茫然作文|茫然 英语作文

时间:2021-09-27 19:32:32 其他类英语作文 我要投稿

茫然作文|茫然 英语作文

  在学习、工作、生活中,大家或多或少都会接触过作文吧,作文是经过人的思想考虑和语言组织,通过文字来表达一个主题意义的'记叙方法。如何写一篇有思想、有文采的作文呢?以下是小编整理的茫然作文|茫然 英语作文,供大家参考借鉴,希望可以帮助到有需要的朋友。

茫然作文|茫然 英语作文

  On the green lawn, a few young people are chasing happily; you are chasing her, she is holding him, he is holding you, so they lie down in the lawn together and look at the boundless night sky silently.

  I sat on the windowsill and watched the endless night sky, telling it today‘s unhappiness as usual. However, a burst of laughter disturbed my mind. Naturally, I looked down and saw several young people playing on the lawn. I was intoxicated by their joyful pursuit. I didn’t wait for my reflection that they had been lying on the lawn quietly looking at the endless night sky. At this time, I feel boundless and confused about my youth, future and dream. I want to use my own way to meditate and explain my confusion.


  Walking through the open-air square, we can see the crowds in the square: there are roller skaters, skateboarders, hip-hop dancers, etc.; the night sky drizzles obliquely, not big, but it can also hang a string of dewdrops between people‘s hair, but they are still so happy to play, not affected by the rain at all, their shouts and laughter come, clearly tell me that this is youth.

  Dynamic them, static me: dynamic joy, static melancholy; I look at myself quietly on the rotating earth, and ask myself why I want to keep joy away and leave sadness alone. This is a social problem or a destiny created by my character.Youth is like a flower, but I am as lost as the wind.


  Shuffling along the street aimlessly with heavy steps, I just look around at the busy figure of the working people at will. I don’t worry about my future. Where should I go? Until I step into the house, I have no clue. Maybe it can only be answered by time.Great people say that the future is bright, but in my world the future is confused.


  Maybe people have to have a dream when they grow up. I use the most tenacious pace to pursue my dream, but I have many scars again and again. In real life, I can‘t find an excuse to comfort myself. I really want to be a carefree child forever, but people will grow up. I’m not a magician Merlin, there is no magic that can stop time, so I can only learn to be strong.

  I really want to find the lost dream of the Sutra, but I can‘t pick up every bit of that dream again, because the past has gone far, and today’s dream can‘t continue yesterday. Even if you do not give up how, but also lonely on the road. But when I decided to go alone, I would stubbornly carry on my luggage and start my new journey. Even if the road is hard and I don’t know where my dream is, I can only summon up courage and courage to make a breakthrough.

  No matter how confused, since I decided to go alone, let all the curse, all the betrayal are left behind. No matter how hard the road is, I still persist in flying.

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