
时间:2023-11-21 07:40:47 儿童节 我要投稿





  The annual International Children's Day is finally warmly welcomed with our cheers and applause! On this day, we came to the school in neat uniforms and bright red scarves.

  The host stood on the stage, waiting for our arrival. The tranquility of the campus was broken by bursts of laughter. Everyone looked at the stage with happy faces and meticulous eyes, looking forward to the wonderful performance of the actors. Next, we all listened to the headmaster's speech. To welcome International Children's Day

  Our school held a grand International Children's Day party. This sentence is deeply imprinted in my mind. The first program got off to a good start. The actors were dressed in yellow and tied colorful ribbons on their feet. Dance like crazy! The second program is to welcome rats to steal oil. This program: a rat king went to inquire about Elvis Presley. He was sleeping. As soon as the rat King sounded the order, the little mice poured out. They reached their shoulders and leaned against their feet, eating oil while doing exercises. The programs are more and more wonderful.

  Unconsciously, it's already more than 5 o'clock. I really hope time can stop at the moment that belongs to us. After the party, everyone left the performing arts hall with more than enough to say. I had a very, very happy day today. I really hope there will be a International Children's Day every month. Ha ha ha!


  Today is "61" International Children's day, and it is also my third children's day in primary school. Today, our team members who have joined the team can wear their beautiful clothes to school and carry a small schoolbag to pack gifts. Ha ha, it makes people feel very happy to think about it!

  Today is also a unique day for those students who have not joined the team, because today they will wear bright red scarves and become a young pioneer they have long wanted, so they are anxiously waiting and looking forward to every day. This day has finally come!

  At eight o'clock, the sun has begun to show its power. The new players have come on the stage and lined up neatly, waiting for the sacred moment when the big brother and sister put on red scarves for them! It reminds me that when we first joined the team, our parents came to put on the red scarf for us. When my mother put on the red scarf for me, I was particularly proud and found that I seemed to grow up and become a glorious young pioneer!

  A classmate of our class also spoke as the representative of the new team today. He had a loud voice and recited fluently. He was not timid at all. That's great!

  Then there are various commendations. It's a great honor. I was also rated as "campus blog star" and got the certificate of merit. I'm so happy! In the future, we will work harder and write better blog posts. Other students also got certificates of merit. Let's cheer together and win more honor for the school and class!


  Today is International Children's Day. I am very happy. In the morning, put on the holiday costumes, and International Children's Day begins.

  Along the way, the trees waved to us, and the flowers smiled at us, as if to say: "happy International Children's Day, happy International Children's Day." Father-in-law sun knew we were going to celebrate the festival. He hid in the clouds. The wind girl was blowing in the breeze. It was so cool. At school, bursts of clear and powerful reading sound floated from afar and passed into my ears. The students of the performance show, with smiles on their faces and makeup on, came from the school gate to the teaching building. It was a vibrant scene.

  The program began soon. The programs performed by my brother and sister were really colorful, including dancing, chorus and sketch. Soon it's our class's turn to perform. Looking at the big stage, I'm really nervous for them. I hope our class will win the prize. We applaud and encourage our classmates to play. Today is our festival. We all smile, listen to happy music, enjoy beautiful dance and bring happiness to everyone. After the dance performance, there was a burst of warm applause.

  I had a good time on this June day. When I think of the happy festival, I feel happy and sweet like drinking honey.


  As soon as I arrived at 7:00 in the morning, my mother made breakfast and told me to get up. I was like a spring, whizzing and bouncing out of bed! Mother said in surprise, "Oh, how can you get up so fast today? You don't get up without calling you three times."

  "Because today is International Children's Day, I want to participate in the food festival with my classmates."

  After I finished washing and eating breakfast, my mother gave me 30 yuan and I went to school immediately. After I came to school, I saw some students come earlier than me. When the whole class arrived, the teacher told us to gather on the playground and the food festival began.

  Stalls with various specialties are placed around the big playground and the small playground. I took the 30 yuan given by my mother and went to the coke stand. I felt a little thirsty, so I bought a cup of coke and drank coke. I also wanted to eat ice cream. I went to the ice cream stand and bought a cup of ice cream. There was chocolate on the ice cream. I liked chocolate ice cream best. Later, I also bought fruit juice, potato chips and burning fairy grass. My stomach was full and burped. How happy I ate today! I haven't been able to eat such delicious food at such a time as today.

  Happy International Children's Day, happy International Children's Day!









