
时间:2024-05-25 13:23:05 音乐 我要投稿





  There are many kinds of music ,such as folk music,pop music ,rock music and so on.But my favorite music is classical music.because this kind of music'rhythm is very beautiful and softful,after you listen to the music,you will feel relaxed and forget all the unhappy things at present;Moreover,unlike pop music,classical music have its real meaning and we can learn something from it,so it can last for a very long time.What about you?Do you like classical music?.


  Since the new neighbors move next to my house, every morning, I can hearsomeone singing, and the voice is so nice. So I decide to say hello. Then I seea girl who is almost my age standing in the garden, and she is practicing hervoice everyday. She is very happy to see me and say hello to me. Since then, webecome good friends.


  Welcome to the music club. We need students for the music club. There are forty students in our music club. Can you play the violin? Can you play the guitar or the piano? Do you like music? Can you sing or dance? Come and join our music club! It is not difficult! It’s relaxing and easy. Next weekend, we want to have a music festival. Please call Mrs. Zhang at 123-4567.


  Everybody has a hobby. I like music best, and I think it is the most wonderful in the world.

  When I was a little girl, I liked listening to my mother sing beautiful songs. I could understand what the songs were about. Music has been my close friend for many years. Sometimes I enjoy sweet music so carefully that I forget everything else in the world.

  I don't want to be a singer when I grow up. But I think music can really make my life rich and colorful.





  The choice between spending money on tickets to a concert or spending money on jewelry is an easy one. Given this choice, I would buy jewelry. The reasons are obvious, jewelry is an investment; it is permanent; and it is fashionable.

  Jewelry like a gold bracelet for example is a very good investment. It is important for women( and for man, too) to have gold jewelry. If you have some serious financial problem, you could always sell your jewelry to help you over any rough spots. You could not sell your used concert ticket.

  Jewelry, unless you sell it, is permanent. You always have it ware. Each time you put it on , you will remember the day you bought it. It will give you pleasure for years and years. You could not wear the ticket stub from the concert.

  Jewelry is very fashionable. I would feel very smart wearing a beautiful gold bracelet or diamond pin. People would comment and tell me how much they loved my jewelry. They would compliment me on my good taste.

  I would feel very rich with my jewelry. I would have a good investment which is permanent and fashionable. Then, when someone invites me to a concert( and pays for my ticket), I will have something beautiful to wear.


  Music is an important part in my life,I even can't live without music. Actually,I like many kinds of music,I'd like to talk about my favorite music here.Well,I like Irish folk music best,New age is Irish style,and it's mixes some morden melody,it sounds very nice and pure,can bring you into the never land and dream land,just relax,and forget all the problems.I like Enya,she is a very famous New age singer,her song just like the voice of heaven,her song is as nice and beautiful as herself! I'm not keen on American pop songs,they are terrible for me!The melody is not soft and nice at all!

  So fast and strong beat,too exciting,and can't hear them clearly.I can't stand the strong beat,that nearly make me fainted! In a word,music has an very important place in my life.As for the importance of music to my life,I think you can guess,it just like meals and sleeping,I can't live without it.Does anyone want to take it away from me,I'm gonna fight him and never give up!


  Music Appreciation


  What is your favorite kind of music? Do you like jazz, popular music, classical music, folk songs, blues, and so on? In high school I took one course called music appreciation which I greatly enjoyed. This was not to learn how to play a specific instrument but to learn how to read and listen to music as an art form. We read the stories about the lives of many composers and the history of the musical instruments themselves. Sometimes we listened to tapes at the language laboratory, or concerts. Music is sometimes called a universal language. A composer who cannot speak a single word of our language can make us feel joy and pride, exaltation and despair, peace and mystery through his music.

  Singing Contributes to a Joyful Mind


  Of all the things that make me happy, singing is what I like to do best. I sing for no particular purpose. In short, I sing for fun. There is no limit to what I sing, so long as it can let out my emotion and pass the pleasant voice to others. It is something more satisfactory and exciting to draw echoes from them. It is nothing bad to spread joy around, is it? As you can tell, singing is my second life.



  What instruments are played?

  When is the music played?

  Who writes the songs?

  What are the songs about?

  Music is an important part of the Chinese people’s life.

  Traditional Chinese music is played with traditional instruments such as the pipa, erhu, suona, guzheng, huqin, etc. The songs are mainly about love, life and news. Some songs tell us legends long long ago. And they are often handed down from generation to generation. In the past, the best chance to hear it was during a festival or at a wedding.

  Modern Chinese music, on the other hand, is played with drums, guitars and keyboard. Some songs also use traditional instruments as well. The young musicians and stars write new songs and people can enjoy them all the time over the radio, on TV or even in the street.

  One thing that hasn’t changed very much is that they both are about love and life. Whether they change or not, our love for music and life never changes.


  In recent years, campus music has been commercialized gradually. More and more enterprises are interested in being the sponsors of college music festivals or award competitions of campus singers. Campus singers and songs are not confined to college campus any more but being pushed to the market gradually.

  The following factors can account for this phenomenon. On the one hand, some enterprises paying more attention to campus music is out of their sense of commitment to the society. They want to set healthy enterprise images before the public. On the other hand, nowadays entertainment marketing is very popular. Enterprises want to utilize entertainment activities to improve their notability and influence. College students, as the focus of the whole society, are a good choice for these enterprises. Of course, these musical activities have brought more chances for campus singers to show their talents to the public. Besides, campus songs have gotten more wide spreading. However, commercialization of campus music to some extent reduces its uniqueness. Induced by fame and wealth, some campus singers try to cater to the tastes of the public and lost their own styles gradually.

  Therefore, in order to make campus music develop more healthily, both the sponsors of music activities and our campus singers should pay more attention on music itself but not profits.


  Classical music is a broad term, which usually refers to the mainstream music produced or rooted in the western etiquette and secular music tradition. From the 9th century to the present, the core norms of this tradition were codified between and. This period is called the period of common practice.

  European music is different from many other non European and popular music forms to a great extent through its notation . From the beginning of the 20th century, Western staff notation has been used by composers to regulate the pitch, speed, beat, personal rhythm and accurate performance of music for performers. This has left less space for improvisation and improvisation This kind of music is often heard in European Art Music (comparing Indian classical music with Japanese traditional music) and pop music.

  In particular, at the end of the s, public interest in and appreciation of such formal music declined in the United States and the United Kingdom. In this period, classical music lagged far behind the great commercial success of pop music. In some people's opinion, although the sales of CDs did not represent the popularity of classical music, the word classical music did not appear until the beginning of the century, trying to change the concept of classical music from John Sebastian Classical music included in Oxford English Dictionary comes from about many writers who think that classical is an inappropriate term to describe the mainstream and avant-garde music created since the second half of the century.

  Therefore, threatening quotations are often used.



  Music is our common language. Without music, our life would be boring; without music, we would not be able to hold a group of excellent singers; without music, how can we describe colorful life?


  Music is a form of art, and pop music is a part of music, or sad or joyful or fanatical melody can always arouse everyone's views on life.


  The product of popular culture makes the art of music no longer belong to the nobility and literati, but also belong to the public. With the development of the times, pop music has also entered people's lives.


  "In the west, music is an industry. What has rebellious spirit again, brings into the orbit of consumption, it must experience the law of instant popularity and instant unpopularity. The commodity attribute in this is one of the essence of popular culture. Popular culture is consumed and constantly updated. " This is a piece of text recently seen on the Internet, or sad or joyful or fanatical melody, which always brings up people's various views on life.


  It is difficult to say that the relationship between Chinese folk music and pop music is inevitable, and it is also difficult to give a complete and correct orientation to the relationship between Chinese folk music and pop music. Chinese national music has existed for thousands of years. With the change of history and the constant change of people's ideology in various historical periods, national music also changes and develops, and has been playing a very important role. It not only reflects people's spiritual outlook in different historical periods, but also records people's daily life and human background in different historical periods in a special way of music. It can be said that after thousands of years of development, Chinese national music has formed a system with distinct characteristics. Chinese pop music, especially the so-called "modern music", can be said to be a faction under the impact of western strong culture. Although many musicians can use the form of "pop music" to express their lives and emotions, as music, it is no longer an art suitable for achieving transcendence, but a use value to be consumed in people's daily life. Although pop music sometimes seems to be very close to people's life and emotional world, it seems to be extreme and blind in the defects of the essence of spiritual characteristics.


  Music is our common language. Without music, our life would be boring; without music, we would not be able to hold a group of excellent singers; without music, how can we describe colorful life?


  Dear David,

  I'm writing to invite you to join me for the Guqin concert to be held next week as I know you are quite interested in Chinese culture.

  Guqin, an ancient seven-stringed zither, has traditionally been favoured by Chinese scholars and literati as an instrument of great subtlety and refinement. Founded in 20xx, Jiangnan Guqin Society has long been devoted to promoting Guqin music. It will hold a Guqin concert in Renming Theater at 3 pm next Sunday. And the famous young Guqin performer Deng Lizhu will be playing a classic music work, Flowing Water.

  Write to me soon if you're available for this concert.


  Li Hua








  Today is a very happy day. I have just watched a rockˊnˊroll music. When it became popular in the late 1950s, accompanied by accompanied by a great variety of energetic dance styles. The idea was to “ move to the music ” Anyway you felt like moving. Popular dance has become more and more free since that time. The music emphasized harmony and repeated melodies; the dancing , like the music, was smooth.


  Nowadays, electronic music is very popular around the world. First electronic music got popular from Lady Gaga, her creative dressing styles caught people’s attention and then people started to notice her music. They fell in love with her electronic music. Unlike rock and roll music, electronic music is more favorable by me. It makes me excited and I am totally lost in the wonderful music. Once my friends and I went to a music festival. There were so many people standing there and listening to the music. Especially when the DJ came out and everybody got excited. When the DJ played electronic music, my friends and I shook our bodies and joined the crowd to dance. It was such a wonderful experience for me. I will never forget the power of electronic music. It brings people together and share the same emotion.

  电子音乐现在在世界各地都很受欢迎。电子音乐是从Lady Gaga开始流行的,她奇特的穿衣风格引起了人们的注意,然后大家开始注意到了她的音乐,并且爱上了她的电子音乐。它跟摇滚音乐不一样,我更加喜欢电子音乐,这可以让我兴奋。我完全迷失在美妙的音乐中。有一次我和我的朋友们去了一个音乐节。很多人站在那里听音乐。特别是当DJ出来时,每个人都很兴奋。DJ播放电子音乐时,我和我的朋友都扭动着身体,加入了人群中跳起舞来。这对我来说是那么奇妙的经历。我永远不会忘记电子音乐的`力量,它使人与人走到一起,分享着相同的情感。


  Almost everybody loves music, because music has its power. It can bringsjoy to people when they feel upset. As for me, when I am not happy, I will turnup the music in my bedroom, singing loudly and shaking my body. As I'm immersedin the music world, I will forget the annoyance and become active again. Musicalso brings me the happy memories. Some songs have special meaning for ever I hear them, the happy memories will appear in my mind. I feel life issuch wonderful for me. Music is the most beautiful language in the world. Ittouches everybody's heart with beautiful rhythm.









