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  健康成长英语作文 1

  We all want to grow up happily and healthily, and for this goal we must do several things.

  Firstly, we should develop a good attitude to life. Life consists of not only sunshine but also hard times. We should be brave in front of difficulties. Secondly, we must study hard because knowledge is power. If we have the power, we can help to build our country and enjoy life better. Lastly, in order to study well, we need to do sports so that we can keep fit. We can go running, play ball games or simply take a walk after a days study. If we do those things well, we will be able to grow up happily and healthily.




  健康成长英语作文 2

  Looking back, we have already grew up, 18 has often hung in the mouth. Once upon a time, that is so sacred 18 years old, only know when we grow up, can fly. But now, when I really must face it, when suddenly feel a vague unprepared. I worry about whether oneself can fully understand 18 this ordinary digital contain rich connotations, but I understand, 18 means responsibility. Maybe growth itself is a kind of responsibility!

  High school years, we spent six years before the flowering, 17 in the rainy season. Once in the confusion, and in quiet sighed for yourself in confusion and calm, we grow up. Hence, began to use my own brain to think about everything around, perhaps this is shallow, but we should not blindly follow a group of pride, to the child with reason and mature farewell once young ignorant.

  18 is an end, is a start. At this moment, and lost, in pursuit of the conversion between, we feel happy, also experiencing pain. Almost all of the pain comes from the dream. When we tasted suffering to realize your dream, finally, it joy appreciate that: pain, often breeds happy seeds. This is not an easy growth, pain and sufferings, is not bad, we know that, when reality cannot change, we shall timely change, but we have always loved with real bargain, because we love the world, the happineand warmth and love and pain of the world. In the proceof growing up, we learned that you, for we cannot untie those small knot, we learned to smile, to appreciate beauty of it. Because we know that just graciously turned, can find new and beautiful scenery.

  Growth is a pain, but I dont want to let it leave scar. Growth is a metamorphosis, experienced hardships to break coon.

  In the growth of the road is often lonely, to learn in no ones time to give ourselves. Dont worry, fear brave, frankly, facing the growth of everything for yourself in the faith, encouragement, give yourself to yourself. In the growth of the journey, we need is calm, quiet, bravely facing.

  健康成长英语作文 3

  I am very healthy, because I have a healthy mentor - perseverance. Whenever I encounter setbacks, on learning encounter obstacles in life, my "perseverance" teachers would always encourage me. With perseverance I was able to extricate from a trivial matter, with perseverance I didnt let you dont feel tired. I often tell myself: god loves me, so I was punished. So I dont lose heart, think of the ancients left hill may be blind, are "mandarin", qu yuan, probably because the exile, CaiFu "li SAO". God is always equal to others, as long as you maintain a healthy mental state, there must be a success story.

  I am very healthy, because I have a friend of the health - confidence. Maybe I lack of this healthy self-confidence, so cant go beyond some obstacles in life. And now I finally found his longtime friend. Believe in yourself is first step to success. Our China a young writer - shi, he didnt healthy feet, but he was confident heart. He ever envy ground to say: "lewiss foot is my dream." However, lewis more respect him. He says that your feet may run but shi healthy self-confidence

  健康成长英语作文 4

  My mother always wanted me to be a reader, and she always wanted to help me to support my study.

  When I was very young, my mother bought me many storybooks to read to me. Gradually I became interested in books, and with my mothers help, I met the beautiful Snow White, the magic frog prince, the brave little red riding hood, and the smart red kangaroo. I also learned a lot of things: people should help each other, sharing weal and woe, and dont trust bad people.

  In the primary school, learn pinyin, met a lot of words, and mom bought me more books such as "Charlies chocolate factory", "journey to the west", "the wizard of oz", "insects to record" and so on. One of my favorite books is the insects to record ", it USES vivid language, its beautiful illustrations led us into the insect world, let me feel the magic and mystery of nature: the bee has exceptional memory, you put them in more than ten kilometers away, they can accurately back; The striped spider is a great mother, and in order for the little striped spider to have a warm home, it will use its full strength to make nests, and soon they will die.

  Reading not only brings me endless happiness, but also increases my knowledge and improves my writing level. It is because I read more books, I have been rated as "reading erudition star" many times, "writing small star", in the future days I will also let the book incense continue to accompany me to grow up! Liu Chang

  健康成长英语作文 5

  Today I came home from school, I found grandma pale and gaunt, my in the mind very worried, I hurriedly helped her to sit on the sofa rest, I want to wash with warm water feet should be good for the elderly health.

  So I put the basin in front of my grandmother, and took the kettle carefully to pour the hot water into it, poured a little cold water, and tried the water with the hand. I took off my socks, grandma found grandmas feet are cracks, I felt a pain in my heart, I carefully put the grandmothers feet in warm water soak, towel swab repeatedly, side brush, I also asked: "grandma, you comfortable?" "Very comfortable! Slowly, grandmas feet began to turn red, and her face was much better than before. Then I think again, my grandmothers waist is bad, bend down to cut toenail nail is very inconvenient, I hurriedly take out a pair of scissors from drawer, help grandma to cut off toenail. Grandma smiled and said, "my dear grandson, I am so happy that you helped me wash my feet today."

  Kung fu for a while, I feel a little tired, did not think of grandma paid a hard work, meticulous care, is to my healthy growth, today, I only did a small matter, grandma felt very gratified. Thinking of here, my eyes are moist, as a small generation, I want to help grandma do some things to do, today I feel that I really grow up.

  健康成长英语作文 6

  The ancients cloud: read ten thousand volumes, the lower pen is like having god. I grew up reading, and I was the mentor of my life.

  Once, when I am reading a book, fairy tale story deeply attracted me, so dad home I also didnt hear ring the doorbell, dad thought I didnt go home, hurry came close to going to the school to find me. Reading makes me crazy, and it makes me get into the habit of going to bed every day.

  Ive made a lot of jokes about reading books too!

  Remember once came home from school, I just want to take the "treasure" in the books in the bookcase out of view, but my father stopped me and said: "after school, the first time to do the homework, finish to do other things!" I dare not go against the orders of "boss", so I have to do my homework. But I unwilling, bent on reading, hence I thought of a scheme to stay - dad, when I put the book hidden under operation, concentrate on doing his homework, after father left, I will take out your book, read with relish. I thought it would be stolen, but dad appeared chaos, was an unexpected turn, dad caught was scolded by the father, I never read a book like this, but I love reading habits remains.

  I love reading, reading and I have the pleasure of walking in the sea.

  健康成长英语作文 7

  "SHH, SHH, SHH. Everybody movement the good you do today? Im running downstairs?" I like to exercise, almost every day running downstairs? As the saying goes: life is movement. So in order to exercise myself, I ran downstairs every day he a 10 20 times.

  Have time, Ill call on his friend go to the basketball stadium to play basketball. On one occasion, I, FanLei, XiaoXiao sandstones, loess, and some other friends to play basketball. Inside, there is a band of gangsters to bully us pay the money. He also said that does not walk will beat us. I defy spirit to fight with them. Finally I won. What this is all after exercise and become strong. And I play basketball almost every game, we that will definitely win. So, follow me to play basketball is definitely win.

  Remember once, I play basketball with my father go to the peninsula city. Is one to one challenge. Just come up to my father give me a scare, yes I am caught off guard. All of a sudden, he was leading me three points. And I can throw two balls, three points because I couldnt, my dad was blocking me. "" I went into the. Played nearly three hours, finally I win, ninety - eighty-nine. See, movement is indispensable to our eternal

  健康成长英语作文 8

  Bad habits are formed unconsciously". We should pay attention to and remove some of the minor problems in life, bad habits, healthy and happy growth.

  I had a small problem - love picking your nose, when eating, when reading, and friends when playing...... Anyway, I could not help but dig up, and my mother reminded me again and again, but not much.

  After reading the book "cherish life and grow healthily", I learned a lot of knowledge. Originally, there were about 400 thousand bacteria on one hand! Its terrible. Every day I wonder how many bacteria have run into my nostrils. Now, I have corrected the bad habit of digging my nose, but I still have to have sinusitis, the doctor said: "pay attention to the treatment of time, otherwise the nasal cavity will still have polyps."." After hearing what the doctor said, I was scared to death. Because that was the case, I had to have an operation to get rid of it.

  Bad habits will sometimes bring us a big trouble last year, SARS epidemic is the first hit the world in this century, it is spread through the respiratory tract, digestive tract communication and contact transmission, a large area of the outbreak and rapid spread of a great relationship with our usual bad living habits and environmental pollution. This year, China and Japan, Vietnam, Laos, Thailand, South Korea, the Taiwan region, Pakistan and Indonesia have been experiencing avian influenza, of which Viet Nam has also detected cases of avian influenza transmitted to humans. These caused by viral or bacterial diseases occurred in the US, if you dont speak hygiene, these viruses and bacteria may take advantage of a weak point that affects your health.

  Therefore, each of us should develop good hygiene habits, cherish the environment, cherish their lives, healthy and happy growth!

  健康成长英语作文 9

  If someone asked me, are you health recently, I would say that, of course, without thinking! Because, I have a happy mood, Im healthy every day.

  I am happy, because god blessing me a healthy body, I have a heart to live. Just think, if you have to face all day infusion, laboratory tests, take medicine, can you healthy and happy? Not to say that life is only once? Who doesnt cherish his own life? Is to maintain the body health. The height of the child, the skin of black and white, looks pretty ugly, that father and mother are mostly to, they cant decide, then on rational diet, moderate exercise.

  What to eat? Za little people not cherish the delicacies, they eat their own bread, that is called "green", "natural", in those days pigs do not even the red tiaoxi leaf, Swiss chard star-rated hotels on the table? With this heart, you will not complain about his own zha dont born?

  "After supper walk, live to be ninety-nine." This for all interacting with computers and students like me, very should naturally. For he worked all day long, on the slope in the fields of farmers, is redundant, Im afraid. Spring, "sentient beings spring of herbaceous peony contain tears, unable to rose lie xiao branch", they are "morningside HuangHui, Dutch hoe to stay month"; Summer night, "Dutch wind send fragrance, bamboo dew chengchi university were also members", they are "open porch ChangPu, SangMa" wine, how nice! Without the encumbrance of the old man in town, a woman day bubble in yangko, male LiuDiao, fishing, and enjoy!

  健康成长英语作文 10

  Twenty-first Century is a competitive information age. The Internet with its rich content, open mindedness and quick way, Chengxiang gave us a new world of beautiful and wonderful, so that people can stay at home for the first time to understand the events at home and abroad. Learn all kinds of culture, knowledge, etc..

  However, we should also be soberly aware that the "double-edged sword" of the Internet has brought us a great impact, but also brought great negative impact. Due to the current network management is not standard, the network has both healthy and good things, there are some vulgar content, poor self-control students, it is difficult to resist the erosion of harmful information, addicted to Internet cafes, indulge in Internet chat, online games, online war, gradually the lack of discipline, weariness truancy, yebuguisu. The pure mind was poisoned, the eyes were damaged, the learning was greatly affected, and some even embarked on the road to crime.

  Moreover, in order to make money, in order to lure students into the Internet, those driven by profit operators using a variety of means to lure students into the Internet, regardless of their physical and mental health, these internet facilities without security, access to personnel complex, frequent students injury accidents.

  The Internet affects tens of thousands of anxious parents harm?, has also attracted the attention of the party and state leaders, in order to strengthen the management of Internet service establishments, standardized business management, safeguard the legitimate rights and interests of network security, Internet access services for the healthy development of business activities, to promote the construction of socialist spiritual civilization, the State Council promulgated the "Regulations" Internet service sites, one of the banned bars the admission of minors to enter. As the future of the motherland, shoulder the responsibility of construction of students, should the corresponding national call to maintain this Ordinance with practical action, put effort into learning from Internet cafes, self-study to return to the motherland and the upbringing of parents.

  健康成长英语作文 11

  As the Sunny Sports is developing in our country, the government has paid attention to the health of the students and raised, "EXERCISE ONE HOUR A DAY, KEEP ILLNESS AWAY". So far our school life has changed a lot. Now we have more time to do sport in the morning or after school. We play football, basketball, badminton and swim. They let our brains relax and make our school life more colorful. We have become more energetic. Above all our study has all been improved.

  Lets take exercise every day. It can build up our body strength and reduce diseases.

  健康成长英语作文 12

  We all want to grow up happily and healthily,and for this goal we must do several things. Firstly,we should develop a good attitude to life. Life consists of not only sunshine but also hard times. We should be brave in front of difficulties. Secondly,we must study hard because knowledge is power.If we have the power,we can help to build our country and enjoy life better.In order to study well,we need to do sports so that we can keep fit.We can go running,play ball games or simply take a walk after a day’s study. If we do those things well,we will be able to grow up happily and healthily.

  健康成长英语作文 13

  Every morning, we will Beiqishubao to mom and dads expectations and exhort happy to go to school, the healthy growth of composition. However, a set of data shocked me. According to statistics, in 2004, the national average of 11 people per hour in traffic accidents, loss of life, at least one of them children. One hour of a students life dance and skip with joy will go away from us, this is how terrible, and worrying data! The traffic accident has become the first killer of accidental injury in primary and secondary school students. The flower of life, short time; alarm in the ear, sound alarming.

  When I remember, my parents often said to me, "whats the first thing, safety first?"". When I read, I often see "safety" in dangerous places such as construction sites, intersections, etc. when I become a younger brother in the eyes of a junior, I often say, "little sister, pay attention to safety."." From then on, "security" left a deep impression on my young mind. Is security really so important?

  I heard my sister said: "there is a little girl named Ling Ling, she was fat, with a pair of smiling eyes red Piao face, very cute. One day, she followed her grandmother to buy food, and suddenly saw the mother who was cleaning the street. She was so happy that she got rid of grandmas hand and cried "mother". She was like a lovely butterfly flying to her mother. But, unfortunately, at this moment happened, only heard a scream, small Lingling was a speeding motorcycle coming down. The blood stained her white sun skirt, and his face was suddenly pale and pale......".

  Since then, "traffic safety" will let me remember in mind. In the classroom, in the team, in the TV, "traffic safety" knowledge has become the focus of my attention. So we work together in the spring outing, from school to school, we greet the sunshine, in our happy activities on the pitch, safety awareness and discipline became I must comply with the principle of "Study hard and obey the traffic rules, the same day to become" I work principle a pupil always remember.

  From then on, "school, eye Ming, a column on the right side. Vehicles close to early escape, playing while walking dangerous. Cross the road, look left and right, walk the crosswalk line. Dont cross the line while waiting for the bus, ride built very dangerous "songs always linger in my ear. Because I know, only safety, can be more happy.

  It is a an invigorating autumn climate, fruitful season, I readily read a newspaper, a line of characters I paid attention to "life safety travel", and I cant wait to read. One day in 2002, and played with red Xiaofang in the side of the road, was hit by a van, Xiaofang died on the spot, Alice was rushed to the hospital. After more than 50 hours of rescue, the life was saved, but the two leg was broken by the wheel. Over the past few years, Xiao Hong has been walking along step by step with his arms, and his life is hard to take care of himself. Under the care of the whole society, Xiao Hong has been able to walk after a long time of treatment. When Alice can walk news, how I was not happy, I think: if they dont play in the side of the road, if they can pay attention to passing vehicles, then, and we can still Xiaofang together, also do not need to use the red walk again. How nice that would be!

  Dear classmates, suiyueruge, life. I would like to wish you, and may he, to each one of us ever "cherish life, healthy growth of the road, let us start from now on, time to comply with traffic rules, in the little things to learn self-protection, lets call the whole society people remember" safety first ", let every one of us life flower bloom!

  健康成长英语作文 14

  Growing up heathily is our duty. Every one of us should try our best to keep ourselves healthy.

  First of all, keep a balanced diet. We should eat a lot of vegetables and fruit every day. Don’t eat junk food. Drink water instead of cola.

  Secondly, get enough sleep and enough exercise. Early to bed and early to rise help a lot to our health. Try to sleep eight or nine hours every night. Try to exercise every day or at least two or three times a week and relax ourselves by listening to light music.

  Besides the physical health, we also need friendship. We should try to get along well with people around us. We can share our problems and happiness with them. And we should often communicate with our parents and teachers.

  Communication plays an important part in our life.

  A healthy lifestyle and communicating well with others can help us grow up healthily.

  健康成长英语作文 15

  Suddenly look back, that we have already grew up, when the word, 18 has often hung in the mouth.

  Once upon a time, that is so sacred 18 years old, only know when we grow up, can fly. But now, when I really must face it, when suddenly feel a vague unprepared. I worry about whether oneself can fully understand 18 this ordinary digital contain rich connotations, but I understand, 18 means responsibility.

  Maybe growth itself is a kind of responsibility!High school years, we spent six years before the flowering, 17 in the rainy season. Once in the confusion, and in quiet sighed for yourself in confusion and calm, we grow up. Hence, began to use my own brain to think about everything around, perhaps this is shallow, but we should not blindly follow a group of pride, to the child with reason and mature farewell once young ignorant.18 is an end, is a start.

  At this moment, and lost, in pursuit of the conversion between, we feel happy, also experiencing pain.

  Almost all of the pain comes from the dream. When we tasted suffering to realize your dream, finally, it joy appreciate that: pain, often breeds happy seeds. This is not an easy growth, pain and sufferings, is not bad, we know that, when reality cannot change, we shall timely change, but we have always loved with real bargain, because we love the world, the happiness and warmth and love and pain of the world. In the process of growing up, we learned that you, for we cannot untie those small knot, we learned to smile, to appreciate beauty of it.

  Because we know that just graciously turned, can find new and beautiful scenery.Growth is a pain, but I dont want to let it leave scar. Growth is a metamorphosis, experienced hardships to break cocoon.In the growth of the road is often lonely, to learn in no ones time to give ourselves.

  Dont worry, fear brave, frankly, facing the growth of everything for yourself in the faith, encouragement, give yourself to yourself. In the growth of the journey, we need is calm, quiet, bravely facing.Standing on the threshold of the adult, the eyes of the young people are still may face. Young, bright eyes, revealed a cynical smile, lonely lurk gentle sadness. Maybe this is sad to grow, rejoice, frustrated with relief, noise with halcyon.Once the bitter memories of the day, in the picture, has a fragrance.

  Whenever night with lightsome pace shanshan, the flourishing and noisy, and gradually disappeared in the quiet night, I often into the boundless memory. In memory, the promise of desire and beautiful promises that grasping the persistence and unremitting efforts, the blade into my happiness, elaborate collect.Yes, the pain and growth record, grow under the engraved along the footprint, step by step, we become mature and future.










