in one作文|in one 英语作文

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in one作文|in one 英语作文

  在日常学习、工作或生活中,大家都尝试过写作文吧,作文是通过文字来表达一个主题意义的记叙方法。那么你知道一篇好的作文该怎么写吗?以下是小编整理的in one作文|in one 英语作文,供大家参考借鉴,希望可以帮助到有需要的朋友。

in one作文|in one 英语作文

  When we bid farewell to primary school and enter junior high school, it marks that we are growing up day by day. Our growth process may also be smooth sailing. As a lucky child, we may be troubled and worried constantly every day. No matter what our experience is, we can learn a lot from our growth and grow up slowly.

  At this time, I think about the time when I was not growing up. I had all kinds of strange ideas when I didn‘t grow up. I played happily every day. I never felt the pressure of learning. Sometimes my parents always like to say me. At that time, I didn’t listen to them, and I didn‘t understand what they were saying. At that time, I always cried and told the truth When I met a little bit of small things, I would burst into tears. My older brother and sister had to let me. If I didn’t, I would tell the adults, and then the adults would criticize my brothers and sisters. I would giggle at the side. It‘s really naive to think of those things that happened when I was a child.

  And now I have grown up, no longer a child, now I am a teenager, I know that in the process of growing up, there will be a lot of trouble, encounter a little things in my heart will be particularly upset, now my parents always say me, I don’t understand as a child, but listen very impatient, I feel that every thing my parents say is nonsense or fundamental If they don‘t exist, they feel particularly aggrieved. When I get to junior high school, I feel that the pressure of study is not like that of primary school. There are nine subjects on my body. After the exam, I will be under special pressure. Because my parents will scold me for failing in the exam and say that I don’t work hard. They will know whether to play or not to study every day. If I do well in the exam, they won‘t praise me too much, Instead, you can’t look at the ranking in the class. If you want to compare the ranking in the grade, you still need to continue to refuel. You can‘t be proud. I used to want to be encouraged and affirmed by my parents, so I will work harder in my study, but every time I think the excellent will be said to be worse by them. I think about it carefully, and it is just in this way that I can not be arrogant and impetuous enough to continue to work hard.

  The trouble of growing up is really everywhere. I hate it. I hope that my troubles can be less and my happy time can accompany me more. In this way, our study pressure will not be great. I especially want to say goodbye to the growing pains. But that is what we must face and what everyone has to experience. It is impossible to disappear.

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