
时间:2021-05-22 09:12:50 其他类英语作文 我要投稿




与自然英语作文 篇1

  Nature and human

  In the past hundred years, there have been frequent natural disasters, such as floods, droughts干旱, mud-rock flows, seismic地震 sea waves, earthquakes, windstorms and the stretching of new deserts. The disasters have killed millions upon millions of people, destroyed countless homes, and wiped out 消灭numerous pieces of fertile肥沃的 land.Now more and more people become aware that those disasters have much to do with what we have done to the earth. We have cut down too many trees in the forests,we have badly polluted the environment, we have shocked our

  explosions of nuclear bombs. As a result, climates have become abnormal, rainwater rushes down hillsides山腰山坡 angrily, and the underground energy

  planet. It is urgent for us to stop damaging it, and to do our best to protect it and make it a lovely place suitable to live in, for we have nowhere to go and survive except where we are now.

  human and animals

  There is no doubt that human activity has an effect on the planet. We see the evidence of mankind’s endeavors努力尽力 all around us. Overall全面考虑,

  it seems that human activity harms the Earth more than benefits it makes. As is vividly betrayed in the photo above, due to over development, there is Absolutely, we should reserve some land for the world’s animals for the following reasons. First, mankind’s need for land is constantly growing. If

  the demand is not checked controlled in some way, humans will eventually develop all of the earth’s available land. At that time, mankind will have no more room to grow, and all the wild animals will have disappeared, as well as other valuable resources. Second, humans are able to innovate改革 and can use the land that they already possess in more efficient ways. Animals are unable to do this. Once their land is taken away from them, they will die.

  will be. Therefore, we should treat such animals as a valuable resource to be protected.

  To sum up, the world’s endangered animals are an important resource and we should protect them by setting aside some land for them. Although mankind’s need for land continues to grow, people are intelligent and inventive enough to put the land into use properly. In this way, we can have enough land for farming, housing and industry, and preserve the biodiversity of the planet at the same time. Only to obey nature in order to overcome nature. - Darwin


  Nature is kind of a loving mother, but also a butcher in cold blood. - Victor Hugo

  自然不仅是位慈爱的母亲,还是个冷血的屠夫。-维克多雨果 It is usually their own surroundings as a form of free merchandise, I do not know any way to cherish and spoil. - Gan Harman


  The land to all the people are the essence of the material, and finally, it has been there from the people of the rebate is rubbish these substances. 土地对人类来说根本,然而人类给予自然的是垃圾。-惠特曼

  Not only natural can not mandatory, but also subject to natural.


  The last drop of human, environmental damage will be tears of remorse after. 人类的最后一滴水,将是环境破坏后悔恨的泪。 Pollution of the environment protection of the environment shameful glory. 保护环境光荣 污染环境可耻。 Please do not trample on the grass at the foot of you, because like you, it is there that the sacred mission of a green environment.

  请不要践踏您脚下的青草,因为,它和你一样,是都有这绿化环境的神圣使命。 There is no business to be done on a dead planet.


  Don’t blow it - good planets are hard to find.

  别摧毁它 -- 好的星球是很难找到的! For 200 years we've been conquering Nature. Now we're beating it to death. — Tom McMillan


  I only went out for a walk and finally concluded to stay out till sundown, for going out, I found,was really going in. — John Muir

  我本来只是出去走走,结果决定待到天黑再回去,因为我发现,出走竟是返我。-约翰缪尔 Take nothing but pictures. Leave nothing but footprints. Kill nothing but time. 不带走一草一物,除了照片;不留下些许痕迹,除了脚印;不猎杀任何生物,除了时间。 Humankind has not woven the web of life. We are but one thread within it.

  Whatever we do to the web, we do to ourselves. All things are bound together. All things connect. 人类并未织起生命的网络。我们不过是其中的一根线,无论我们对这网做了什么,我们都等于是对自己做了。所有事情绑在一块,所有事情紧密相连。

  Never does nature say one thing and wisdom another.

  自然与智慧永不相悖。 There is a pleasure in the pathless woods. There is a rapture on the lonely shore. There is society where none intrudes. By the deep sea, and music in its roar; I love not man the less, but Nature more. — George Gordon, Lord Byron

  无径之林,常有情趣;无人之岸,几多惊喜;世外桃源,何处寻觅;聆听涛乐,须在海里。爱我爱你,更爱自然。 Only when the last tree has died and the last river been poisoned and the last fish been caught will we realize we cannot eat money.

  只有当最后一棵树死去,最后一条河被污染, 最后一条鱼被捉住,我们才会意识到——钱不能用来填饱肚子。

  We should not be over enjoyed our victory on the nature For each such

  victory, the nature will take revenge on us. 我们不要过分陶醉于我们人类对自然界的胜利。对于每一次这样的胜利,自然界都对我们进行报复。-恩格斯

  1、They throw rubbish into rivers , too.他们还乱扔垃圾到河流理去。

  2、Right side, please.请靠右行。

  3、It's our duty to save water.节约水是我们每个人的责任。

  4、Something must be done to stop the pollution.人类必须采取一些措施来制止污染。

  5、It's everyone's duty to love and protect the environment.爱护和保护环境是每个人的责任和义务。

  6、Let’s do our best to make it more beautiful.让我们尽力让它更美丽。

  7、We don't need to do big things—we can start out small.我们不需要做大事,我们可以从小事做起。

  8、The federal government promulgated the Clean Water Act and the Clean Air Act.联邦政府颁布了《水清洁法》和《空气清洁法》。

  9、Protecting the environment is every man's responsibility.保护地球环境是每一个人的责任。

  10、We don’t need to do big things—we can start out small.我们不需要做大事,我们可以从小事做起。

  11、if everyone could make a big contribution to environmental protection, our home will become much more beautiful.如果每个人为环境保护作出一点贡献,我们的家园会变得更加美丽。

与自然英语作文 篇2

  Nature is great, ecology is complicated, life is a mystery, but we know too little, less than "ephemera to heaven and earth, and are one of the sea corn." The earth is rich and colorful, the myriad of object. A blade of grass, a tree, an animal, a group, a person, a family, a nation, a society. Is the result of a natural progress. Natural animal, natural plant, all the plants in the natural, natural all life is useful. Their existence is useful. To think of the mother at the sight of the forest, wood; At the sight of the rivers of power; At the sight of the grassland, to think of red meat and cashmere sweater; To think of at the sight of the animal, can eat, can use, can be used as a medicine.

  Cherish the animal is the wealth of society, we must protect. Although some are common, but beneficial to human animals, we should also take care of. Plants but also the friend of human. Plants can help people purify air, reduce noise, keep the soil and water conservation, windbreak and sand-fixation, regulating climate. Really done a lot of contribution for the human.

  In order to protect the ecological balance, our country has also established many nature reserve or national park, on the protection of wild animals in danger.

  Nature is our friend, they always accompany us. Human and nature is interdependent, and constitute a harmonious nature. I believe that information + create = the 21st century.





与自然英语作文 篇3

  The beauty of nature is like a magician. To daub on light green, spring to summer with a dark green, and, with dazzling aureate autumn to winter again put on a white coat; Ding-dong of the spring water gently singing tune, spectacular sea in rhythm, those little the singer with the wind also show up their indirect voice; Beautiful picture of nature is the blue sky white clouds, green hills and water, flowers, quiet mountains...

  What a sight!

  However, such a view, so beautiful, because human desire is don't have much, everywhere is named "tall buildings" tree; Flow of the river is called "car" of water droplets; Beautiful mountain "has been renamed as" factory "; Beautiful blue sky white clouds seemed to fit the nobility, clothed in black.

  Oh my god ~! The beauty of the earth's natural villages? Where is she? Oh, she is still there, just for old face... These, is she the children are making! The human and the nature can't coexist? As long as we are taking the path of sustainable development, mother nature will not be ill-treated in human ~! But now? Human unchecked, makes the natural mother scarred, also sped up the earth's resources to reduce...

  Stupid human ah, you really are in knowingly ah ~! Preached that environmental protection, and increase the demand, this is the face of love your mother? Action! Action! With the practical action to implement environmental protection, for future generations point f!!!!!















学生作文 自然与环境08-05
