it is mistake that make people grow-

时间:2021-09-29 11:03:34 其他类英语作文 我要投稿
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it is mistake that make people grow-高二作文

  无论是身处学校还是步入社会,大家一定都接触过作文吧,借助作文可以提高我们的'语言组织能力。你知道作文怎样才能写的好吗?以下是小编为大家整理的it is mistake that make people grow-高二作文,欢迎阅读,希望大家能够喜欢。

it is mistake that make people grow-高二作文

  Every person makes all kinds of mistakes every day. Although we call them as mistakes, they are still somehow benifit to us. It is because when you make a mistake, you will get a result that you wouldn“t like to gain, then you will try every effort not to do the thing by the same way again to avoid the terrible results. Still, mistakes are kind of experience.

  As the proverb goes, failure is the mother of success. Every scientist made mistakes, and they tried over and over again, fixing their mistakes step by step, and finally got what they want. So mistakes are not terrifying. That“s why we should have the courages to try. Making speeches in public, putting up your hand to answer the teachers, and some also other challenges.

  It is through these challenges that people step to higher space, and that“s why they are more outstanding than others.

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