
时间:2023-12-27 09:05:26 炜亮 英语日记 我要投稿
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  介绍冬至的英语日记带翻译 1

  Winter solstice is a traditional Chinese holiday, the day also started preparing our family.

  December 21, this is a special day, it has a winter festival festival, and the end of the world of fear, but fear of fear, holiday or want, according to our customs, in this area, the winter solstice festival to eat the delicious round on the winter solstice, a listen to mom said to eat round, I am pleased to jump three feet high, who called me is the winter solstice round loyal fans, love for winter solstice round consistently, and a large number of fantasy in my mind, in a flash, brain and my little heart was full of joy.

  Mother carefully the rice noodles, out of the refrigerator, pour in a large pot, add half a spoonful of water, washed their hard rub, after a few minutes later, when the soft and sticky dough in the hands of the mother that creations was born, big, white, no trace of the end of the world of darkness; Bright, wet, seem to herald the peace of the world. "Rabbits, shrimp, pig tail, dont pickled cucumbers, pickle beef round, please ma meters below pickled cucumbers." I shouted for which a neighbor I dont know, today the winter solstice festival the important festivals. My mother and I made a lot of cartoon circle on the winter solstice, carefully cooked.

  Fire pot, a roast of thick heat teng on the sky, I was idly watching book, only heard mother cried out "to eat" I like a head of looking for food in the wild boar, breaking into the kitchen, but stupefied, sick to my little cartoon winter solstice circle "lie" in the dish, I caught a, well, very nice!

  From the winter solstice this holiday I feel a lot of Chinese traditional essence.






  介绍冬至的英语日记带翻译 2

  Today is Sunday.My father and I went to our hometown to visit our graves.We also bought incense,paper money,gold,silver and other sacrificial items in the shop.

  After lunch,my father and I set out.Although the scenery was beautiful all the way,I didnt care to watch it.I only thought about Grandma who died of illness.In my memory,how kind and kind she was!

  My father and I went up the mountain with hoes and dustpans.My father was busy moving earth to sweep the tomb,while I was pulling grass beside him.Its so cold today.My hands are freezing.Then my father lit up the incense paper and the gold ingots,and my father and I worshipped in front of Grandmas grave.In front of Grandmas grave,my nose became sour and I silently said to Grandma,"Grandma,how are you doing over there? Before,in my impression,you were so busy every day and never enjoyed the blessings of peace.Now you can rest in peace!" Then we fired our guns down the mountain.

  On our way home,we saw many people going to the tomb,and asked Dad: "Dad,why are so many people coming to the tomb today?" "Because today is December 21,the winter solstice,which is a custom passed down from our ancestors in our hometown.We visit graves and worship our relatives to express our yearning for the ancients." Dad replied.

  I cant help looking at the mountain.Grandma,dont worry.I will come to see you every year.






  介绍冬至的英语日记带翻译 3

  The early morning of the winter solstice is an unpredictable and psychedelic morning.

  A few big trees in the yard lost the sunshine and became gray.The crystal raindrops jumped down from the trees one after another."Tick,tick," played a beautiful symphony.In the teaching building,bright lights were lit and the students loud reading sounds were heard.

  The sight moved slowly,and the canteen came into view.Several houses stubbornly resisted the invasion of the morning fog and stood upright in that position.The lamp,like the brightest star in the night,selflessly offered its own light and polished peoples blurred vision.

  The mountains in the distance stand up and down,like a giant dragon lost its way in the fog and stayed where it was.Instead of succumbing to the ubiquitous fog like a mountain,plants,with the help of the wind,tried to move towards the light,but seemed powerless.Although you are so dark that you lose the bright green of your body,you should also pursue the bright.Finally,several leaves flew under the light and realized their desire to pursue brightness.

  The light gives all creatures a sense of security.It is a guard standing outside the door,resisting the morning fog and cold wind,and bringing comfort to the creatures inside.This is really a beautiful dream!

  The sun rises slowly from the horizon,and the earth is filled with sunshine and warmth.Everything becomes clear and bright again,which seems to be another kind of beauty.

  The dreamy morning of the winter solstice pierces our hearts and is the most beautiful ten minutes of the year.








  介绍冬至的英语日记带翻译 4

  In the winter solstice,every family makes dumplings.Mom is also working in the kitchen.She can always make big and good dumplings,but I should either put too much material or too little material,or wrap them into steamed buns and leak them out.After my mothers advice and repeated attempts,I finally made dumplings as beautiful as my mothers.Eating the dumplings made by myself,I felt a warmth in my heart,which is called growth.

  At the winter solstice,we occasionally encounter heavy snow.The next day,after the heavy snow,the ground was already covered with thick snow,and it was soft to step on.At this time,its the best time to have a snowball fight.Wear cotton padded clothes and trousers,wear hats and gloves,and get together with a little partner who cant wait for a long time to start the "long war".I grabbed a snowball and threw it at the opponent,hitting him! When a snowball meets a snowball,it will fall into pieces,just like broken jade.We are divided into two camps and fiercely attack each other.In silence On the snow,bursts of hearty laughter came.The laughter gradually disappeared in the happiness.At this moment,there was no cold,only the slightest warmth in our hearts.

  The winter solstice is a time for family reunion.On this day,grandma,grandpa and aunt who were far away in Hebei and Shanghai came to Hangzhou to join us.At the table,you can talk and laugh,and the whole family is happy.The food includes dumplings,tangyuan,mutton soup,pumpkin pie,etc.Put aside the cold noise and stay in the warm harbor,it is the warmth that never goes out in the winter solstice night.

  In the winter solstice,although the weather is cold,my heart is warm.





  介绍冬至的英语日记带翻译 5

  On Thursday evening,my mother made my favorite Chinese New Year cake with turnip.I asked my mother,"Why do you cook Chinese New Year cake with turnip for me today?" Mother said: "Because tomorrow is the winter solstice,we Ningbo people have the custom of eating kohlrabi baked New Year cake the night before the winter solstice."

  My mother said that the winter solstice is the longest night and the shortest day of the year.The winter solstice is also an important festival in China.Many places in the north eat dumplings on this day,many places in the south eat tangyuan,and we eat kohlrabi baked rice cakes in Ningbo,implying that we are going higher and higher.

  Friday is the winter solstice.My mother got up very early in the morning and was busy for a long time.She cooked sweet potato soup for me.Although I didnt like it very much,my mother forced me to eat it.She said,"Eating this can turn over all the bad luck before." I wanted to go out for a walk in the evening.Later,my mother said that we should not go out on the winter solstice night.We Ningbo people have an old saying that we are sleepy at the winter solstice night.We will go to bed earlier this evening.I have no choice but to go to bed early.

  Although the winter solstice is not a very interesting festival,I know a lot of customs and habits,and I know that after the winter solstice,the days will become longer and the nights will become shorter.What makes me happy most is that after the winter solstice,the spring I like is gradually approaching me.





  介绍冬至的英语日记带翻译 6

  Today is the winter solstice,outside the howl of the blowing wind,the sky is mixed with snow,and this kind of weather is want to in bed not up,but,today I have to learn the sketch,I still bite the bullet and get out of bed.

  Want to sit for a long time from home to school car,bumps along the way,finally to the school.Outside the howl of the wind blowing,like a beast with loud voice,a wild howling in the sky with snow.Although the house also opened the heating,can I look at this weather is cold.Until the school,the snow showed no signs of stopping,I admire the white gas at the station,its not,I am unlucky moment came.

  122 bus today dont know how make of,left,right,etc.No shadow,I stomped,rub hands,shrink the neck,anxious like ants on a hot pan.The snow was as if she deliberately against me,the more the more fierce,the wind in the body with the whip as pain,such as for nearly an hour,I simply ran up to the house,but it was too far away from the school,soon I will give the idea broke,I a brainwave,uncle want to the side of the road a borrowed cell phone,make a phone call to the home,my mom asked me "playing" come back,I just wanted to stop a taxi,I saw 122 bus was coming,and happy,I really hate on the car,went home.

  People say that this years winter solstice "snow bumper harvest" for me,today is terrible.





  介绍冬至的英语日记带翻译 7

  Time flies by.Unconsciously,the second solar term in the winter of the 24 solar terms,the winter solstice,is coming.From then on,the weather will get colder and colder.In the winter solstice,there is a custom in our north - eating dumplings.

  Today,when I came home from school,I smelled a delicious smell of dumplings.I cant wait to rush to the table,pick up a dumpling,and put it in my mouth.The familiar taste spreads on the tip of my tongue,and gradually spreads...As I eat,I have a question in my heart: Why does the North eat dumplings on the winter solstice?

  Grandma told me that the beginning of winter means to collect everything,avoid the cold,and harvest in autumn and hide in winter.Chinese people often regard this day as the beginning of winter.China used to be a farming society.People who had worked for a year took advantage of the beginning of winter to have a rest.As for Lidong,there are many folk proverbs,such as: "Lidong does not serve the dumpling bowl,and no one cares if the ears are frozen off","Lidong mends the empty mouth"

  After listening to Grandma,I ate another dumpling.While eating,I thought: Yes! In the past,people were satisfied with a meal of dumplings,and some might not be able to eat them! So we should cherish the good life now and all things around us

  In the winter solstice,one of the 24 solar terms,there is a peculiar custom of eating dumplings.It is the traditional culture of Chinese people and brings us good wishes.






  介绍冬至的英语日记带翻译 8

  Its sunny today.Unfortunately,I cant enjoy the warm sunshine.Because Im sick,I have to go to the cold hospital to get some drops.Today is the third day of my illness.With the care of the doctor and grandma,my spirit has finally improved a lot and my appetite has opened up a little.I quietly said to my father: "Grandma said that today is the winter solstice night,and I want to eat chicken dinner." My father smiled and said,"This request is too simple.I will go to grandmas house in the countryside to catch a chicken for you and let you have a good meal."

  In the afternoon,I went home after hanging the salt water,and my father had also returned from the countryside.He brought back many things in large packages,including the "native chicken" I like to eat.I clamoured for chicken.Grandma couldnt beat me,so she immediately cleaned the fat chicken and put it on the stove to simmer.After a while,the house was filled with the smell of chicken.Grandma saw me salivating,and immediately she filled me with a big bowl.I tasted the chicken soup first.It was really delicious.I added a small piece of chicken to eat.The meat is fresh,tender and delicious.In the evening,Grandma also cooked sweet longan sugar and eggs for us,and I felt the strong flavor of the winter solstice again.

  Delicious chicken,beautiful winter solstice! Sweet sugar boiled eggs,sweet winter solstice night!




  介绍冬至的英语日记带翻译 9

  Today is the winter solstice.The Winter Solstice is one of the 24 solar terms and a traditional festival.This day is the shortest day and the longest night in the Northern Hemisphere.After this day,the day will become longer and the night will become shorter.In ancient times,people also had celebration ceremonies.Nowadays,people usually eat dumplings and dumplings on the day of the winter solstice.In addition,people in Hangzhou also have the custom of sweeping tombs on the winter solstice.Grandma decided to make delicious dumplings for us,and Mom made pumpkin pie for me.

  After my interest class,I smelled a burst of pumpkin pie as soon as I entered the house.I ran to the kitchen and saw my grandma frying pumpkin pie.Pumpkin cake was fried golden yellow by Grandma,and it smells delicious.After a while,my mother gave me a pumpkin pie to eat,and I took a bite.Ah! This is really hot.But its very sweet.Like a hungry tiger,I ate two and a half at a time.

  At lunch,Grandma made fried dumplings for us.There were many condiments in them,such as lean meat,razor clams,winter bamboo shoots,bean curd skin,Chinese cabbage,and golden needle mushrooms.These dishes smell delicious.Lets enjoy ourselves today.

  I like the winter solstice because I can eat a lot of delicious food.





  介绍冬至的英语日记带翻译 10

  Last night,my grandma asked me to have dinner for the winter solstice.Today,I asked my mother,"What is the Winter Solstice? Why do we worship ancestors?" Mom said,"Lets check online." I first found Baidu,and then input the word "Winter Solstice".Many titles related to the winter solstice immediately appeared on the page.I selected a title and clicked it.The winter solstice is one of the twenty-four solar terms and an important solar term in China.The commonly known "Winter Festival" is also the day with the shortest day and the longest night of the year.It is on December 21 or 22 every year.

  On the winter solstice,every place has its own customs.In Jiangnan area,we still have the saying that we will grow one year old after eating the dinner on the winter solstice,commonly known as "Tisui",and we also have the habit of eating the round winter solstice.In the northern region,it is customary to kill sheep,eat dumplings and eat wonton on the winter solstice.There is also a custom of offering sacrifices to heaven and ancestors in various regions on the winter solstice.I also learned about the 24 solar terms: the beginning of spring,rain,insects,the vernal equinox,and the Qingming Festival

  Through this Internet access,I learned the knowledge outside the textbook and also learned about our unique Chinese culture.




  介绍冬至的英语日记带翻译 11

  Today is December 22,the winter solstice of the 24 solar terms.On this day every year,our family will eat dumplings together,and this year is no exception.

  In the afternoon,our family gathered together to eat all kinds of dumplings,including mutton,big meat,radish...I suddenly thought of a question,eating dumplings on the winter solstice is the custom of the Chinese nation,but why eat dumplings on the winter solstice? I asked my grandma,and she said,"After eating dumplings at the winter solstice,you wont freeze your ears!" "But after the winter solstice every year,I still wear earmuffs.How can I explain this?" "Dont worry,Grandpa will tell you," said Grandpa,"There is another story about eating dumplings on the winter solstice.It is said that there was a medical sage in ancient times.One day when he came home,he saw some poor people whose ears were cold and rotten.He felt very uncomfortable.He put some cold dispelling medicine into the pot to boil,and then made the shape of ears with noodles.He put them into the pot to boil,so that the poor people could eat them,and their ears would be better within half a month...Well,lets not say more,here comes the dumplings~~" I thought to myself,eating the hot dumplings,I never thought there was a story about eating dumplings.My knowledge is too shallow.I must supplement my knowledge!




  介绍冬至的英语日记带翻译 12

  Today is the winter solstice,mother said to eat dumplings,the winter solstice eat dumplings is a custom in my hometown,eaten in the morning my mother and I went to the supermarket to buy dumplings materials.Have eggs and leek,after buying food back home mother will not idle,and began to chop stuffing,then I go to school before mom,start with noodles.Because is the first time and,first of all,I poured a cup noodles into the pot,pour warm water and began to face to,looks good,but not as easy as imagined,less water,the face is too dry,it is much more water,and the surface is thinning,repeated several times to get the surface and good,but too much,and the face Im afraid we eat at noon,at this moment,moms dumpling stuffing also chop,we will work up and started to make dumplings.

  Dumplings in the teaching of the mother,like like like dont like all packages,finally to eat,my own package dumplings.

  Really is happy day!




  介绍冬至的英语日记带翻译 13

  Winter is coming,when it comes to the traditional festival is my favorite,I cannot hide the excitement of the heart.Winter solstice can make dumplings,eating dumplings,it makes me feel the winter solstice is the most happy.

  Once in the winter solstice,my mother and I are ready to make dumplings materials: some meat,some of the wrappers.I picked up a piece of the wrappers on the left hand,right hand dug a little fresh,use chopsticks to dumplings lining.But fresh meat seems very lively,leap to jump,very not easy sealing top results open again...Making dumplings is really not easy!

  Speak of the winter solstice eat dumplings,there is also a custom! In my hometown - the north of henan province,the winter solstice every family tradition is to make dumplings,eating dumplings.As the saying goes: "the winter solstice misconduct dumplings bowl,frozen off ears is nobodys business."

  The custom of the northern winter eat dumplings is due to the memory of "the medical sage" zhang zhongjing winter solstice medicine left.Hungry people eat dumplings,to drink the "remove cold soup",and warm,fever,two ears frostbite ears were cured.

  No matter you have the habit of eating dumplings,wish everyone happy winter solstice,happily and family spent together the happy holiday!


  下午,我们一家人聚在一起吃各种饺子,包括羊肉、大肉、萝卜...我突然想到了一个问题,冬至吃饺子是中华民族的习俗,但为什么冬至要吃饺子呢?我问我的奶奶,她说:“冬至吃了饺子,你就不会冻耳朵了!”“但每年冬至过后,我仍然戴着耳罩。我怎么解释呢?”“别担心,爷爷会告诉你的。”爷爷说, “还有一个关于冬至吃饺子的故事。据说古代有一位医圣。有一天,当他回家时,他看到一些穷人的耳朵又冷又烂。他感到很不舒服。他把一些驱寒药放进锅里煮,然后用面条做成耳朵的.形状。他把它们放进锅中煮,这样穷人就可以吃饺子了。”人们可以吃它们,半个月内它们的.耳朵就会好起来。好了,我们不多说了,饺子来了~~”我心里想,吃着热腾腾的饺子,我从没想过有吃饺子的故事。我的知识太浅了。我必须补充我的知识!

  介绍冬至的英语日记带翻译 14

  On December ,3,the day is the Winter Solstice,it is an important day in China,it becomes a tradition.More than 00years ago,Chinese people had detected this day by measuring the sun.What is special on the day? The answer is that the daytime lasts the shortest while the night lasts the longest of the year.It means the new round of the solar term,the Winter Solstice is the earliest.

  As an old tradition,people treat that day a grand day,they celebrate it.In the north,most people eat dumplings,while in the south,people have rice dumpling and boiled dumpling.Though people celebrate in a different way,they share the same happiness,family get together and have a big dinner.Winter Solstice gives family a chance to get reunion,the young come home to have a chat with parents and promote their communication.



  介绍冬至的英语日记带翻译 15

  winter solstice to eat dumplings, had just got home to see my grandma is making dumplings, is probably guessed i didnt eat dumplings at noon, i to wash his hands to help.

  grandmother rub the dough, then rub into a uniform thickness of strip, and cut into the same size as the dough, sprinkle some flour, for fear of my face is not round rolling, grandma and help me get these little rest dough into a round another. roll the wrappers is a skill, strength is too big, will stick in the rolling pin on, uneven thickness.

  rest i put another roll into oval, and then turn it around, rolling the short side, if feel thick place, i will mend it again, this round it.

  next the package dumplings, which im not too skilled, grandma gave me a demonstration, according to the appearance of my grandma, i split the rest to another in hand, to dig a little dumpling stuffing put up, folded in half the wrappers, gently squeeze skin together, good, success。

  can i package dumplings really ugly, belly very prone on the table. grandma said it is because my bag filling is too little, then pack a, put more stuffing, the better.

  grandma said dont eat dumplings on the winter solstice, the ear will be frozen, i guess, must be because of the shape of the dumpling as the ears, and hot, eat dumplings, the ear is not cold, cold day will not be afraid. i dont want to ear was frozen, so i want to eat more and eat his package dumplings, very delicious。















