
时间:2022-03-26 11:29:45 月球 我要投稿





  I'm wearing a silver white spacesuit and flying to the moon in a spaceship. Looking from afar, the moon stands quietly in the vast space, surrounded by a circle of light blue halo, and exudes silvery white radiance. How attractive! I can't help speeding up the spaceship and heading for the moon.


  When I got to the moon, I saw the mountains around me protruding and extending to the distance. Some of them were like galloping horses, some of them were like lions, some of them were like peacocks opening their screens. They were so beautiful. Suddenly, I saw a silvery white light point flying towards me in the distance. The light point grew larger and larger. Soon, it fell in front of me and gradually became a flying saucer. I saw an opening at the bottom of the flying saucer and an alien came out of it. His whole body is light blue. On his small head, he has two huge eyes and ears like radar, which are hanging on both sides of his head. There are two antennae like wires on the top of the head, and the limbs are thin like straw, with a weak and irresistible appearance. He came to me, held out his tiny hand, shook hands with me, flashed his big eyes, gave me a beautiful box, and said to me, "I'm the messenger of s planet, I've given the most beautiful things of my country to the earth, hoping that friendship between the two countries will last forever!" I listened and nodded excitedly and accepted his gift. Later, I gave the alien a beautiful pale blue watch that I had worn with me. The alien enters the flying saucer. Soon, the flying saucer rises slowly and becomes a cone. The farther it flies, the more it disappears into space like a dazzling Venus.


  I watched the flying saucer go away, and suddenly I thought of the mythical sister Chang'e. By the way, why don't you go and see her? So, I quickened my pace, walked through the mountains and came to Chang'e's residence, Guanghan palace. I saw that Guanghan palace was all carved with crystal. The palace was supported by many thick icicles. The cold air around me made me unconsciously wrap the thick spacesuit, but I still felt cold. In the palace of ice sculpture, I saw Chang'e. How beautiful she is! Slim figure, wearing a stripe, white as ice and snow. The whole body exudes a noble, elegant and refined atmosphere. Red cheeked and cherry lips, just like being covered with pear and dew rose, are pure and gorgeous. She kindly said to me, "friend, you come from the earth, far away, taste the" osmanthus wine "in my palace!" I took the small glass and drank it all at once. I only felt a light fragrance in my mouth. I felt comfortable all over. I sat face to face with Chang'e, talking about the past and the present, and enjoying the great life together


  "Hello, Hello, Hello! Get up, sluggard! " My mother's voice rang in my ear. The moon, the palace, Chang'e and the wine glass all disappeared. Original. It's all just a dream!










