
时间:2021-03-27 12:01:26 其他类英语作文 我要投稿




大学英语作文 篇1

  in the bivouac of life

  be not like dumb driven cattle!

  be a hero in the strife!

  soft, calm, yet eloquent that that is her words.

  no one can avoid the inferiority comple before her, no one,im sure. for she is truly an achiever: the winner of 4 academy awards, including physics, mathematics. incidentally, her score last year stands at 4.0, beyond anyones wildest dream.

  not solely a scoring machine, jenny is a payer as well. unyielding, hard working, always energetic thats what her suecess is all about.

  imagine what challenges one has to conquer if born in a poor country. jenny has met all that obstacles head on. she is an un yielding girl, with uncanny instincts, thriving in adversity, she can always find a way. it is her fueled indestructible competitive desire that makes a difference. as the saying goes: when the going gets tough, the tough gets going. jenny is such kind of tough people with the burning desire that gets her there.

  mere desire does not help. if desire is the weed that later produces success and achievement, then her daily endeavor is surly the fertile soil in which the weed must grow. a workaholic,she is, indeed. always the first to get up and the last to sleep,she tries to grasp every precious minute and embodies their genuine merits. she is reading english aloud in the raw, bleak wind while others are dreaming satisfied in their warm, cozy bed; she is savoring the ecellent book in the library while others are gossiping a certain dress in the cafe; she is pursuing true knowledge while others is seeking real love in the charming moonlight.

  she delights in making love with the broad unknown world.

  every little ecellence of hers is achieved by sacrificing a great many, including friendship and entertainment, like edison, ford, einstein and freud.

  however, the failure of energy, in our eye, seems never disturb her. she is a fountain of vigor, the fountain that never dries up. while strength is usually bound in numbers, hers comes from within. without regular meals, without appropriate sleep, even without sincere love,but all above are not half so important as compared with the steps shes just made. that is absolutely enough.

  burning desire to win, relentless spirit, endless energy,these are something to savor, as we look forward to more spectacular quality from one of the schools most breathtaking competitor jenny. her tenacious performance earned her the best student of the year, the recognition she so richly deserved.

  yesterdays little feather is flying with the wind, becoming todays most captivating jenny. lets come fly with her.

大学英语作文 篇2

  The Young Want to Be Leaders

  An online survey conducted by the China Youth Daily shows that most young people (66.6%) want to be a leader, whether they serve in private companies or public sections* Only 4.8% say they are not interested in being a leader. This is especially comnionplace among people bom ia the 70s and 80s.

  Some people say it is a good phenomenon that the young want to be leaders. After all, it shows that the young have great ambitions which will inspire them to work hard. Others, however, think otherwise. They argue that it only reveals so many young people are chasing fame 如d fortune, a sign that is bad for the healthy development of the young and the whole society.

  Peisonallyj I believe the saying ICHe who doesn’t want to be a general isn’t a good soldier' And, it’s encouraging that we still have many young people who seek power from a mere view of the good of the people. So, I dcm^t think it anything wrong for the young desiring to have a position in the lead as long as they don’t eye it as a shortcut to fame and fortune.

大学英语作文 篇3

  Usually I would do some exercises on the weekend,because I thought keeping in a good health can help me study well. Last weekend, It was rainning outside so I decided to do some exercises in the gym. When I went into the gym, some people were doing exercises there. A man was doing weight training and trying his best to upraise heavier weight. There were two girls running on the treadmill(跑步机),neither too fast nor too slow. In the next room there was a fitness instructor(健身教练) was teaching some young people doing yoga(瑜珈), which made they do some strange actions.

  After some minutes' warm up (热身),I started to run on the treadmill and ride on the exercise bike(健身脚踏车). Both of them were easy and good for most of people. Besides,I did some dumbbell (哑铃)exercises ,seating type chest pushing, high pulling force back muscle training, butterfly clamp chest muscle training, thigh stretching, leg treading, abdomen muscle training, vertical pulling force training. (坐式推胸、高拉力背肌训练、蝴蝶夹胸肌训练、大腿伸展、蹬腿、腹肌训练、直立式拉力训练)

  Finally,I cooled down myself and had a break before I went home.

大学英语作文 篇4

  Self-discipline is absolutely important in today’s society, especially for college students. Compared with high school students, college students are comparative free to choose what to do and how to do. However, it is such a change that requires our college students to be more self-disciplined.


  Self-discipline is a key to improving ourselves. For one thing, without self-discipline, some college students would be distracted by other temptations, like playing games. To the contrary, college students will motivate themselves and learn something useful to improve their ability under self-discipline. For another, as college students are in an important period of forming characters and quality, self-discipline is indispensable for shaping them to be better. A college student who is self-disciplined will take his responsibility and try to be a better man. He will overcome laziness, greed and other temptations and focus on his way to be better. In addition, self-discipline will help him to be an estimable man in that a self-disciplined man will control himself to follow general rules or morals and avoid doing something harmful to the society and the public.


  In a word, self-discipline is very important and necessary, especially for college students since they are in a crucial period that determines their worldview and sense of value.


大学英语作文 篇5

  Today, my brother went to school in Ji'nan and my father brought me up. Dad wanted me to feel the life of the University. We came to Shandong Normal University, and that was the father's alma mater. The entrance is very blocked, because today is the date of new arrival, so there are so many vehicles that we can't go in very easily. Once we enter the mountains, we have many big sisters and big brothers, holding the brands of their colleges to welcome the arrival of new students. The first picture was the statue of Chairman Mao. An air of teaching building, a clean lawn. There are tall laboratory buildings, libraries, and hundreds of thousands of books, books, books, books, books, books, books, and books. It is a sea of knowledge. My father said so, I want to go in and see, but dad said that there must be a card to go in to see, but I had to imagine in it.

  Every time I go to a place, I will ask my father what it is for. My father introduced me like a tour guide, and I listened carefully. Dad told me that he was in college at that time. I think college life is really meaningful. We came to the dormitory imperceptibly brother, I look dumbfounded, the corridor inside the dark, than I imagined. My father was busy explaining to me that I knew the house was a few decades old, so it was so old. Let me have a bad feeling about college life. I said, "I can't test this school in the future, and the environment is too bad." But I listen to my father that the learning atmosphere of this school is still very strong, everyone can learn. I want to grow up quickly and get into the dream college life earlier.

大学英语作文 篇6

  Nowadays, more and more undergraduates are pursuing fashion. Some of them even cut down the expenditure on books and meals to satisfy their desire for fashionable items.

  The blind following of fashion has had a great influence on college students. First of all, the pursuit of fashion has made many college students get lost. Some of them even fail to focus on their study. Secondly, it is a costly hobby to follow the tide, which will impose great financial burden on their parents.

  As far as I am concerned, college students should cherish ambitions rather than become slaves of fashion. As for them, the main task on campus is not to pursue fashion but to study. All in all, undergraduates should adopt a more reasonable attitude towards the pursuit of fashion.

大学英语作文 篇7


  happiness is the most precious thing in the world, which can be obtained in different ways.

  from my point of view, being in a good mood anytime and anywhere is the first thing for those who want to be happy. there is an old saying going like this, happy is he who is content. i cant agree with it any more. i still remember a story my mother told me when i was a child. a millionaire tried every means to seek after pleasure but to feel unhappy. its not unique, but has its counterpart that poor men to whose name not having a thing always feel happy. why are they so different? the answer is that the rich is being thinking how he can gain more while the poor is satisfied with what he owns at hand-health, freedom, love and so on.

  furthermore, love makes great difference to happiness. if you have love in your heart, you will have happiness in your life. love consists of two parts, one is to love others, and the other is to be loved by others. lei feng set a good eample for all of us. he served the people wholeheartedly until the last minute of his life. he regarded serving the people as the happiest thing. there are numbers of similar inspirational stories to be found. in addition, being loved by others can also lead you to happiness. courage from your parents when frustrated, care from your lover when ill, help from your friends when in trouble… all of these will make you the happiest person in the world.

  the last but not least is to act happily. putting on a happy face and thinking interesting things are helpful to trigger happy feelings.

  wile happiness is precious, it is easy to get.

大学英语作文 篇8







  Nowadays, the employment of college students is becoming more and more of a problem. About a decade ago, university students could find satisfactory and enviable jobs after graduation, while at current situation, about 30% of graduate students can’t find a job but stay at home after graduation.

  Employment difficulty of college students is due to the following reasons. Among these, the increasing recruitment of colleges and universities plays a vital role. In addition, many colleges and universities fail to adapt their courses to the development of economy.

  Considering such a rough job market, I think it is high time that we took effective measures to solve the problem. Above all, college students should realize their own defects and further improve themselves to keep their competitive edge in society. Moreover, colleges or universities should provide more trainings and internship opportunities before the students enter the society. Besides, college students should hold a right attitude towards jobs and set their job expectations at a suitable level. Only through these ways can the college students find a satisfactory job and have a brighter future.

大学英语作文 篇9

  since the reform and open-up policy was adopted in china in 1978, more and more private schools have come into eistence. in the past few decades, it was only the state that could run schools. schools can now be ran not only by the state, bat also by various organizations oreven persons as well.

  private schools become more and more popular and they stimulate the education system to further improvement. those schools have much more authoiity nowadays than before. they raise funds by themselves and assume the sole responsibility, for their profits or losses. therefore, they will relieve tile burden of the state. moreover, the parents of the students show more concern about schools. more qualified teachers and better learning environment are needed. to meet their requirement, schools have to strengthen their teaching and administration.

  on the other hand, private schools also have some problems that need to be solved. for eample, the tuition is always too high for average families to pay. in addition, we can't deny the fact that some private schools give priority to profits and they neglect the quality of their teaching.

  to sum up, every coin has its two sides, and the same is true of private schools. we should make the best use! of its merits and do our best to minimize its defects, thus encouraging the private schools to de velop to its biggest etent.