  英语春游作文 篇16

  The long-awaited spring outing has finally arrived! I got up very early today because I can't wait to go to school.

  When I got to school, I found that every student was as excited as me. We got on the tour bus with a happy mood. I talked and laughed with my good friends all the way, and unknowingly came to the naughty world.

  Sister Xiaoling, the tour guide, first took you to the open animal park. I saw kangaroos, skunks, mountain Qiang, etc. One of the animals that impressed me most was the porcupine, because its thorns were very sharp and could defend against the attack of the enemy. I thought it looked terrible when it was angry. Then we went to the performance area and saw the performances of macaws and macaques. They can not only raise flags, step on stilts, skate, but also skate on scooters. Really Awesome!

  In the afternoon, we have free activities in the naughty paradise. There are many amusement facilities here, among which the most attractive one is "Space Mountain". It is a train of cars that move rapidly along the winding track, which is very exciting. Sitting on it, let my heart fly out. I heard bursts of screams. It was really fun.

  This spring outing made me have a good time and learned a lot of knowledge. It was a happy and fulfilling day.

  英语春游作文 篇17

  The spring day with birds singing and flowers smelling makes us look forward to the most happy spring outing. Every moment of happiness is worth recording and aftertaste.

  The destination of our spring outing this year is Zhangqiu Jinan Botanical Garden. I went by school bus. Along the way, the students were like a group of chirping birds, laughing and talking, full of laughter and laughter.

  When you enter the botanical garden, the first thing you see is all kinds of trees of different sizes. After a while, it began to rain. However, the plants in the botanical garden are like big green umbrellas to protect us from the wind and rain, and like machines that produce oxygen to provide us with fresh air. In this green world, there are many bright flowers in full bloom. My favorite is Rhododendron. In the Rhododendron Garden, the red and pink rhododendrons are like lovely smiling faces, competing to bloom beautiful smiling faces to us. Countless bees and butterflies were also attracted. They danced on the flowers, like trying who was the most beautiful dancer in this spring.

  In fact, spring outing is not about how beautiful the scenery is, but about having fun with teachers and students. At noon, we sat down in an open space, and everyone took out delicious food to share with our classmates and teachers.

  After dinner, we played with throwing handkerchiefs. Our children were running and playing with each other, trying to enjoy the fun brought by the spring outing.

  Happy times are always short. When the teacher announced the end of the spring outing, the students left the botanical garden like saying goodbye to their relatives. If this time can live like grass, that would be great!

  英语春游作文 篇18

  Today, our school organized to After rain the sky looks blue., nine peak park. We can't wait to get in line for the spring outing. Let's go! We fly like a hawk flying out of the campus. Tired though walking, we are still very happy. After arriving at the destination, the first item we played was the Dragon trochlear. I thought the game was exciting and fun; the second item was a revolving Trojan horse, and Zhou said to us very humorously, "as long as you clap flattery, the horse can run up."

  After the event, we were going to eat on the pavilion, and on the way, I saw the green pebbles on the ground and the roadside grass with a lot of green oil. In the end, we had three groups, five groups, eating their snacks in the pavilion, chatting happily, and all of our classmates performed wonderful programs. Some children throw their things to the little fish, "Zhou Shi said," little fish don't eat fried food.

  After the end, we neatly lined up to meet us at the peak of the nine Park in front of mom and dad.

  英语春游作文 篇19

  Today is Saturday, we go to the whole school for a spring trip!

  Today, our spring outing is located at the seaside paradise. After entering the park, we divided the group. Our group went to the terror town at the very beginning, but because it was too horrible, we didn't go in for the first time. Soon it was time to eat. We gathered together to share the delicious things that they brought. Of course, we bought the ice root for the summer. It was delicious.

  After that, I was going to go to a terror city again with Wu poke. This time, we ventured to go in successfully. Inside the dark, I hit the wall. The facilities inside are really scary. I dare not go in next time.

  In the park, I bought two chickens and a little duck, and many of them bought chicks and ducks. On the grass, we play the chickens and ducks together, they are very happy, we are also very happy.

  At last, we went back to the bus, and on the way home, the little duck fell asleep on my hands.

  I think this spring outing is really fun!

  英语春游作文 篇20

  Today, the school organized a spring outing for students in grades 3, 4 and 6. With delicious snacks on our backs, we walked out of the campus with happy steps. The scenery along the way is beautiful and refreshing. Not far away, there is also a green seedling field, which seems to put a green robe on the earth, making the earth more vibrant.

  When I arrived at the river crossing cultural park, I looked around curiously and saw an unknown tree. From a distance, the leaves of this tree looked like small green balloons, as if they would explode at any time. A close look at the leaves of this kind of tree seems to be a big colored cake, which makes people want to fly over and bite.

  Then, we went to the "I sent my relatives across the river" exhibition hall and saw the exhibits and China's thousands of years of historical stories. My eyes were wet immediately. I thought silently: without the patriotism and struggle of the Communist Party, what kind of environment would we live in? Without them, could our new China be established? If they have no patriotism, how can they choose to save the people and sacrifice themselves? We must learn from them.

  Later, we went to a green grassland and had a picnic, played games and took photos on the grassland. Many boys roll on the grass, but when they get up, their clothes become grass clothes. When they find that they have woven a grass clothes for themselves, they begin to regret that they just went to roll. But don't blame me for not reminding them! They call it "self inflicted."

  However, happy time is not permanent, but will return to school. We lined up in a neat line and left reluctantly. However, I will never forget today's happy time.

  英语春游作文 篇21

  Today, sunny, the sun is shining, Lin teacher with two years class nine spring outing.

  With great excitement, the students got on the bus to our children's Park.

  There are exciting amusement programs, sturdy saplings, and a haunted house crying for help. Do you want to have a look?

  We came to the first rotary flying chair, and sat up to fasten the safety belt, just listening to the sound of Ding zero. We were like a bird flying freely. The chair flew up and down, which made me feel like flying away.

  We came to the haunted house. A four car, whistle into the haunted house, here is the original Jurassic! "Help and save life. The dinosaurs came! " We want to hit the dinosaurs, then turn off, ah, I really did not expect a dinosaur from flying above, close!

  When you eat, you have a bright eye. We are happy to chat while eating. At that time, he heard Teacher Lin said, "go home. "The students unable to part to set foot on the journey home.

  Happy spring outing today!

  英语春游作文 篇22

  Today, the teacher will take us to Lanshu bridge and National Fitness Center for spring outing. We are so excited!

  At 8:40, we started talking and laughing. Walking along the road, we saw pink peach blossoms on both sides of the road, and the ground was covered with green grass, which seemed to put green clothes on the earth. How beautiful!

  When we arrived at Lanshu bridge, the teacher asked us to go up the bridge to enjoy the scenery. When I looked down, I saw the beautiful Yaojiang River. The river water was clear, peach red and willow green on both sides of the river, and there were many tall buildings. It was really beautiful and spectacular. Then the teacher found a good place for us. Let's take out the things in our schoolbags and have a rest while eating. After eating, we sang and set off for the national fitness center.

  When we came to the national fitness center, we visited many places to exercise. Tired of walking, we spread the tablecloth on the grass, took out the delicious food and began to have a picnic. We were having a good time. Suddenly it began to rain. The teacher could only take us to a place to hide from the rain. As I ate, I thought, "God is not beautiful, which has ruined our interest in playing."

  I wish I could come again next year.

  英语春游作文 篇23

  As the winter vacation is drawing near, I have a plan about my vacation. I'm going to do what I want to do. I'm going to study harder in order to get good grades in the following term. After finishing all my homework, I'm going to enjoy myself in the sea of knowledge. Reading must be a good idea. I'm going to keep fit at the same time. I'll get up eary in the morning everyday and play sports. I really love sports. Besides that, Eating a balanced diet is also good for my health. I'm going to help my mom and dad with the housework as well in the vacation.I'll learn to cook. As for travelling, I'm planning to go to Hainan. But whether going there or not will be decided on the weather.During the vacation,I'm going to learn more about history,as I'm really poor on it.

  So you see, I'll have a terrific vacation!

  英语春游作文 篇24

  In the warm spring season, the teacher took us on a spring outing.

  Let's go to Shanghai Science and Technology Museum first. The science and technology museum looks very majestic. When you enter the hall, there are colorful lights everywhere. We saw many dinosaur fossils, including long necked dinosaurs, Tyrannosaurus Rex, Stegosaurus, and many dinosaurs I don't know. We also saw polar bears, tigers, pandas, rhinoceros and so on. Now China's science and technology is really developed. These are designed by computers.

  In the afternoon, we took a bus to Yangpu park. On the way, we saw the majestic Yangpu Bridge. The traffic on the bridge comes and goes, which is very lively. Soon we arrived at Yangpu park. We walked on the wide cement road and saw colorful flowers on the roadside. The little golden flowers covered the branches like a beautiful gold bar. Some branches droop naturally, with small yellow flowers scattered among them, like stars in the sky. We fed pigeons in the park and played the Golden Dragon pulley.

  Today, I had a good time!

  英语春游作文 篇25

  Today, I am very happy because we are going to have a spring outing. As soon as I came to the classroom, I saw the excited faces of all my classmates.

  After a while, the guide came to our classroom and told us to go out and line up. We followed the guide and got on the bus to our destination. After sitting for about an hour, we came to our destination, the sea garden.

  As soon as I get off the bus, I see a bright light. It's really lively here. There are many fun amusement facilities, all kinds of flowers and trees, and many people are playing.

  Our first amusement project was to take a pirate ship. I was so nervous and uneasy. At the beginning, the ship shook very slowly and very low. Later, the ship shook higher and faster, and the whole person seemed to be thrown out. I heard some students screaming and my heart pounding. After a while, the ship finally stopped. My heart calmed down.

  Our second project is to play bumper cars. I think others play very easily and have fun. I also sit up and play, but the car doesn't seem to listen to my command and runs around. Slowly, I master the skills and the car listens to me. It's really fun.

  Later, we also played many amusement projects and watched wonderful programs.

  It's time for us to go back. It's so fun here. It's unforgettable!

  I had a great time today.

  英语春游作文 篇26

  Today, we came to the classroom early and waited for the scenic spot of spring outing. The teacher said that we were in groups of several people. We embarked on a spring outing.

  Along the way, weeds and golden rape flowers showed a smiling face. Some students asked what the terminal looked like? Beautiful or not. Another classmate said what should we do there? In the discussion of the students, we unknowingly arrived at the terminal.

  Ah! It is a small beach by the Yangtze River. More beautiful than I thought! A piece of beach, golden touch, soft and comfortable, the river is blue, the breeze blows gently, and it also has the smell of rape flowers. Everyone's hair is flying, a little flying kites, digging sand holes and playing volleyball. There seems to be magical power in the small sand.

  At noon, we opened our travel bags and tasted delicious food. Several lively and lovely little girls pulled wild vegetables in the woods beside the beach. We played happily together.

  When I got back, everyone seemed to have injected deep friendship into the small beach and was reluctant to leave. In the last time, I picked up a pile of leaves and threw them on the students' heads in order not to let everyone feel depressed. Shouting the wind flying leaves, everyone's laughter came back, and our hearts were happy again.

  What a nice spring outing! I hope we are so happy every day.

  英语春游作文 篇27

  Last week our school went on a spring outing. Everyone was very happy. You look at my snacks, I look at your snacks, more and more excited.

  Our class got on the third bus. Two teachers who led our class first introduced themselves. One is Mr. Wang and the other is Mr. Chen.

  In the morning, we went to the safety education base, and then the male and female students in our class took elevators in different directions to the same floor. We girls went to the sixth floor first. We listened quickly, went to the third floor, and finally to the fourth and fifth floors.

  In the afternoon, my class came to rose beach, ah -! The sea is boundless! The teacher asked us to play sand sculpture and many interesting games.

  When I was having fun with my classmates, I saw teacher Xu, CAI and Hou all wet their pants by the waves.

  Suddenly a drizzle came. We hurried to take an umbrella.

  After the rain, Mr. Wang said it might rain later. When we went back to school, we took the bus back to school.

  英语春游作文 篇28

  Yesterday, teacher Zhu said, "I'm going to have a spring outing tomorrow. I'll meet at school at 8 a.m." At night, I was too excited to sleep.

  In the morning, I arrived at school early and found that there were many children in the classroom. It turned out that I was not the only one who couldn't sleep! Finally, it was time to start. We got on the bus in a neat line and set off for "starfish island".

  When we come to "starfish island", we see all kinds of large-scale amusement facilities. Mr. Zhu took us to play "Caterpillar" and Mr. Ma took us to play "pirate ship". Because there were many amusement projects, we went to play in groups later. Carousel, water gun boat, air cushion bed, slide... We were sweating. At about 9:20, Mr. Zhu took us to visit all kinds of fish, lovely jellyfish, small lizards and terrible crocodiles... Everything attracted our attention. Finally, in our sea lion performance hall, two small sea lions perform the head ball and ferrule under the command of the trainer. These two sea lions are like human beings. They are so smart.

  Time passed quickly. In a twinkling of an eye, at 12 o'clock, we reluctantly left "starfish island". Today, we had a really good time!

  英语春游作文 篇29

  Looking forward to the stars and the moon, we finally looked forward to the spring outing. As soon as the spring outing arrived, our mood was cloudy and turned sunny.

  On that day, we took the bus to sing and discuss happily. This time, our destination was Gulangyu Island in Xiamen. When we arrived in Xiamen, we first arrived at the wharf. When the ship came, we jumped three feet high onto the ship. We watched the sea view and ate snacks. When we arrived on the island, we were happy and lined up. The teacher said, "let's play, we can't get lost." So we broke up and went out to play.

  After a while, we will gather again. We are all here. The teacher said, "wait, we're going to see the performance. Line up and watch the good play." As soon as the seals are on the stage, they are so handsome and can sing. Then, we go to the aquarium to see animals. There are many different kinds of marine creatures with different personalities, such as dolphins, sharks, jellyfish, seals, turtles, etc... so many. My favorite is dolphins, because he is very docile. Come here for a while. We're finished. The time of playing always seems so short. We are reluctant to take the work bus back to school!

  This is an unforgettable spring outing!

  英语春游作文 篇30

  Spring is the first season of a year.There are there months in spring : March , April and May , The weather is becoming warmer and warmer in spring. Sometimes It rains a lot. Everything has started to change in spring. Look, the trees are turning green. The birds are singing happily in the trees. The flowers are showing their smiles to us. Spring is also my favourite season. Because I can wear my beautiful shirts . I can plant trees and go camping. I can enjoy myself in the beautiful spring. Of course , I like the Spring Festival , too.

  In a word, Spring is a very beautiful season. I like spring very much.










