
时间:2022-10-31 11:17:04 其他类英语作文 我要投稿




  高中英语作文:茶叶 篇1

  Friendship, drinking kombucha tea, taste the tea ceremony! Friends are like fragrant teas, the precipitation and strong; Friend is the wealth of life - made permanent, sincere desecrate it. Run into suitable water the right amount of tea, tea and suitable for their own people, the tea, water, karma and be able to meet, to make a cup of tea when give a person a kind of feeling is one such thought oneself can not take away a cloud, or in despair, finds his hands still clutching the tail of the cloud. Open in the water lotus, always try to make the reflection in the water looks more perfect, just lonely feeling let again how perfect is all have regrets. Look gaunt association said in a faint, as if is a kind of magic. Alone, though everyone is a life without regret friends alone, of course, is not made of glass, but there are a lot of people always take my friend as glass, carefully, Im afraid the friend touch is broken. So sometimes, dissatisfaction with friend very clearly, but also afraid to express it. Fear once expressed dissatisfaction, conflict occurs; In the event of conflict, will hurt feelings; Once hurt feelings, will lose this friend, lost a friend, for such a trifle a pig named Wilbur and a spider named charlotte become friends. Pig intraday future destiny is to become a Christmas dinner, the results of this sad let Wilbur scares. It also had tried to escape, but it is a pig. Seemingly insignificant charlotte said, "let me help you." so charlotte with its network in the pig shed weave "pig", "chucks good pig" and other words, those who always want to see you, are always willing to hear from you a phone call, you can talk with you freely about his story, but never thought about his life together with you. Sorrow and worry for you, for your satisfaction and joy, often for a book you want to go to the bookstore, suddenly a cold and anxious for you, but never consider allow yourself to step in to your life-changing. Friendship can promote competition. When there is competition between friends, should be helping each other, make progress together, this is the true friendship to reflect. If two people to foes, due to competition with each other, mutual mistake, so the two of them is definitely not a friend, there is not a true friendship. If competition that lost friendship, then he has lost more than get. The testimony of friendship between friends friendship is one of the subtle things, Ive heard of such a friend is to sell a word I think said these words must be received friends brought about by the big blow, injury. Should I believe in friendship, at least at this moment I am very believe in friendship. A friend is like a lamp in your life, when you most need warm send you warm...

  Friendship, is one of the most precious emotions in life. I dont know how many ancient and modern, Chinese and foreign celebrities with many beautiful poem to praise and praise it. There used to be a great man once said: "no friendship will be a poor lonely; there is no friendship society, is only a slice of flourishing desert." A friend is the face of friendship. They never abandon anyone and give up on anybody. With their big heart to accommodate and accept others, make others can feel the warmth of friendship, in their care. In prosperity, our friends met us; In adversity, we know our friends. This is the celebrity Collins make evaluation to friends. This reminds me of not long ago, I saw a report on zibo evening news. Have a pair of friends, they go to climb the mountain. Just rain is slippery, and there was a man accidentally slipped and happen to be nearby is the abyss, at the time of the close call, his friend immediately rushed and hold his hand. In this way, they lasted about two hours before "gate of hell". During this period, the danger of a few degrees call his friend to let it go, lest fall together, both forms. But his friends said, "hold on for a while, someone will come and save us." Finally, happened to three workers see, they saved up. But that the friends hand has become abnormal, but he still smiled and said to his friend, "I told you someone will save us." At this moment, the man had tears, holding his friends began to cry. This matter, if happen to have no friendship, may turn a blind eye, or ran away. Collins was right, we met a friend in adversity, met their greatness. Friendship is the heart, heart transfer, only experience, will know the precious friendship.

  Actually, I to the word "friendship" has a lot of experience. Simulation of the long march of this year, this may be our most of the students for the first time hiking, is also a big test in our life. During the campaign, most students can go down, rely on is not necessarily their own ability, perseverance and the strong, by between classmates, friends, should be encouraged each other, support each other. Every classmate got encouraged other students, it is these little encouragement and support, we will be strong go down. Trip, when a classmate a bit cannot hold, the surrounding classmates will lend a helping hand, help his backpack, although they are very tired very tired, so, this hand is not only a helping hand, the hand of friendship. The students to do so may only get each other a smile or a look, but they are also very happy, because they know between friends is not to need to return. When having a meal at noon, when one steamed bread and pickle is not enough, the students will be out of the hand of friendship, the steamed bread and pickle into his hand, maybe will only get a sincerely "thank you", they are also very satisfied, because they know that friendship is priceless. It can be seen that how deep pure friendship between classmates.

  Friendship is instantly open flowers, and time will make it.

  Friendship is an umbrella under the two figure, is the two pairs of eyes on a desk.

  Friendship is ideal in the soil two little flower, is a great movement of the two notes.

  Friendship is never the setting sun. Let friends come to your heart, nourish your soul.

  Please stretch out your hand of friendship, let us hand in hand, shoulder to shoulder, really experience the friendship, the true feelings, treasure friendship, let the flower of friendship bloom everywhere. I believe that we will be more beautiful brilliant tomorrow!

  高中英语作文:茶叶 篇2

  I spent this weekend at my grandmother's house. Grandmother said: "Oh, there is no tea at home, I have to go to pick!" "What? In the tea? Why wasn't I involved in such fun?" I excitedly interrupted my mother and grandmother's conversation. "All right! When you come to the country, you can't stay at home every day. I'll give you a taste of country life!"

  I don't want to set off in galoshes like I did last time.

  The second time I came to Miss Spring's express office, the scenery was more hazy than before: the clear air was filled with light flowers, the insects were playing under the dewdrops, everything was so, so quiet.

  "Cut!" The sound of cracking stems breaks the intoxicating silence. Mom and Grandma had already started! I don't want to lag behind, hurriedly pretended to "pick" up. Mother had seen me "busy" figure, said with a smile: "don't pig nose garlic, which place so much tea ah. Come here and I'll show you some fresh tea!" My camouflage was compromised and I had to look away. Although I like picking tea, I don't like drinking water with tea in it. In fact, fresh tea is still pretty good to look at: the more the leaf to the leaf tip, the more serrated, the more dense. It is green in the middle of the leaf, green below near the stem, and red at the edge. I bit a small leaf half, bah! Bah! No wonder I don't like drinking water with tea leaves in it. The tea leaves are so bitter. I still think Liangbaikai is the best drink, thirsty drink can taste a little sweet!

  Knowing the tea, I picked up a good tea, carrying the bag began to get up. I hold the "specimen", while the skilled movement. Gradually, I did not need "specimens" for comparison, and could tell at a glance which were old leaves and which were tender.

  Picking a big bag full of tea, we set foot on the journey home.

  It was dusk when we returned home. Grandma is busy again. I sat on the edge of the kang, the warm fire shining on my face. At this time in my heart, a section of the projection of tea picking fragments, hanging a smile fell asleep......

  I quietly wondered why most of the day had passed so quickly.

  高中英语作文:茶叶 篇3

  Taking advantage of the Qingming three-day holiday, my father, mother and my aunt went to grandma's house to pick tea.

  Qingming highway traffic jam, after three and a half hours of driving, it is noon, we finally came to grandma's home. After eating, we tied a small basket on the waist, wearing a hat on the head, ready to water cup and basket, set out toward the tea garden!

  It's an uphill walk to the tea garden. Because the weather is so nice and the sun is shining down on us, it feels a little hot. After other people's patches of tea, sometimes there will be a fragrance and come. After a short walk, we arrived at our tea garden. A glance, grass green and verdant green in front of the eyes. Picking tea is required, the best is to have a head of a leaf, a core, called a leaf a core; It is better to have two leaves on the head and one core, which is called two leaves and one core. If it's light harvesting, it's not so good. Therefore, if you want to pick tea quickly and well, you must have a good eye.

  I stood beside a row of tea trees, eyes looking at the buds have come out, a hand stretched once, a tea picked. I followed this pattern. A stop to pick, the sun shines on us, hot, dragging clothes, umbrella; Thirsty, drink the water we bring; Bored, we talk and laugh, and know people say hello. In this way, we from noon to 5:30 p.m., a total of five kilograms of wet tea. In fact, one jin of dry tea needs four jin of wet tea, and a jin of wet tea is almost a small basket of tea.

  Having picked the tea leaves, the next step is to stir-fry them. First put the tea into the machine to prepare the place, and then open the machine, only heard a "boom", the machine began to fry the tea. As the time becomes longer, the grade is also higher and higher, after 5 minutes or so, these tea can be out of the pot! It would take a long time to fry all the tea we picked!

  Picking tea is tiring, but fun; Although stir-fried tea leaves for a long time, but the stir-fried tea leaves are very fragrant, really let people can't wait to drink a cup of this tea with fragrance!

  高中英语作文:茶叶 篇4

  I am tea, withered, thin, dry, bitter Zi Zi, appreciate my people, can spend 100 yuan to buy a catty, otherwise, a dime can catch a big.

  At first glance, I shrank into a ball, no gorgeous color, no tangy aroma. Grasp in the hand, will secretly leak out from the fingers, no one is willing to pick up again, because I will not shout, will not complain, will not make a sound, will not package themselves.

  Then you can use boiling hot water to stimulate me, I am very dull, temperature and my reaction will be proportional, cool water never another me happy, will not make me stretch. My fragrance will not be distributed by itself, my ups and downs are not determined by themselves. I can only wait, wait for the hot water, or the warm water, and then I can respond to the fragrance, or to the bitterness.

  My memory is beautiful, warm wind, green shoots, fertile land, brilliant sunshine. Later, the fire will be my green youth squeezed out, ruthless plastic film will be my dead blockade. My destiny is clearly specified: one day, I will be given a hot space, small, just the palm of my hand, where I will rise and fall, involuntarily, I try to retain the fragrance of voluntary dedication, into the faint curl.

  Through the transparent side of the glass, I can look to another world, another creature, who may be looking at me, frowning, thinking, and who I can ease because I understand them and know their work; Others will not look at me, they have newspapers in their hands, and often smoke ———— My curl is not the only one, they do not care about my feelings, I can not understand them, their work, I can never figure out.

  In the end, I will not rise or fall, for I have fallen to the bottom and can never rise again, even with the pouring of boiling water. I will go to the sewers, or to the soil where the flowers take root.

  高中英语作文:茶叶 篇5

  Today is the second day of the Qingming holiday, cloudless, in this good weather, my aunt and I came to the tea hill to pick tea.

  Standing at the foot of the tea Hill, overlooking the top of the hill, a fresh green, as green as the boundless grass, in the shining sunshine appears particularly beautiful, make people more comfortable, more beautiful. And a green thousand miles, but not boundless, you can see many amiable farmers in the tea mountain picking tea, really is extremely lively.

  After a rugged mountain road, I saw a lot of green tea trees: tea trees have more than one meter high, the tea is like a sleeping baby rolled up there. I was just about to start, aunt stopped me, said to me: "tea is also as long as the most tender that core is good, other can not be picked into the bag, people don't!" The aunt paused, then added, "Yes, Dayle. Do you know, this kind of tea is 65 yuan a catty, but all the money sold belongs to you!" As soon as I heard this, I was delighted and immediately started to act.

  I began to pick tea in the afternoon, the sun began to play, I saw it constantly emit heat to roast the earth. I do not understand the method of picking tea, unexpectedly adopted the "guerrilla warfare" type of picking method: "pick for a while and then change a place". After an hour, I found that this method of picking me "all harm and no benefit." Because this piece of tea is not much, not a few minutes, the most prominent buds were picked by me, leaving only a lot of hiding in many tea between the small tea core, and I had to carefully pick it out bit by bit.

  The DAY SLOWLY BLACK, I HEFTED HEFTING MY BAG, FEEL AGAIN HOW ALSO SHOULD HAVE TWO CATTIES HEAVY BAR. However, when I put it on the electronic scale, it was only 8 taels (about 400 grams). I suddenly understood a truth: the sweat you pay is always proportional to the fruits of your labor, and God never favors anyone. Although not a catty, but I think I have a day of harvest.

  高中英语作文:茶叶 篇6

  Today is our school's annual spring outing. I got up early and came to school excitedly. I went to Hangzhou Tea Museum by bus with my classmates.

  We followed a guide to a tea plantation. From a distance, this tea field looks like a sea of green, with the sun shining on the tea leaves and making them shine. Walked in, the original tea behind a lot of hair, a piece of tea next to two small leaves, like two baby hands. Oh, the original tea baby is stretched out two soft hands to absorb the warmth of the sun! Surrounded by mountains, it seems to protect Cha Wa. A closer look, there are some white things on the tea tree, like a white bud. It turns out that this is not fully grown tea. I also find that the closer you are to the sun, the fresher the tan.

  We followed our guide into a path with tea from all over the world, grown in different ways. Strangely enough, some tea leaves are like a tree, which grows very tall. I compared, the highest should be rattan tea.

  Off the trail, we went to watch the tea ceremony and everyone had a cup of tea. I tasted the tea carefully, a little fragrant, a little bitter.

  After tasting tea, we walked into a building full of tea rooms, including tea set hall, tea green hall, tea edge hall... The deepest impression is tea green hall, tea set hall. First, "Cha Cui Tang". There are many kinds of tea here. There are six basic types of tea: green tea, black tea, oolong tea, white tea, yellow tea and black tea. Listen to the guide and pay attention to making tea. Different teas should be soaked at different temperatures. Then there is the "tea service hall". There are many tea sets here, some white ceramic tea sets, some black tea sets. Lacquerware tea sets are especially beautiful and colorful, and they are very popular. Glass tea sets are widely used. Outside the "Tea set Hall" there is an ancient tea grinding tool, which we are addicted to.

  After seeing the teahouse, it's time for free movement. We played excitedly for a while and then went to the game. The competition is to distinguish between black tea, green tea and oolong tea. This is so easy! Red is black tea, light green is green tea and dark green is oolong tea. I think oolong tea is special because it is like a bud, not like ordinary tea.

  I had a great time today! I know a lot about tea, too.

  高中英语作文:茶叶 篇7

  My hometown is the hometown of green tea. Every spring, I would go to the mountains with my mother to pick tea and earn some money to supplement the family. It will be very proud and happy of me.

  One holiday morning, my mother and I prepared dry food for the mountain, we started early, because at noon when the sun was hot, we could not do it, had to hide in the shade.

  The aroma of green tea makes people refreshing, the mountain is very quiet, only hear the sound of birds catching insects in the jungle, the rest is our tea pickers constantly picking tea.

  Tea picking seems simple, but it is actually hard work. Because of the humidity in the morning, the tea trees were covered with crystal dew. After taking them off, my pants were wet and my shoes were covered with mud. At first I picked up fast, said the child is fast, but still beat my mother, slowly lost confidence. Careful mother saw me a little slack, picked their own tea distributed to my tea box, hoping to arouse my interest. This is not a little self-delusion. It's funny to think about myself. I really thought of it as my own work.

  My mother's encouragement worked, and my interest in picking tea was discovered again. I was like a hungry Wolf, frantically picking, drilling in the tea field. I came out like a cat from the kitchen, grey in the face and with my hair ripped off by a branch. But back then I didn't care about image. I'd do anything to find a good place to pick tea and make a lot of money. What's more interesting is that as soon as my mother found the place where Chawang was, she hinted that I would go. I'd secretly transfer to her so no one would find out. My mother and I cooperate very well, really feel like the mountain is king.

  The sun was shining at noon and the temperature was soaring. My mom told me to sit down and rest. I still insist on picking tea, because do not want to lag behind. I want to make more money for my family, it will be my greatest honor. I don't take breaks, my mom doesn't take breaks, and we keep competing against each other. Bean sweat from time to time from the forehead to the mouth, salty. I don't know who said that putting tea in my mouth can quench my thirst, so when I am thirsty, I will choose the biggest and richest tea to put in my mouth and sip it slowly. It is very effective.

  When the tea is fragrant, I am most proud and happy. Tea carries the sweat of my mother and I, and sends out the fragrance of our spirit of never giving up and perseverance.

  高中英语作文:茶叶 篇8

  When I saw you for the first time, it was in a glass of water, when you flew on the glass, I watched silently, in my young mind surfaced many questions, "What is this?" I do not know who answered "tea", I stood up, happily called "tea, tea..." .

  It's funny when I think about it when I'm older. See you again, is on the mountain, looking at you quietly, as a child wrapped in the quilt peacefully asleep, waiting for people to pick you away, see again in the tea.

  You are the fish, the cup is your world, shake you will be frightened to move around; You are a dancer, the cup is your stage, swaying your graceful.

  You are selfless, is simple, is unknown, like La Traviata dedication to others. When people drink from you, they may not think of your dedication, just smack their lips, shake their heads and say, "This is a good tea."

  Only once did I fall into my old habit of staring at the tea. A gust of wind blowing gently, the calm water up a little ripple, tea rotating, after a few minutes to restore the original appearance, the only difference is that some tea floating on the water, some but piled up in the water, a tight hit a, unwilling to roll a few times. "Why didn't some of the tea sink? So what's going on here? Is it a matter of importance? What makes you so up and down?" I want to. But I do not know, imperceptibly tea also cold, become cold...... I took it quickly and drank it quickly, lest I should chill it again and make it cold.

  You - tea, bring the pure land for others, purify the hearts of others, make people relaxed and happy. You, insignificant, but release all of their own, give all of their own without reservation, after ups and downs, but more wonderful. I admire your silent selfless, appreciate your no selfish spirit, but also for your archduke sentiment moved.

  高中英语作文:茶叶 篇9

  "Ten li castle peak half into the city". My hometown Changshu is a good place to produce green tea. On the top of Yushan Mountain, looking around, there are many long tea trees, which are picked immediately, roasted carefully, and the fragrant green tea is made. This is the famous Yushan green tea.

  On a warm afternoon, a good time to drink tea, I opened the jar and took a pinch of the leaves, shriveled and curled, into a glass. I carefully poured boiling water into the glass, suddenly, the glass formed a whirlpool, tea like a frightened fish in the water up. The water was quiet, and the leaves sank slowly to the bottom of the cup, some slanting like knives, some straight like swords, some waddling like penguins. Some tea leaves lie on the water, as if enjoying the warm sunshine. Slowly, the cup of Lv tea slowly stretch to open, the original curled tea also straightened, faint can see the veins of tea, at this time, the bottom of the cup gradually spread continuously green smoke, smoke more and more thick, finally dyed green whole cup of water, clear water into light green, like a immaculate jade.

  The smell of green tea was so strong that I could not help taking a sip. When I took my first sip of green tea, for some reason, I was deeply attracted to it. It does not have the bitterness of coffee, nor wine mellow, but it has a light fragrance, is a good pleasant, is so refreshing, the taste like a pure and free from vulgarity woman wearing green gauze gently swaying in the wind, that kind of artistic conception is really beautiful! Although it is ordinary but contains a high degree of temperament, rich aura, when you taste, you will naturally feel that a fragrance.

  Green tea, known as the "national drink", has many benefits. It contains more than 450 kinds of organic compounds such as vitamin C, vitamin E, tea polyphenols, and more than 15 kinds of inorganic minerals. Most of these components have the effect of health care, disease prevention, reducing fat, preventing cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases, and inhibiting liver cancer.

  Tea is like a book, tasting tea is like everyone reading a book, can see the different taste, how many people "taste", how many kinds of taste! I like to taste "tea".

  高中英语作文:茶叶 篇10

  Although I live in the city now, but I can not forget the hometown where I grew up. It is reflected in a thick green picture, so green because of the tea trees on the hill behind my house. Whenever I feel a little tired, I will open the north window of my house and take a panoramic view of the large green tea fields.

  I have also joined the ranks of tea picking, taste the fun of tea picking. My father told me, "tea should be picked as far as possible on the bud tip of the young leaves, that is enough fragrant, enough taste." He also told me, "From the time tea is picked to the time when it can be boiled, it has to go through many processes, many, many processes, which is quite troublesome." Listening to his words, I also issued a deep feeling, that is: we face anything, should not be too troublesome, to have the courage to challenge any details and difficulties. Dad quickly said: "Yes, yes, that's it, your neighbor Uncle Zhu will also stir tea, you can go to see, you can more appreciate the hard work of making tea."

  As expected, Zhu Bobo is in the stir-fry tea, he is placed in front of a very very big, and the big black pot of black paint smearing. With a big shovel in his hand, Uncle Chu is struggling to fry the half green and half black tea leaves in the wok. Curious, I went over and eagerly grabbed a handful of tea leaves. "Oh, oh, that's great!" As soon as I let go, the tea leaves fell down and spilled all over the floor. I was so ashamed that I wanted to dig a hole in the ground and ran away without looking back.

  When I went to pick tea with my father, I asked my father foolishly, "What is the name of this tea?" Dad smiled at me and said to me: "Why do you have to know the name of a good thing?" My heart a shock, second thought, still can't understand why?

  Now, although I do not know which tea is Tieguanyin; Which kind of tea is Huangshan Maojian; What kind of tea is West Lake Longjing? However, as I grew older, I really realized the meaning of "why do you have to know the name of a good thing?"

  Hometown tea is like this: do good without leaving a name, is our hearts "unsung hero."

  高中英语作文:茶叶 篇11

  Tonglu is a beautiful county with beautiful mountains and clear water. Backed by Tongjun Mountain, a white jade belt like Fuchun River flows down slowly. In this beautiful county, there are a lot of hard-working people are working hard, in order to this belongs to their hometown to build more beautiful.

  In this county, there are many special products, such as pecans, chestnuts, Zhongshan pear, all kinds of, everything, countless. Today, I will mainly talk about the tea produced in Xinhe Township, which is dense with clouds and mist all year round in Tonglu County -- snow water and cloud green.

  The snow water cloud green of Tonglu tea was so popular at home and abroad that Lu Yu in the Tang Dynasty said in the "Tea Book" that "the tea in Xiyang, Wuchang, Lujiang and Jinling is better than that in Tonglu". The snow water cloud green had been offered as a tribute in the Southern Song Dynasty and was directly presented to the emperor for consumption. Visible snow water cloud green rare place.

  Snow water cloud green tea, in 1915 won the Panama World's Fair gold medal. Re-created in 1987, the shape is like lotus, the color is light green, the fragrance is high and sharp, the taste is fresh and mellow, sweet and brisk. In 1991, THE FIRST Hangzhou International Tea Culture Festival won the "Cultural Famous Tea" award, won the first place in the provincial Famous tea competition, and obtained the provincial famous tea certificate. In the 6th Beijing Maliandao Tea Festival and Zhejiang Green Tea Expo held recently, tea merchants gathered, green tea fragrance, pageants unprecedented, Tonglu County "snow water cloud green" tea added a gold medal. This can be seen, snow water cloud green is the best tea also!

  "Cut a piece of cloud green, boil a pot of snow water", Tonglu's "snow water cloud green" has long been well-known in the tea industry. Recently came a good news, and brought a new development opportunity for "snow water cloud green" -- recently, Tonglu County tea planting standard demonstration project passed the examination of the national, provincial and municipal departments. The success of the project, marking the county's national agricultural standard demonstration area to achieve zero breakthrough. In other words, snow water cloud green has been recognized by the whole society.

  Although the snow water cloud green in Tonglu is not as famous as Longjing in Hangzhou, it also has a high status in our hearts.

  高中英语作文:茶叶 篇12

  Last night, mother said: "go to bed early tonight, tomorrow we go to the countryside to pick tea." After listening to I think: what is good to pick tea, it is better to play. At this time my father said: "you will pick tea tomorrow by catty calculation, 25 yuan per catty." Ha-ha. Money. I'll do it right away.

  After breakfast this morning, we went to Grandpa's house and walked to the fields. In a short while, looking at the tea tree although not much, but closer to look, tea leaves on the dense, tender, big and small, you next to me, I next to you particularly lovely. I hurriedly asked: "Grandpa, how to pick the tea" Grandpa said: "pinch ah." I see. Let's get to work.

  At first, I took the basket, found a small tea tree, picked up. I have been picking big tea, while running to pick this side, while running to pick over there. Wasted a lot of precious time, I ran toward the tea in the east of the mother, wow! I a praise, because I just pick a little, my mother picked half a bucket. I looked at my sister, sister picked quickly. Seeing them all pick faster than me, I was very unhappy. At this time, the mother said loudly: "Hao Ran, you have to calm down, don't run around." I thought: yes, I want to calm down, but also to speed up. I picked it up again, pinched the leaves quickly and put them in the basket by the handful. Suddenly, the basket of "little guy" has increased. I feel so happy. Suddenly have an idea, can you take some in the mother bucket that my tea will be more. So I came to my mother's side, saw my mother grinning and picking tea. I squatted down, pretending to pick tea, the other hand grabbed a handful of tea ready to put into my basket, suddenly some tea from the mother's hands fell into the bucket, gave me a fright, the result is not stolen, I hurriedly slipped away. Thought of just stealing tea scene, heart beat faster, now the face is hot, really should not, how can I do this kind of thing to want to pick more tea, you have to rely on their own one piece of pinch!

  高中英语作文:茶叶 篇13

  It doesn't have the sweetness of juice, the coolness of cola, or the richness of coffee. It just has a clear color, a warm taste, and a light aroma of tea. It is tea. All the time. I didn't understand why the ugly tea was so popular until that activity class, I solved this "century-old mystery".

  Class, the teacher first announced the content of this activity class - tea taste life. I listened, Zhang2 monk is puzzled. I thought: how can there be life in tea? Is there a living person in the tea? Can not "life" or "ginseng"?

  The teacher unhurriedly put the kleenex on the table, and then put a small cluster of West Lake Longjing on the kleenex. We took out the "magnifying glass" - big eyes, carefully observed for a while. I found the tea thin and long, or dark color, not beautiful at all, but a closer smell, but a faint fragrance.

  Began to make tea, the teacher will pour boiling water into the pot, I saw tea like a fish, jumping in the water. After a while, the "fish" seemed to begin the winter, one by one did not move. The next step is tea tasting. I cupped the cup in my hands and took a sip... "Ah! How bitter it is!" 'I shouted angrily. But after a while, as I licked my lips, I felt a faint sweetness. It was bitter before sweet.

  Remember that night, I encountered a terrible block when writing homework - Olympic math! I couldn't think of anything else. I was about to give up when I thought of morning tea. I immediately felt so excited that I could write the answer. Finally, I came up with the answer. The next day, the teacher found that the whole class only I wrote the answer, greatly praised me for a long time. At once my heart was a hundred times sweeter than if I had eaten honey.

  Taste a cup of tea, feel bitter and tasteless at the beginning, savor savor to realize filar silk sweet, endless aftertaste. Life is like tea, at the beginning to pay a lot of effort, will taste a lot of hard work, but after hard work will have sweet returns.

  高中英语作文:茶叶 篇14

  This is a green tea leaves, veins on the leaves clearly visible, like a beautiful line diagram.

  If you put a leaf in your hand and examine it carefully, you will find that every leaf is not the same, and that the veins on every leaf are unique in the world. The veins are like calluses on a worker's hand, densely distributed, stretching and telling.

  Tell what it is, it is telling the story of it into tea, tell the story of the stretching of the tender leaves to become the story of the dead branches of tea experience.

  First of all, this is a Qingming before and after the leaves, from the winter, just from the tea tree new not long, it is the most tender green time, it is the freshest time, diligent people will take it off, placed into the ready wooden basket, and other leaves together, squeezed, staggered, from the mountains came to the home.

  And then by diligent people, into a wooden sieve, from a pile of leaves carefully selected. The time of pain came, people with a strong hand, will it mercilessly rub, the green leaves, the clear veins, are rubbed into the soft leaves without bones and muscles, the green leaves in a little bit bitter, but also to rub into a fragrance.

  The last step is to fry the tea and roast it. The leaves are put into a large pot prepared and stir-fried constantly over a gentle fire. At this stage, the heat is very important, neither too hot nor too cold.

  If the dead branches are cocoons formed by insects, then the tea leaves are beautiful butterflies after being opened by hot water. After hot water immersion, a piece of leaves stretch out again, emitting a unique taste, fragrance with bitter, bitter with fragrance, taste, it can be said that the lips and teeth are left sweet.

  Only after the tempered tea, can create a pot of good tea; Isn't our life the same? Only after suffering can we create a brilliant future.

  高中英语作文:茶叶 篇15

  During the May Day holiday, I came to my grandmother's house, and it was a good time to pick tea.

  And my mother rode a bike for half an hour and finally got to my grandmother's house. The door was closed and my grandfather and grandmother went to the mountain to pick tea. As soon as we put down the package, we took the bamboo basket for tea picking, put on rain boots, wear sleeves and went to my grandmother's tea garden to pick tea. Not long ago just under the rain, the ladder of red soil becomes very soft, carelessly feet will fall into the soil, my grandmother told me: if you can not stand steady to pull nearby tea trees, don't look at them small, root can be deep, my grandmother explained some things I began to pick tea

  Since my grandmother used to take me to the tea garden when I was a child, I already knew how to pick tea. I start in the middle

  Pick up, a hand pulling a branch, a hand as long as kept pulling, not too long I can not stick to it, feel so boring. Watching my grandparents pick a bag full of tea, I really don't know how they can endure boredom? After a while, I went to the side to rest, spread the bag on the ground and sat down directly. I looked up at the sky, surrounded by trees on three sides. In my side grow a lot of bamboo, light wind blowing leaves will fall down, like ancient beauty eyebrows, play, thin. The long and thin leaves are turning over and dancing, and from time to time, there will be the song of the birds, tactful and beautiful. Sometimes the woodpecker of the forest doctor could be heard. Calm down, feel the wind sing, feel the water turn, everything is so quiet and comfortable, this is the gift of nature to us. I should also cheer up, rest for a while, I continue to pick tea, feel the fragrance of tea, isn't it also the gift of nature? Why should I treat it like a liability?

  At three or four o 'clock in the afternoon, I followed my mother to the village shop to sell tea. Don't look at a big bag of tea, in fact, only 50 yuan or so, ah, labor is really not easy, but if there is the company of the wind, it is another matter.

  Tea picking has endless fun for me, and the meeting of tea leaves is pure fragrance, and that meeting season, I call it the tea picking season.









